Greetings, traveler...

I am Kyrthanna, and you are welcome to enter my small abode in the vast realm of cyberspace...

Unfortunately, I am currently remodeling, but...

feel free to warm yourself by the firepit
The Roadside Chapel is now open to welcome you.

Join the Druids in their Sacred Grove, just follow the path behind the stone..

Explore the Town Square

I cannot promise that the remodeling will go quickly, but I thank you for visiting and hope you will stop in again.

You are the

traveler to have visited my abode.
Thank you for entering
and please wander by again.

Please invite thy friends!
Scrawl Thy Name:

Scrawl thy E-mail:

Scrawl Thy Friend's E-mail:

Please Enter Thy Comments:

Receive copy:

Leave mail for Kyrthanna

Please click here to sign my guestbook! :}

If you'd like to go back to my neighborhood in Ballykissangel,
enter the cave under the waterfall.

Last Updated 12 Feb,2001 By Kyrthanna