Welcome to Andrewie's Place Well, now that I took down the site, my little mind has been formulation again. I figure that now, instead of a site like before, I am making a friendly one. It will be me, and everyone I know. Actually, it will be used to compliment most of them, and have plenty of inside jokes so if you dont get it then you dont. I cant say why, but all day I have smelled taco bell and damn I am hungry. Anyway, I am trying to get this new site of mine on xoom, but it really refuses to do anything at all I want it to so I may be out of look, keep checking back for it however as you might be surprised by what you find here, chances are that if your reading this you'll have a pic up here and a short bio. This will be co-written by pretty much anyone who wants, that means that if you want to add a piece about someone on here, send it, but I am warning you, I am gonna attach your name, and its at my discrimination if it will go up. Also if there is someone you want to see up, let me know who, write the stuff about them, and if possible send me a pic, if you cant get a pic, then chances are I can get one....

Thats about it for now, but I have started my work so expect only greatness!