The Clan Cameron

  1. Branches: Lochiel, Erracht
  2. Mottos: Aonaibh ri cheile (Gaelic: Unite), Mo righ's mo dhuchaich (Gaelic: For King and Country)
  3. Slogan: Chlanna nan con thigibh a so's gheib sibh feail (Gaelic: Sons of the hounds come here and get flesh)
  4. Septs: Chalmers, Chambers, Clark, Clarkson, Cleary, Clerk, Dowie, Gibbon, Gilbertson, Kennedy, Leary, Lonie, MacAldowie, MacAlonie, MacChlery, MacLair, MacCleary, MacGillery, MacGillonie, MacIldowie, macKail, MacKell, MacLear,MacLeary, Maclerie, MacMartin, MacOnie, MacOstrich, MacPhail, MacSorley, MacUrlig, MacVail, MacWalrick, Martin, Paul, Sorley, Sorlie,Taylor.

There are several theories concerning the origin of the name Cameron. The most probable is that the first Chief, Donald Dubh was descended from the MacGillonies or from the midieval Cameron family of Fife. Donald Dubh married the MacMartin heiress of Letterfinlay and through great skill united the confederation of the tribes that came to be known as the Clan Cameron.

Here is the rest of Clan Cameron site.

Visit Robert Burns, Send Postcard.
Meet the Chief, Express yourself on the Forum.
The Gathering. Upcomming events of Clan Cameron.
The Piper. Pipe tunes here. We have won some awards too.
The Pictures from the Loch Norman games 1999 are finally posted
Loch Norman 1998 Games

Clan stuff to explore off the page

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