Here is the page, [fortune city] you made it.


Here are the downloads


Don't Cry No Tears - Neil 12/17

Lookin For A Love - Neil 12/17

Barstool Blues - Neil 12/17

Old Man - Neil 12/15



I?m thinking I?ll just post tunes on here as people are interested in them. Don?t give the address out yet, because the songs suck. Also, people shouldn't steal my stuff.



These new ones are from the album Zuma. Was able to record all backing tracks then play and sing Neil's part together. Rough mixes, (and content), but lotso fun.

Finished all three within 3 to 4 takes, and it shows.

Had to run microphone through the old Fender amp, and guitar went through effects processor, hence drier vocals, (no reverb, no coverup).



Lake Pics

Monarc Pics

Naked Pink Floyd Picture - Open away from kids if you are a mormon.