The American Okinawan Karate Associates of Isshinryu Karate
Isshinryu Karate and Kobudo Pictured are Masters Jesse Gallegos and Wm Birdsall. Isshinryu karates founder Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei was born in Okinawa in 1908. He began his study of karate at the age of eight. His first instuctor was his uncle, who taught Shimabuku Sensei Shuri-Te (Shorin-Ryu).Master Shimabuku later trained under Kyan Chotoku Sensei, who was a famous Shorin-Ryu master. From shorin ryuMaster Shimabuku learned: Seisan Kata, Naihanchi Kata, Wanshu Kata, Chinto Kata and Kusanku ,which would later become part of IsshinryuMaster Shimabuku was also a student of Goju-ryu under Miyagi Chojun Sensei. From Goju-ryu Master Shimabuku learned Sanchin Kata and Seiunchin Kata which would later be incorporated into the new style.Master Shimabuku combined the techinques and philosophy of his teachers into his own system, which he called Isshinryu"One heart method". Shimabuku Sensei and created Sunsu Kata Master Shimabuku was taught Kobudo Prior to the Masters death it was published in an article by Mas Bucholz that Isshinryu has a living master Tatsuo Shimabuku.He is not active anymore but has handed the reins of Isshinryu to his son Kichiro Shimabuku whou will become Isshinryus head master in the old Okinawan tradition of father to son.Master Tatsuo Shimabuku passed away in 1975.Master Kichiro Shimabuku 10th dan heads up the Isshinryu World Karate Associationfrom Guchikawa City Okinawa
The A.O.K.A. Logo is red white and blue signifying we are an American Association.The sheild fist and sai signify our martial skills are used for defence only.The Three Stars are representative of the founders of the A.O.K.A. Hasters Jesse Galleos,Jane Gallegos,and Herman KussroIsshinryu Karate was Introduced to Aurora Ill. in 1963 by the Late Sensei James Chapman, and Sensei Doug Noxon.Sensei Chapman was a student of Master Don Nagle. The dojo at the Y.M.C.A. Had been Judo and Tang Soo Do.My earliest memories in the dojo concerning karateka is young students ,I among them, trying to watch and see all we could of the Karate Class.Kids were not only not allowed in class but not even allowed to watch.Before and after Judo class sometimes sensei Noxon would do some kicks on the bag.He was a big barrel chested man yet he could do side kicks back kicks and jump kicks and fold a heavy bag around his leg like it was tissue paper.Stories are told of an incident in Michigan where Sensei Noxon was doing such kicks and it was neccesary to apologize to the barber next door for things flying off his wall.Sensei Noxon drove a city bus.We would chase after the bus asking sensei for a ride.Then we would sit behind him and ask all manner of questions.He always seemed to have time for us.Sensei Noxon moved to Michigan and introduced Isshinryu there.On April 27 1971 Sensei Noxon was killed in an automobile accident.On May 2 1971,on his way from Illinois to Michigan to attend Sensei Noxons funeral Sensei Chapman died in a crash.These events left Sensei Jesse Gallegos the senior instructor.Master Gallegos over the years greatly expanded Isshinryu in the area and across the�country.He organized the American Okinawan Karate Associates.Instructors from the Aurora Based A.O.K.A. are across the United States,Mexico,Puerto Rico.The A.O.K.A. has an instructor in Finland and Denmark.Master Jane Gallegos hosts what is believed to be the oldest running Isshinryu tournament in the spring of each year.In Jan 1995 MAS jesse Gallegos Pased away.Mas Jane Gallegos Ju-Dan continues his work as head of AOKA The American Okinawan Karate Associates
Caption 3Greene County Isshinryu Karate & friends
In 1977 we moved from Aurora Ill. to Greene Country Indiana.Here we opened Greene CountyIsshinryu Karate.Here we have been blessed to work with some of the best students one could ask for.Folks who have given 20 years and more to the martial arts.Mas Steve Walden 7th Dan and Sensei Ronetta Love 6th Dan teach Isshinryu at the Ogburn Family Dojo in Terre Haute In.The Dojo features Chun Do Kwon Tae Kwon Do and Isshinryu.We taught in Dojos under the Greene County Isshinryu Name in Bloomfield,Worthington and Linton Indiana.
Pictured at left Senseis
Bob Houston and W Birdsall at Sensei Houstons linton dojo.
In Linton we have in recent years been working with Sensei Bob Houston in his Linton Indiana ,American Karate Kickboxing Dojo.Bob was Jr High age in 1977 and his sensei and students would visit our dojo.Bob has studied Isshinryu under us and He is my Jui Jtsu Sensei.Bob traveled with the Bill Wallace folks and fought PKA in that organization.Bob is a well rounded martial artist with rankings in Karate,and Jiu Jitsu.He is the best with kids I have ever seen and is a real credit to the Arts.If any time your in the area,look us up!

Isshinryu World Karate Association IWKA home page

American Isshinryu Karate Association.Lots of good info history and pics

Nippon Ketsugo Kai USA. Prof L Hilton

New Orleans Isshinryu.A great site with lots of historical info,and Pics. Isshinryu Karate Do with a little Louisiana hot sauce!!

Peter Urbans "official?" USA Goju site. Interesting site.I believe it is intended to be humor.E mail me tell me what you think.

[email protected]

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