Welcome to Bravo Company, 305th Military Intelligence Battalion's Completely Unofficial website.
-- Any Drill Sergeant in Bravo Company,
At Any Time
Sick Call, Anyone?

Bravo Company has some fucked up shit going on in its policies...  For example, if you miss PT during the week, even to go to sick call, you have to make it up on Saturdays, the only real time you get off...

A story of what will be to come:

PVT. Richter:  Damn, I can't quit coughing!
PV2. Vance:  I know how you feel... I've been feeling like I was about to die for about three weeks now...
PVT. Richter:  Well, why don't you go to sick call?
PV2. Vance:  Because I don't think we get enough time off as it is, and I don't want to sacrifice my Saturday doing PT, because I missed it going to Sick Call...
PVT. Richter: Yeah, that's why I  haven't went to sick call, yet...

Two days later...

Phone in Orderly Room: Ring, Ring!
DS: Drill Sergeant here, B Co. 305th... how may I help you Sir or Ma'am?
Phone Voice: This is Colonel Grant.  A private Vance passed away today at the hospital from a severe respitory disease... If he had went to sick call a week or two earlier, we would've been able to save him... but, as he informed me before he died, he didn't want to go to sick call, because he was worried about having to make up PT

Could this have been prevented if the stupid Bravo Company policy concerning the missing of PT was carefully considered as in terms of long term effects instead of being thrown together, like every other plan of Bravo Company? Yes, it could... This story was fiction, but the fact is that many people in B Co. resist going to Sick Call because they enjoy their time off on Saturdays and they really shouldn't have to make it up...

In other words, someone should get their heads out of their asses and review some of the SOP very carefully...

Bravo Company Spotlight 
MSG Bauldry will be the first person in Bravo Company to have a spotlight.  Coming soon, so keep checking back to see when it is posted...

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