See these two guys at the end of the Bar? Listen to what their saying:
Jake:"I got a Doberman Pincher for
my wife the other day."
John:"Damn, wish I could make a
trade like that for mine. HEY ARCH, bring me another BEER. "
"OK John, coming right up. HI, Bob, What will you have?" says Arch
Bob;"Gimme something tall, cold & full of whiskey."
John;"Hey, take my wife, she's always cold and full of whiskey, not too tall though!"
"Laughter from around the Bar"
Arch;"Man, you guys are too much, John, I hope your wife doesn't hear about this"
John;"If she does, I'll get a Doberman for myself, one DOG is as good as another."
Jake;"Hey, Dave, your being awful quite over there! Problems??"
Arch;"Leave Dave alone! He does have problems. I'll tell you about it, maybe we can help."
Is the PEN mighter than the LAW
Read on.
PAGE 2 Dave's Story