<% call UST call ORTA Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sorgu = "Select * FROM NEWS WHERE onay = True ORDER BY hid DESC" rs.open sorgu,Connection,3,3 Page = Request.QueryString("Page") Page = QS_CLEAR(Page) if Page="" then Page=1 end if IF sett("mp_news") = True Then Set hbr5 = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM NEWS WHERE onay = True ORDER BY hid DESC") End IF IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then Set l_forum = Connect.Execute("Select * FROM MESSAGES WHERE topic = True ORDER BY last_post DESC") End IF IF sett("mp_news") = True OR sett("mp_forum") = True Then %> <% End IF IF sett("mp_news") = True Then IF sett("mp_forum") = False Then tblWidth = "450" tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom2" tblPosition = " align=left" ELSe tblWidth = "230" tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom3" tblPosition = "" End IF %> <% End IF IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then IF sett("mp_news") = False Then tblWidth = "450" tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom2" tblPosition = " align=center" ELSe tblWidth = "230" tblBottomImage = "sidebox-bottom3" tblPosition = " align=right" End IF %> <% End IF IF sett("mp_news") = True OR sett("mp_forum") = True Then %>
/menu_bg.gif" height="25" width="100%"> /menu_bullet.gif" align="absmiddle"> <%=top_haber%>
<% If hbr5.Eof OR hbr5.Bof Then %> <%=no_news%> <% Else For last_news = 1 TO 5 IF hbr5.eof then exit for %>  "><%=duz(Left(hbr5("baslik"),30))%>  (<%=hbr5("ekleyen")%>)
<% hbr5.MoveNext Next End If %>
/menu_bg.gif" height="25" width="434"> /menu_bullet.gif" align="absmiddle"> <%=top_forum%>
<% If l_forum.Eof OR l_forum.Bof Then %> <%=no_forum%> <% Else For last_forum = 1 TO 5 if l_forum.eof then exit for Set reps = Connect.Execute("Select Count(*) AS rCount FROM MESSAGES WHERE mhit = "&l_forum("mid")&" AND topic = False") %>  "><%=duz(SmiLey(Left(l_forum("mtitle"),35)))%> (<%=reps("rCount")%> <%=replies_count%>)
<% l_forum.MoveNext Next End If %>

<% End IF If rs.Eof OR rs.Bof Then %> <%=no_news%>
<% eLse CharToWrite = 150 rs.pagesize = sett("haber_sayisi") rs.absolutepage = Page sayfa = rs.pagecount For J = 1 TO rs.pagesize IF rs.EoF OR rs.BoF Then Exit For Set comments = Connection.Execute("Select Count(*) AS count FROM COMMENTS WHERE nid = "&rs("hid")&" AND page = 'news'") Set cats = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM NEWS_CATS WHERE cat_id = "&rs("cat")&"") %>
/menu_bg.gif" height="25"> /menu_bullet.gif" align="absmiddle"> "><%=cats("cat_name")%> > <%=duz(rs("baslik"))%>
<% IF Len(rs("resim")) > 0 Then IF dbType = "personal" Then ImagePath = "../Db" ELSE ImagePath = "Images" End IF %> " align="right"> <% End IF If Len(rs("metin")) <= CharToWrite Then Response.Write MakeURL(DelHTML(rs("metin"))) Else Response.Write ""&DelHTML(Left(rs("metin"),CharToWrite))&"..." End If %>

<% Set nwmem = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM MEMBERS WHERE kul_adi = '"&rs("ekleyen")&"'") If NOT nwmem.Eof then %>"><%End IF %><%=duz(rs("ekleyen"))%><% IF NOT nwmem.Eof then %><% End If %> | <%=rs("tarih")%> (<%=rs("okunma")%> <%=h_readed%>)-( <% If Len(rs("metin")) >= CharToWrite Then %>"><%=news_read%> | <% end if %>"><%=news_comments%>(<%=comments("count")%>) | " target="_blank"><%=h_print%> "><%=h_sendfriend%> )

<% rs.MoveNext Next End If %>
<%=top_sayfa%> : <% Response.Write "" For y=1 to sayfa IF Page=y then Response.Write " ["&y&"] " ELSE Response.Write " ["&y&"]" End IF Next Response.Write "" np = Page+1 If NOT rs.Eof Then With Response .Write " " .Write "(� "&next_page&")" End With End IF %>
<%=top_haberler%> : <%=rs.recordcount%>

<% IF sett("mp_forum") = True Then l_forum.Close Set l_forum = Nothing ElseIF sett("mp_news") = True Then hbr5.Close Set hbr5 = Nothing End IF rs.Close Set rs = Nothing if rightc("showforum")=true then Set ls_forum = Connect.Execute("Select * FROM MESSAGES WHERE topic = True ORDER BY last_post DESC") If ls_forum.Eof OR ls_forum.Bof Then %> <%=no_forum%> <% Else%> <%For konubaslik = 1 TO 5 if ls_forum.eof then exit for CharToWrite = 150 Set reps = Connect.Execute("Select Count(*) AS rCount FROM MESSAGES WHERE mhit = "&ls_forum("mid")&" AND topic = False") Set formem = Connection.Execute("Select * FROM MEMBERS WHERE kul_adi = '"&ls_forum("mwriter")&"'")%> <% ls_forum.MoveNext Next%>
/menu_bg.gif" height="25"> /menu_bullet.gif" align="absmiddle"> Forumdaki Son Konu Ba�l�klar�
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<%if session("Member")<>"" then%> " method="post"> /IMAGES/Stats/reply.gif" border="0" align="right">
<%end if%>
<% End If %><% end if%> <% call ORTA2 call ALT