Do people think you are weird?

1. Someone asks you to the movies. Your response is:
What movie would you like to see?
Only if I am the star.
Guess What! I strangled a peacock this morning!!!!

2. When the phone rings, how do you answer?
I wait for the toaster to answer it for me.
what's a phone?.....oh a TELEphone, you must learn to speak properly, darling.

3. You missed an episode of your fave TV show. What do you do?
cry uncontrollably.
Ask your cat what you missed
borrow a tape

4. What is a cebú?
a what?....
well it is kind of like a cow. It's cousin is a bull. It's name is derived from the relative zebu........
a character on Veggietales

5. Your boy/girlfriend just dumped you. You...
confess that you only wanted him/her for their collection of dictionaries anyway.
cry then get over it.
say 'pardon' and then give them a big kiss.

6. You've just got back from a REALLY scary movie. You....
don't 'do'scary movies, they interrupt your state of mind.
tell everyone it's really good
make a fort out of cushions and spend the night in there with a gun and shoot in the direction of every noise.

7. your fave song is.....
whatever's on the radio
that really cool new song 'Blue Suede Shoes'...
whatever the little green man that lives in my ear is singing.

8. You would name your cat.....
why would i name my dinner?
Hey You.

9. You've just done something really embarrassing. What was it?
Fell down the stairs
Told your 84 year old Ancient History teacher how much you love them, then ran out of the room screaming 'There's a chicken on the flagpole'.
Farted into the school intercom.

10. Your cleaning your bedroom. The strangest thing you find is......
the squashed elephant you found on the road when you were 5.
a year old sandwich
your lost pet cat.

The higher your score, the weirder people think you are! (....or the weirder you simply ARE....)

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