Welcome to the home of
This site is dedicated to average to above average Starcraft Broodwar and Diablo II players. None of the
members of our clan are professionals. In fact, only Jason and Glen play any Ladder games at all.
However, I believe that despite the many sites out there describing Starcraft strategies, none of them
address games that take place most often on battle.net, namely 2v2 or 3v3 games on Big Game Hunters. I
hope that this site can cater to the needs of this large gaming population.

As for Diablo II, many websites show a great number of articles detailing strategies for each of the 7
character classes. However, what I believe is lacking are detailed build orders on how someone is able to
get all the way through Hell difficulty on their own. I will describe how I defeated Diablo in Hell, included how
I allocated my stat and skill points at each and every level I earned throughout the game. I will also provide a
build order for each of the classes and how my characters are faring using these exact build orders.
05/17/02 Revised the Whirlwind/Berserk Barbarian build order, which is now V2.1.
Starcraft Broodwar Section
Diablo II Section
James Redula (aka Artemis_E, Ender[SkF], J_K_R, jkredula, Drizzt72)
Jason Redula (aka Sohoman, Webslinger516, [JKR]Webslinger)
Vic Redula
Cynthia Yoshimura (aka Mayucyn, Femmefatale916, Bebeh, Bebeh 916, OriginalCyn)
Dave Wang (aka Davyseal, +DS+)
Vinh Lu (aka +++q+++, ---q---, !!!q!!!)
Vincent Yee
Glen Xiong (aka oogx, gxoo)
Brett Lee

Comments? Email me (James Redula) at [email protected]
Want to talk to us? If you ever feel so inclined, stop by channel UCDMC on battle.net and chat with us
between games. By the way, in case you were wondering UCDMC is the abbreviation for the University of
California Davis Medical Center, where the doctors in our clan (myself, Dave, Vinh, and Glen) used to spend
alot of our time. If you have ICQ you can contact me via my ICQ #: 31499387.