Welcome To the Wolf Pack Survival Network Home Page


The Wolf Pack Survival Network Tenet

We the members of the Wolf Pack Survival Network, being like minded individuals, and concerned with the degeneracy of the moral fiber of the leadership and citizenry of the nation, take pause to consider the path and consequences this nation now travels be it a manmade or natural occurrence, and the departure from the founding fathers blueprint for this nation.  Where all People are created equal regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin. However, honor is earned and respected on a daily basis through hard work and honesty.  We believe in the Constitutional Republic and the rights declared by our founding fathers, granted us by God above, and penned in the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.  We remember those who sealed these rights with their blood.

As men, women, and children in the membership of the Wolf Pack Survival Network, we recognize that to claim and enjoy these rights, there is also responsibility, accountability and trustworthiness, words whose meaning is long forgotten by today's leaders, government, and role models.  Yet each person in their essence knows they are liable for their own actions and judiciously so.  This being the only illegitimate and appropriate course, we prepare for the inevitable hard times ahead by sharing vital survival information, training, practicing the survival skills, and helping each other in their preparations.  Believing that the fallacious efforts of a heavy-handed government have, in truth, abridged and altered our rights and must be reversed.  Being a free people we resist oppression from any government or others, and must stand vigilant against those who would undermine our rights and freedoms, maintaining the respect of those around us by action and deed.  That as law abiding citizens we have the right to prepare for the future whatever it may bring, for the preservation of our families in whatever manner we deem necessary while not infringing on the rights of others.

We are guided by our belief in God and the law as it was intended by the Founding Fathers. Where no person or group of people is above the law by virtue of wealth or public or private position. Law that is both firm and just to all, upheld by persons of integrity. Where law, real justice, and a non intrusive government are accountable to the people for a change. We further realize and understand that God means something different for all of our members. On these principals the Founding Fathers wrote and the Wolf Pack Survival Network shall always stand.


What is the objective of the Wolf Pack Survival Network?

 Our purpose is to provide information and network support for like minded individuals concerned with surviving natural or man made disasters, civil disturbance, societal collapse, and other unforeseeable incidents which threaten this great nation. With the advent of the Y2K problem, more and more people are turning to the survivalist movement for answers to the problems of food storage, alternative medicine, and united support against armed marauders.
We, the founders of the Wolf Pack Survival Network, offer our support to those survivalists who seek information in a world gone mad without regard for  your race, creed, color, religion, lifestyle, gender, etc.

There Is Strength In Numbers!

Weekend Warriors, Racists, and Armchair Commandos please note:

Wolf Pack Survival Network Membership

~Network Status~

At this time we are no longer accepting members for Network Status. We are still accepting aplications for Full membership and will continue to do so until further notice. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope to be reopening this level of membership again in the near future.

~Full WPSN Membership~

Full membership status in WPSN means that members share in vital information such as Rally Points, standardized equipment lists, radio freq.'s, members only mailing and discussion lists, members only chats. All network members and recruits must submit a bio to the recruiting officer and under go a basic background check before being granted full membership status.


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