Welcome to THE place to get free downloads. Each week, we'll feature a piece of digital art, an mp3, and a cool freeware program that our staff have dug out from the recesses of the WEB. Better yet, you can have these burned onto a CD for a buck...a BUCK!...you can't even get a POP for a buck anymore.... |
This week's selection: |
A nice little picture file from the world of abstract art. Would make a really nice addition to any digital gallery, or even a desktop photo. Please, provide a nice, caring home for this lovely piece of art. Hehehe. |
A wicked Hip-Hop/Rap style MP3 by Future Shock, featuring L.A. Symphony. These guys really aren't bad. The lyrics get a bit redundant after a while, but other than that, it's definitely worth a listen! |
Okay, so we lied a bit. This isn't exactly FREEWARE...it IS, however, Shareware, for an awesome game that'll help you waste even MORE countless hours in front of a radiation emitting monitor. This game is definitely one of the best relatively free downloads we have EVER gotten our grubby meathooks on. It's 4.4megs and worth every bit of space it takes up....highly addictive! |
And, as promised, get this week's copy of free downloads burnt on a CD for only a BUCK! |
Want to be featured here? If so, send your message, with a file attatchment to [email protected] . You should receive a reply within 72 hours. To inquire about advertising with MHA, either on the website or on any form of media, please send an email to [email protected] . We appreciate your interest! |