Clan Silent Shadow

"Welcome stranger... I am Coriolis."

"We do not often get visitors in this place and I find myself quite
pleased to see you this day..." *he smiles warmly, but with an underlying
sense of menace*

"I would inquire of you as to your intent here, but you are far
too easily read... Shall we commense with the tour then?"

*the short, fat, and altogether ugly man moves off towards the
hallway, beckoning for you to follow... along the way, you
pass many unmarked doors and hear some strange
noises behind some of them...*

"Come, come along, SoulShriek awaits your arrival!"

*you wonder vaguely how this "SoulShriek" could possibly
have known you were coming, especially since you told
nobody else of your intentions... you begin to feel uneasy as you
follow this strange man, apparently to MEET SoulShriek*

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