Nobody will understand these inside jokes, but hey, who cares. As long as Pete & Jeff get them, the rest is civics
When Pete returned from college this spring, he immediatleybegan searching for a girlfriend. He tried hooking up with a freshaman in high school. He kept calling her, but she would never return his calls. One day he found out that she had Caller ID. The next time he called her he punched in a # so that the Caller ID woulnd't know who it was. She immediatley picked up.Guess you got burned Pete.
The Civics Of India
"When pondering life's gregarious shortcomings, I, Peter Civics, justify my constance through the prime existence of my conscience." Pete is always coming up with these stupid sayings. He took one class on the civics of India, and he thinks he'sGhandi for christ sake! He's always talkingabout the ethics surrounding the Indian culture.Pete needs to take a good look at his ethics beforejudging those of a whole nation!
Special Goblets...Special Night
One night Pete invited this girl over to dinner.He was, and still is, madly in love with her. He wanted to impress this girl in a big way. When his Mother was setting the table, Pete demanded that she use their gold-rimmed goblets. Ashis mother began putting out the glasses, Pete gingerly whispered to me, "Nothing but the best formy girl!" When she arrived at the house, she wasnot impressed by the goblets, and Pete had tostart making fun of me to escape the heat...Typical Pete!!
Favourite links

Pickin On Pete
Pure Enemia

Coffins Corner

Bunky's Homepage
Great Site...??

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