Last updated 04/18/1999
Welcome to
home on the Web ! !
site is a work in constant progress, updated for
your daily
, uh - weekly
, oh hell; OCCASIONAL entertainment
and enjoyment!
Whutz Nu? New Stuff! (4/18/99- Lots' of stuff)!
NEW NOTES on ATTITUDE: Rongness is as Rongness does. I'm only human, (not bovine). That said, for my part I will endeavor to keep these pages ENTERTAINING and HUMOROUS, and try not to insert my own particular brand of sarcasm and outrage, etc., into this site. There STILL may be some things which people don't agree with, but keep in mind: "You can't please everyone...". Occasionally, I'll have some views on current situations: Gun control, abortion, censorship, freedom of speech/actions, legal decisions and cases. When I do, look for and click on my "eyes" to get what I percieve to be the two opposite sides of the controversy. I am after all, a middle of the road kinda guy - I served in the military for ten years, and believe that the USA is the best damn country in the world! HOWEVER - I am also pro-choice, in almost all of the freedoms we are supposed to have as citizens of this Democracy, and believe whole-heartedly that the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness should be as unregulated by ANY group, (Religious, government, society, etc.), as can possibly be, while still maintaining social balances.
When you click on the "eyes", you will be taken to the left point of view for the left eye; and the right point of view for the right eye. (For my first comment, I'm tackling the Dr. Jack Kevorkian controversy). All of this will be accessible from the "rongness" page!
Also new: I have the computers networked, and the scanneer and camera re-attatched. I haave also downloaded a LOT of JAVA and graphics software, and will be screwing around with all of it in the days to come! So who knows WHAT you'll be seeing on the new "Daily Artwork", to be found in the Photo's page! Animations, Java effects, photos and graphic renderings by me. Take a look!
And finally - check back here to look at what may be happening on the site, I never know what or when I'll do something to the page(s), but I will try to keep you informed.
So stay tuned, keep all arms and hands inside the windows, and PLEASE don't feed the animals!!!
There are:
So come on in, grab a
link from below, and cruise the site!
If you enjoy yourself, sign the guest book thats on the Rongness
If you DIDN't enjoy yourself, what the heck,
sign it anyhow, and leave a suggestion for improvement!
See you later!