SETTING: Sometime after "Balance Point" while Mara Jade-Skywalker is pregnant.

SUMMARY: This short story was written in response to a Balance Point Challenge to write about one day in the life of a pregnant Mara.


DISCLAIMER: Anything and everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and I am making no money from this. I do not intend any infringement but only wish to entertain myself and hopefully a few others with my rantings.


 A Favor From Han

Mara stepped inside the massive hangar and looked around for the Millennium Falcon. She stood just inside the entranceway, rubbing her bulging belly as her eyes darted around for the distinctive ship where she knew she would find Han Solo.

"Shush, little one." Mara soothed her unborn child and was thrilled that he seemed to settle down a bit. Mara couldn't help but sigh contentedly, knowing he was due to be born in only a few weeks. Not only was she anxious to see him but he had been overly active the last few days and she felt drained of all energy. The walk to the hangar had seemed to take forever as she had walked much slower than normal.

Mara scanned the area for the now famous ship that had helped win battle after battle. The Millennium Falcon, along with its pilot and co-pilot, had played an important part in defeating the empire and maintaining peace against other enemies since the empire. Mara shivered slightly as she thought about the co-pilot of the Falcon.

Chewbacca’s death still lingered with them all and had bluntly reminded them that they were not invincible. Mara took a few deep breaths as her eyes finally located and settled on Han Solo. He was leaned up against the side of his ship and covered with grease. Since his co-pilot’s death, Han had practically lived in the Falcon ignoring all those around him who wanted to help. As Leia had repeated to her and Luke, it was almost as if Han had died with Chewie. Mara watched Han and was saddened by how lost and lonely he seemed. His shoulders were slumped and his motions betrayed a weariness that extended all the way to his soul. Chewie’s death and the war had taken its toll on everyone, but especially Han.

"Well, it's time for Solo to join us in the land of the living again." She mumbled, knowing what needed to be done. Whatever doubts she had harbored about doing this had vanished as soon as she had seen Han's deteriorating condition. Mara strode toward the corellian, now confident that this was the right thing to do, the only thing she could do.

Han saw her approaching and straightened up, trying to wipe some of grease from his hands onto his clothes. He smiled wearily at her, his dull eyes clouded with a constant pain from his aching heart.

"Jade, how did you get loose from Luke?" He asked jokingly. Luke’s over protectivness of Mara since she had become pregnant was the running joke amongst the tight circle of friends and family.

Mara groaned at the comment and knew exactly what he was referring to. "I stunned him with my blaster. I should have a few minutes before he comes to."

Han burst out laughing and Mara found herself laughing along with him, something she would never have done in the years past. Yes, Luke was right, pregnancy had definitely mellowed her out.

"Need to sit down Mara?" Han gestured to a large crate sitting beside the Falcon

She shook her head vigorously. "No, I think I'll stand." She laughed again softly "It’s been weeks since a certain Jedi Master has allowed me to stand. He thinks I should be in bed or at least sitting with my feet up constantly."

Han shrugged, not accustomed to her being so pliant but knowing it was a good time to say what he had wanted to for a long time now. "Mara, I've never seen the kid so happy. You’ve given him everything that he’s been searching for his whole life."

She nodded. "He’s done the same for me Han. He’s given me my heart and my soul back. And now," she patted her belly softly, "he’s given me a son."

Han was surprised. "A son? You mean you’re having a boy?" He knew Luke would be thrilled to have a son.

"Yes. We’ve known for awhile but decided not to tell anyone….except for you."

Han leaned back against the Falcon and Mara was once again struck by how tired he looked. He stared curiously at her.

"I don’t get it Jade. Why tell just me?"

"Because we have a favor to ask." Mara took a step closer to Han, not wanting to yell out her request.

"You and Luke need a favor from me?" Han was more than a little surprised.

"Yes, but I wanted to be the one to ask you."

She suddenly gasped and Han was beside her instantly.

"Mara, what's wrong. Are you all right?"

She laughed softly at his panic. "I’m fine Solo. The baby just gave me a hearty kick."

Mara stretched her shirt tightly over her swollen stomach. Han laughed as he saw her stomach move as if a tiny foot or fist was trying to poke through. He automatically reached out to touch the movement but stopped when he remembered that he was dealing with Mara. She laughed at his hesitation then reached out, took his hand and laid it on her stomach. Han giggled like a small child when the baby pushed against his hand. It had been many years since he could remember doing this with Leia.

"He does this all the time?" This tiny child that he couldn't even see was fascinating him.

Mara could feel Han's melancholy lifting slightly as he concentrated on the tiny being pushing back against his hand. "Yes, baby Skywalker is quite a rambunctious little boy."

For a few moments, they just stood there with Han’s hand on her belly and him smiling like she hadn’t seen him do in a long time. She hated to end the moment, especially since Han smiling was such a rare thing, but she needed to get this done.

"Solo, about that favor."

He immediately moved his hand away and looked at her sheepishly. "Ah, what do you need."

"Han…do you realize how important you are to Luke?" She shifted her weight uncomfortably; thinking Luke was right about not standing too much.

Han wasn't sure how to answer such a question. He and Luke had been brothers way before they had known Leia would make them such. There had always been a strong bond between them. He shrugged. "We’re family Mara. We’re all important to each other, including you." Han was beginning to wonder what this favor was all about. "What do you need from me, Mara?"

"Well, we need your name." She stated simply.

Han looked at her as if she were speaking a different language. "Excuse me?"

Mara then did something that surprised them both. She grasped Han by the forearms and turned him to face her.

"Han," She took a deep breath and hoped he would not refuse her this request. "Luke and I would like to name our son Lukas Han Skywalker."

Han stared at her for a moment, disbelief etched across his face. "What?"

"We would like your permission to name our son after you."

Han stepped backward, breaking the contact between them. There was a long moment of silence between them as they stared at one another. Han cleared his throat. "You’re ok with this?"

"Luke loves you, Han. Along with his sister, you are the most important person in his life. You are…we are a family. I think it’s appropriate that this child be named after his uncle."

Mara looked downward for a moment then back up at Han. "Besides, you’ve always been a friend to me. Even when I didn’t want you to be. I would…I would be proud to name my son for you."

Han continued to stare at her even when a tear slid down his face. He didn’t bother to brush it away. The child of Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker was already destined to be a great man, not only because of his Jedi heritage, but because of the two people who would be great parents. For them to think that he was worthy enough to name their child after tore at his heart at the same time it made it swell with pride. He offhandedly rubbed his sleeve across his cheek then slowly nodded.

"I would like that very much Mara." His voice was barely above a whisper.

She smiled with an openness that was rarely seen on her and Han realized that he was seeing the Mara that Luke loved so deeply. He returned her smile then Mara started to walk away. "I better go, Luke’s waiting for me."

Without thinking, Han stepped closer and took her by the arm. Mara felt his strong arms go around her. His voice was tight with emotion when he whispered. "Thank you. Thank you, Mara."

She hugged him back as much as her extended size would allow then drew back and quickly walked toward the hangar exit. She laughed softly as the familiar presence she had felt following her to the hangar tried to strengthen his concealment from her.

*Luke, why don't you just walk with me instead of hiding in the shadows watching me.*

*Didn't do a good job of hiding my presence, did I?*

*No, not really. But your son is due to be born in a few weeks. I knew you would not let me come to the docking bay on my own even though the Noghri are more protective than you are."

She stepped back through the hangar doors and up the hallway. She giggled like a child when she felt Luke's arms go around her as he stepped out of the shadows.

Han had watched Mara until she disappeared out the doors then he had reached down to pick up a hydrospanner to finish working on the Falcon. Han looked at it for a moment as his thoughts drifted to the new child that would be in his life soon and to the three children that were already a part of him. Han then sent the hydrospanner flying toward his ship, watching as it clanged against the hull then dropped to the floor. The three children that were grown in many ways but still needed their father, a father who had forgotten just that. Han struggled out of his greasy overalls, deciding that work time was over. He had a family waiting for him at home. A family that he hadn’t been spending very much time with lately but it was now time to change that. Han laughed as he also walked toward the exit. He had a wife and kids that meant the world to him and it was time for him to show them that. Besides, he had a nephew coming soon that he had to get ready for.