Welcome to DALnet #Miri
The Content of Channel Rules and Regulation (TCCRR)
The channel operators in the channel will be doing their best to keep every visitor pleasant and comfortable. The operators will be there to control and prevent any abuses, impoliteness and disturbances.
Rules are created with every visitor in mind and they are never intended to bring any discomfort to cheerful and considerate folks.
General behaviour
The channel is intended to provide homely feeling to every visitor. One does not purposely create havoc and making rude remarks of others. (You do not swear to your respected friends do you?
In a public place, everyone is generally expected to behave in a courteous manner. Callous and uncultured mannerism deserves no attention from anyone and offender will be placed in a "repentence" centre which is far away from #miri channel.
Channel staff reserves the right to kick and ban anyone who is found to engage in the following activities in the channel :-
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