This story is based on actual events and persons. Any relevance to actual events or persons is completely intentional. Anyone who is offended by Homosexual Birds, Stereotypical depictions, inappropriate sexual comments, improper depictions of historical figures, gross exaggerations, or Corn Cob Looking Organisms is advised not to read any further.
In the year 5 BC (Before Cob) the world was a peaceful, and mostly edible place. But FIVE years later, a mysterious alien vessel appeared in Earth's orbit. This vessel, as we all know, was the Corn Cob. The Mothership for an alien invasion force, aliens THAT LOOKED LIKE Ears of Corn. By the year 1 DC (During Cob) half of the world had fallen to the Cob forces. But, on Jack Off day (the international celebration of young boys going through puberty) in the year 2 DC something began to happen. The Cob forces were being pushed back. It looked as though earth might win, but, suddenly the Cob forces unleashed their most deadliestest attack. The transformation attack (which, was later changed to the Cobbo Change, because of the fact that the word Transformation sounded too much like Masturbation) this dreadful attack was when the Cob People shed all the corn off their bodies, making them now appear to be Corn Cobs, and not ears of corn. This gave them "special powers" (which were all very sexual in nature, of coruse) these special powers allowed to cob forces to conquer nearly the entire world. Except for Spain (because no one wanted to be near spain) and HOMO Island. Now, HOMO island is famous now, but at the time it was obscure, and people thought it was an island where HOMOsexuals lived. But that is simply not the case. The word HOMO is an acronym for Heterosexual Ostriches Masturbating Often. This is a place where all of the Heterosexual Ostriches would Masturbate Often. These Ostriches had amazing abilities, such as the Masturb Wave ( best left undescribed) the Jew Bag, and the Olly Olly Olly Peck Attack(top secret) using these attacks the Heterosexual Ostriches Masturbating Often wrecked havoc on the Corn Cob forces. And by the year 7DC had driven the Corn Cobs away. After the Cobs had been driven away the world began to become more corrupt every year, after 50 years things became really bad. Spanish influence was every where, apples were outlawed, people would use anchors for dinner tables, and the foulest thing of all people were stealing human placentas left and right. Anyways, the HOMO Island Ostriches saw these things and decided it was time for a change. So, they established the Juu Force. Which quickly made most everything go back to good. Now ten years after the original Juu Force was formed a new Juu Force has been formed. The new Juu Force however was a terrible failure, until it was split up into 3 different 7 member teams. The three teams were The Rockin Team (All white guys who play in a rock band), the GANGstar RAPstar (called GANG RAP team, all of them are black and sing rap) an the Animationation Team (All Japanese people, that look nothing like Ethnic Japanese people, have varying hair colors such as blue and green, and all design video games and watch anime in their spare times, and they all use Giant Robots to Fight). THAT Ladies and Gentlemen is the NEO Juu Force!!!!*(((****)))* yeah yeah yeah (homosexual noises)
Picture of the Juu Force Headquarters: