"The city refashions itself every day; every morning the people wake between fresh sheets, wash with just-unwrapped cakes of soap, wear brand-new clothing, take from the latest model refrigerator still unopened tins, listening to the last-minute jingles from the most up-to-date radio"
(Italo Calvino, Invisible cities).
By day the city of Venice is alive with the songs of the gondoliers, the shouts of the merchants peddling their wares, and the tourists squealing in delight over a new found sight.
However all that changes when the sun sets. By night Venice is stalked by something more sinister, something whispered to children by their mothers; stories told to each generation.The Venetians speak of the monster that lurks in the shadows, the creature seen only at night.If a tourist were to ask what this monster is, he would be told "Il Vampiro, The Vampire."
This is Venice and these are the nights of change...
Disclaimer:Venice: Nights of Change is an online role playing game,it is played exclusively on AOLTM.Venice: Nights of Change is based on Vampire the Masquerade©.A role playing game created and produced by White Wolf Studios©.For more information please check out their site by clicking on the link below.
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