Partnership Programme

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Partner with me:

1. Partner with me in prayer.

2000 souls a year ! Thats what I want to do. Conviction of sin, strength to minister and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit are all born in Prayer. Pray with me

2. Partner with me in conselling.
2000 souls a year !! Thats almost 5 five people each day. Help me minister
to them by email or snail mail. As a part of my ministy with a another.

3. Partner with me in Publishing.
2000 souls a year!! Thats a large target. Help me publish for the internet and for paper print.

4. Partner as a translator.
2000 souls a year!! They could be form anywhere. Maybe Hispanic, French or Russian. I speak neither language. Help me translate.

5. Partner with me in funding.
2000 souls a year. Thats an expensive project. I earn $1.30 per day. Not too bad for a 23 year old living and working in Africa. It will be hard but am willing to serve Christ on that amount. Help me reach souls for Him

" already the reaper is getting his wages [ he who does the cutting now has his reward ], for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto eternal life, so that he who  does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together.
For in this the saying holds true, One sows another reaps.
I sent you to reap a crop for which you have not toiled. Other men have laboured and you stepped in to results of their work."
                                                    John 4:36-38

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