Please, all Black & White users check back for Sons of Origin clan info
Welcome, welcome all of you. How do you like my web site, I know it's a bit small right now but I am going to expand it as much as I can, or until I reach the maximum space my server allows. If there is anything that should be on my page but isn't then just go to the contacts page and e-mail me your ideas. I would really appreciate it if you sent me any HTML codes you have or games and such. I would really appreciate some new page ideas.
November 10, 2001-
Today this web site was created. Its not online yet but it will be once I am finished.
November 11, 2001-
Got a lot of work done on the page considering I had a lot of things to do. My first RPG is now available in the downloads link. I'm trying to get some games on this page but as of now I am unsuccessful in finding one, if you know anywhere I can get an HTML code for a game e-mail me or send me and instant message.
November 27, 2001-
I'm going to launch this site soon, I can taste it, it kinda tastes like hot dog's. The chances are your not reading this so... I hate you, I always have hated you. I'm just updating today, had to add PEINY to the newbie inside list.
November 28, 2001-
I'm going to try to launch my page, I hope it works.
November 29, 2001-
All attempts to launch web site have failed, I've resorted to plan B, bitching to my server, but I will recover and try again.
November 30, 2001-
I did it! This web page is on the web, published and finished, ohh yeah. Updates will of course still be coming and I could use some of your suggestions and what else I should put on this web site.
Birthday of Little King II!
December 2, 2001
Made some minor upgrades, nuthin' great though, new games are on the way so keep checking Events and Fun Stuff.
December 3, 2001-
I made a new page, its called The Press, its just like reading the newspaper but with less important the news and more profanity.
December 4, 2001-
Minor updates again, added to The Press so now you can send me any articles you want on my web site, but only good ones, got it.
December 7, 2001-
Updated The Press and Classic inside jokes, and I'll give you a hint, something new is coming to the pictures and photo's page.
December 8, 2001-
First Snow of the Season!
December 12, 2001-
Updated The Press, Aquaman page coming soon, and when I say page I mean page, I'm going to have everything about him on it, all that I can find.
December 14, 2001-
Very minor upgrades, you probably wont even notice them.
December 15, 2001-
Added a games page and some new games, going to be adding some more games to it soon.
December 17, 2001-
I am having some graphic errors so new nave bar buttons will be delayed, right now I am just in the process of making my site more user friendly and easier to navigate.
December 20, 2001-
I added the little hat to the Little King II sign, and yes I know its blue and not red, it maches my site.
Christmas 2001-
I added some downloads to the download section as a Christmas present to everyone! Enjoy!
December 26, 2001-
Sorry about the christmas downloads, I've been having trouble uploading programs to my page. New articles in The Press
January 4, 2002-
Its the new year and so far things are going slow, my hits per day has settled down to just 8 so try spreading my web site around, please. Anyway, I took that Santa hat off the Little King II sign and thats pretty much it. New press articles are coming as a well as new games.
January 7, 2002-
New Press article, please come back often as I update a lot.
January 15, 2002-
New pages! Now I have a page devoted to desktop backrounds. Check it out. Of course more updates are coming soon and also more desktop backrounds.
January 18, 2002-
Added new inside jokes to newbie inside list.
January 20, 2002-
Updated and changed the news headlines in the news section.
January 22, 2002-
I added some things in the inside page.
January 26, 2002-
New press article.
February 22, 2002-
I haven't updated this site in almost a month, I'm real sorry about that but I've been busy. Enought about that couse now I'm back, and I have brought new ideas for my site, have you ever been without a witty coment or inapropriat pickup line, how about a funny quote for all uses, well get ready becuae I will do my hardest to bring that to you. And yes, my e-mai is still down so please be patient because I know you all want to send your articles to me so bad, right? Well I have a new, rather short, press articles and thats about it but please keep coming back loyal Little King Patrons.
April 1, 2002-
I have finaly fixed my e-mail account so that you may all e-mail me your sugestions and conments, more updates still to come.
April 2, 2002-
Very short Press article about Spring Break added. New desktop backgrounds are on thier way. I have updated the Inside password so contact me for an update, you will need to provide the previose password in the coments box to get your renewed password.
April 10, 2002-
I've added a very cool desktop background, it is by far my greatest and most elaborate computer image yet.
April 12, 2002-
One more desktop background, its rather simple but its a good one.
June 16, 2002-
The summer is here, and that can only mean one thing. As a matter of fact it means one thing that opens into a bunch of other things but one thing in particular... Lack of responsibility. I updated some thing, mostly on the inside pages, but most of you don't have the password, as a matter of fact only 4 people do. Enjoy my site and let the freedom of summer run through your veins.
July 22, 2002-
I added one more siple yet fufuling background and a new press article, enjoy the second half of your summer. More to come.
October 29, 2002-
No new updates but I'm a winter person so I jsut decided to add, First Snow of the Season!