I bid you welcome - Welcome to Vlad's humble
abode on the WWW! It is (obviously) by some tragic mistake that you've stumbled upon this pathetic excuse for a cool homepage; but since yer here ye might as well take a look around, no? Am utterly confident that it will do absolutely nothing for
your intellectual development (trust me, it won't..); neither will it satisfy your eternal quest for the true meaning of life as we know it (ye know, they say life's a bitch but isn't it surprising how popular it seems to be?)...but at the very least t'might
be good fer a few laughs. Besides, if nothing else I'll give ye the chance to email the devilishly good-looking, charming, irrepressible; and above all, modest creator of this page (that'd be me!) - ye can scream, shout and call me vile names for wasting yer time. Most excellent fer relieving stress, believe me....
First off, you're probably thinking how and why the #!@%* I've saddled meself
with that ridiculous moniker at the top of the page there....have faith all will be revealed as ye proceed. Truth is, I made a complete bollocks of the first couple'a hundred times trying to get this damn thing up (my webpage, that is)....a bit of a techno-idjit, that's me....so thanks for stopping by!!
WANKER CENTRAL You're dying to know more, yes?
WINE Some words on the almighty booze
WIMMEN No obgligatory porno links, though...
SONG Music that matters
MUGSHOT This one's gonna be worth something someday, i hope...
I'd love to hear from ye!