Hi, you can call me Mr. Wright!
Well......i know, my site sucks, but at least i don't suck Hi, I'm a 12/male that goes to a school called Porter-Gaud. I'm in the 7th grade and I am not failing any subjects! The school that I go to is a private school. I live in Charleston, South Carolina. I have no pets (They always die). I like one girl in my grade. She is hot.

My life sucks. I am a rich kid that is spoiled. I totally am cool. But my parents hate me. My dad is a Devil and my mom is just a fat piece of lard. I never like to go out in public with them.

I have some cool pictures
i think i should just drink beer and be a couch potatoe. Nothing good happens to me. I like a girl named Virginia, i like movies, music, some reading, hanging out, soccer, baseball, football, rugby, watching T.V., and playing chess (Eventhough i play chess I am far as far away from a nerd as possible)
*thinks in head what 2 plus 95 plus 305 minus 5839 times 94 divided by -62 times 39 to the 79th power in head*

yahoo games
This is probably where you will find me (you will probably find me in Chess)

this is a sweeet South Park page!
this is the best place to get 3D pictures of South Park

this is my other crappy page
yes, it's true, there is a crappier page than this!

Email me on:
[email protected]

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