September, 21 2001 Well, Marvel vs Street Fighter has not been released yet, but it will come very soon! MAYBE EVEN TOMMORO! I am sorry I have not made very many animated gifs lately. But give me about 2 or 3 days to play Marvel Vs Street Fighter and I will start making animated gifs of that. September, 19 2001 Well, I am still waiting for the Marvel vs Street Fighter xors, unlike the people at retrogames, I am not demanding it right now. Then dont see to realize that the longer you have to wait for something the more greatfull you will be for it. So the wait will just make me want to play it more, and I think thats what Razoola is aiming for with this game. My Marvel vs Street Fighter section is up, but there isnt very many animated gifs from the actual game (duh). That section will be dedicated to Razoola along with all of the animated gifs I will make for that section ^_^. THANK YOU RAZOOLA! _____________________________________ September, 17 2001 Aperantly people at think that they should get xors for games there already have befor everyone els. They need to shut up and realize that there are other more greatfull people who are waiting just as much (if not more) for the same stuff. I have plenty of time, Im in no big rush to get FREE game after FREE game. _____________________________________ September, 16 2001 I have some good news. Not as good as getting the marvel vs street fighter xors, but still good. Ryu7x from Emulation7x told everyone today that Razool has sent his Marvel vs Street fighter board back to the owner. Now that would have to mean that he has the xors and that there working. So we can expect the xors any day now. This is going to be great! I also got my link section up. I think it looks good now |