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  1. Can I upload my own jpegs and gifs?
  2. Can I upload multiple pages and graphics?
  3. Can I use anything other than Netscape 2.0 and above to upload files?
  4. Why doesn't the Advanced Home Builder work for me?
  5. Why can't I access the Advanced Home Builder from my bookmarks?
  6. How do I use subdirectories?
  7. What is the file size limit?
  8. Can I use Netscape Communicator 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0 to upload files?
  9. How do I use FTP to transfer my files?
  10. Can I use my Web Page Developer to upload my pages to FortuneCity?
  11. Uploading and Downloading Files with FTP
  12. For additional help

1) Can I upload my own jpegs and gifs?

Yes, once you have secured a home you can upload graphics using the Advanced Home Builder.

2) Can I upload multiple pages and graphics?

Yes, once you have secured a home you can upload graphics using the Advanced Home Builder, or an FTP program.

3) Can I use anything other than Netscape 2.0 and above to upload files?

If you are running Windows 95 or NT and you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 you are able download and install the File Upload Add-On which will allow you to upload files. Click here to download this add-on.

4) Why won't the Advanced Home Builder work for me?

The Advanced Home Builder recently was upgraded for superior functionality, and now includes javascript. This means that people who are using older browsers or computers may have trouble with the Advanced Home Builder. WebTV users will also have difficulty. If you can do, we recommend that you upgrade your browser to a later version of Netscape or Internet Explorer.

However, we are planning on implementing a new non-javascript Advanced Home Builder that you can use, which should be avaialable extremely soon.

5) Why can't I access the Advanced Home Builder from my bookmarks?

You will not be allowed into the Advanced Home Builder from a bookmark, as it needs your USERNAME and PASSWORD to get in. Even if it does ask you for this, you may be lead to a screen saying that it 'cannot access the registry entry'. The best way to access the Advanced Home Builder is from the 'Build' icon at the top of this page.

6) How do I use sub-directories?

To use your new subdirectory functions, click on the 'make new directory' button in the Advanced Home Builder. The Builder should reload, and the subdirectory will appear as a link. Click on the link and it will take you to another Advanced Home Builder page, which is your subdirectory. You can then edit, add, view as normal.

Unfortunately, as of yet there is no 'move' option to transfer your files from one directory to another, but hopefully that will be available soon.

7) What is the file size limit?

There is a 10 mb file size limit for uploading files.

8) Can I use Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer 4.0, or 5.0 to upload files?

No, IE and Netscape 4.0 is a beta release of the browser that still has bugs in it. Internet Explorer 5.0 is also unsupported, and there may be problems with Netscape Communicator 4.0 and 4.05. FortuneCity does not support beta or trial versions of any browsers.

9) How do I use FTP to transfer my files?

First of all you need an FTP program such as Cute_FTP or Fetch. If you do not have one you can get them for free from Shareware.com.

If you have the program you must use the following details:

HOSTNAME - ftp.fortunecity.com
PASSWORD - your FortuneCity PASSWORD

You will be dropped directly into your folder, where you can upload, download, delete and rename your files. You can also create subdirectories.

If you have more than one home (using the same USERNAME), the FTP client will only recognize that you have one and you will have to upload to the other using the Advanced Home Builder.

If you do not have an FTP application, you can FTP using Netscape 2.0 or above. To do this enter the following URL in the location bar

ftp://UserName:[email protected]

ie. If your details are as follows

USERNAME - cyberdude
PASSWORD - abc123

You would put the following URL

ftp://cyberdude:[email protected]

To upload files simply drag them into the Netscape window and they will upload automatically.

10) Can I use my Web Page Developer to upload my pages to FortuneCity?

No you can't. There will often be complications with web developer uploading facilities, especially Microsoft Frontpage, as we do not currently support Frontpage extensions. We recommend you use either the Advanced Home Builder or FTP.

11) Uploading and Downloading Files with FTP

Uploading and Downloading Files with FTP.

12) For additional help

click here.

If you have any further questions please contact
[email protected]

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