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Conversion Matrix
The Elite Force Conversion Matrix
Apr. 3, 2001.
Welcome to the Conversion Matrix!
This is the first official opening of the website. As of now, there are no files in the downloads section, weapons or player. Right now I am having trouble with the File Upload center of my provider. If you have any suggestions of where I can host these files, please email me! The quicker I get them up, the quicker you can download them! I do have a test download in the Player Models section. If you would like to download it, it is a small file that has nothing to do with Player models. It is a Quake I, II, and III model viewer, you can also view EF Models with it, if the download does work, or does not, email me telling me if it worked, or if you get an error message of some sort. If you have no idea what this site is about, head on over to the "About" section!