You have stumbled upon......

A Total Waste of Bandwidth !!

Wait... Don't go just yet. Stay for a bit and see what we're about.


Hello, and welcome to our humble page. Please feel free to criticize our works and send us hate mail. That's what we're here for. Yes that's right. We never read our mail, but it's there to make you feel like you have insulted someone. We may occasionally read some of the garbage, but it isn't likely to be yours.

This page was created out of spare time. This means it will only be updated when we feel like it and if we have something we feel we should add. So don't expect much until we start gettin' the clicks. So if you, for some strange and unexplained reason, are a fan of this page then tell your friends, bring your pals, and show your buddies and we will try our hardest to update JUST FOR YOU!!

Got comments or questions about our pages? Sure you do.... so send 'em to [email protected]


AH C'mon people it won't take that long.... you got time if you're HERE !!

AND NOW.....

The moment you've all been waiting for.... CONTENT!!


Notice how Austin dances in time with the music.... Does it make you horny baby ?? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question. Click on Austin to find some interesting wav files as well as some good midis we have found. If you have a particular song that you would like to have as a midi, but you can't find it....... E-mail us and tell us what you want. We might look for it, and we might not. Plus if you have midis or wav files you think we might like then send 'em to us. By the way our e-mail addresses are jokes, they work, and are registered, but we are CERTAINLY NOT RELIGIOUS FANATICS (not that there's anything wrong with that, a person's religious preference is all their own)... it's an inside joke you might say, just making fun of something. You'll get it later...


Virtual Sermon | Audio | DISCLAIMER

Confused Shoes | Off The Wall! | You Oughta Know..

We are constantly adding to this site...

Coming soon.... ONLINE SPOOF STORE...

This page was created on September 27th, 1998.

Last Updated: November 22nd, 1998