call UST
call ORTA
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
sorgu = "Select * FROM NEWS WHERE onay = True ORDER BY hid DESC"
rs.open sorgu,Connection,3,3
Page = Request.QueryString("Page")
Page = QS_CLEAR(Page)
if Page="" then
end if
IF sett("mp_news") = True Then
Set hbr5 = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM NEWS WHERE onay = True ORDER BY hid DESC")
End IF
IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then
Set l_forum = Connect.Execute("Select * FROM MESSAGES WHERE topic = True ORDER BY last_post DESC")
End IF
IF sett("mp_news") = True OR sett("mp_forum") = True Then
End IF
IF sett("mp_news") = True Then
IF sett("mp_forum") = False Then
tblWidth = "450"
tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom2"
tblPosition = " align=left"
tblWidth = "230"
tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom3"
tblPosition = ""
End IF
End IF
IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then
IF sett("mp_news") = False Then
tblWidth = "450"
tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom2"
tblPosition = " align=center"
tblWidth = "230"
tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom3"
tblPosition = " align=right"
End IF
End IF
IF sett("mp_news") = True OR sett("mp_forum") = True Then
End IF
If rs.Eof OR rs.Bof Then %>
CharToWrite = 150
rs.pagesize = sett("haber_sayisi")
rs.absolutepage = Page
sayfa = rs.pagecount
For J = 1 TO rs.pagesize
IF rs.EoF OR rs.BoF Then Exit For
Set comments = Connection.Execute("Select Count(*) AS count FROM COMMENTS WHERE nid = "&rs("hid")&" AND page = 'news'")
Set cats = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM NEWS_CATS WHERE cat_id = "&rs("cat")&"")
End If
IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then
Set l_forum = Nothing
ElseIF sett("mp_news") = True Then
Set hbr5 = Nothing
End IF
Set rs = Nothing
if rightc("showforum")=true then
Set ls_forum = Connect.Execute("Select * FROM MESSAGES WHERE topic = True ORDER BY last_post DESC")
If ls_forum.Eof OR ls_forum.Bof Then %>
<% Else%>
<%For konubaslik = 1 TO 5
if ls_forum.eof then exit for
CharToWrite = 150
Set reps = Connect.Execute("Select Count(*) AS rCount FROM MESSAGES WHERE mhit = "&ls_forum("mid")&" AND topic = False")
Set formem = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM MEMBERS WHERE kul_adi = '"&ls_forum("mwriter")&"'")%>
End If %><%
end if%>
call ORTA2
call ALT