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You are Illogical!


Born 2264

Tuvok, despite both his parents being in Starfleet had a traditional Vulcan upbringing. After being accepted into Starfleet Academy Tuvok began his studies in 2288 at the age of 24.

He graduated with honours in 2293. But over the next few years he became disillusioned and disturbed with humanity and the egocentric nature of his human counterparts.

His first assignment in 2293 was on the USS Excelsior NCC 2000 (Commanded by Hikaru Sulu). After serving on the Excelsior for 5 years Tuvok resigned from Starfleet in 2298. He returns to his home planet of Vulcan and spends several years under going the Kolinahr discipline. A ritual that purges all traces of emotion left in the mind and attains a state of pure logic.

But in 2304 6 years into his Kolinahr Tuvok enters his Pon Farr. (The Vulcan term for the time of mating, which only happens once every 7 years).

Due to undergoing the Pon Farr Tuvok is forced to abandon the Kolinahr and for the next 44 years he spends and idyllic life on Vulcan studying and improving his logical thinking. In 2349 50 years after resigning his commission Tuvok returns to Starfleet.

His 2nd tour of duty see's him assigned to the USS Wyoming. After that assignment he's transferred to the academy to teach up and coming cadets. There he stays for the next 16 years.

In 2367 Tuvok meets Captain Kathryn Janeway when he is assigned to analyse her tactical performance from her latest mission.

Soon after this meeting Tuvok leaves the Academy and becomes Janeways Tactical Officer on her new command, The USS Voyager.

Almost immediately he's sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a Maquis cell. But soon after this, the ship he's on is transported to the Delta Quadrant which is approximately 70years away at max warp.
Soon after Voyager is sent to capture the Maquis ship an crew and recover Tuvok but they are also hurled into the Delta Quadrant.

In 2372 a transporter accident merges Tuvok and Neelix into one being. The new person calls himself Tuvix. Having the skills of both men Tuvix is a better cook and a superior Tactical officer. But Janeway has to force Tuvix to undergo a procedure using the transporters that brings back Tuvok and Neelix. But this sequence results in Tuvix ceasing to exist.