In Front: Dorothy Tickle, Edna Tickle, and Mabel Tickle. In Center: John Thurman Tickle. In Back: Mary Tickle, Virginia Tickle, and Lester Tickle.
This photo and the next three were sent to me by Pam Kerschner with much appreciation. She is researching the Tickle surname for her sister's husband. Everything I have on John Thurman Tickle and his descendents comes from Pam's hard work.
In Front: Virginia Tickle, John Thurman Tickle with Estelle Tickle on his lap, John Tickle Jr. (Johnnie) in the lap of Anna Jennelle Tickle(John's 2nd wife) and Lester Tickle. In Back: Mabel Tickle, Edna Tickle and Dorothy Tickle.
John George Tickle
Elsie Katherine Farley
She was John George Tickle's wife. This photo and the one above are snapshots of the original pictures that hung in the home of Masoura Bradley Tickle until her death in 1976.
Evelyn Lois Tickle Fuller and Masoura Bradley Tickle
I have larger copies of each of these photos that show much more detail. They were resized for the web site, and hopefully will result in a faster loading page.