American Drop-Shippers Directory, Hong Kong Trade Directory, Taiwan Trade Directory, How to Get Rich in Mail Order, USA Wholesale Sources Directory, Start Your Own Profitable Mail Order & Internet Book Business Today!! |     home
Complete Confidential Price List
                                                  Lists of Titles By Catalog Number

Catalog #                                  Title                                                                            Retail  Bronze  Silver  Gold                
001 *World's Best Home Study Mail Order Guide, by Robert Hildreth, 40 pgs,Revised . 5.00   2.50   1.50   1.00
002 *Simplified Annual Mail Order Bookkeeping System, by Hildreth, 36 pgs, ncp . .......5.00   2.50   1.50   1.00
003 *Complete Guide To Investing and Selling Coins by Mail, Hildreth, 36 pgs, ncp ....... 5.00   2.50   1.50   1.00
004 *Instant Clip-Art For Printers and Mail Order Dealers, 36 pgs, ncp.......................... 5.00   2.50   1.50   1.00
005 *Four Easiest Mail Order Businesses, Robert Hildreth, 36 pgs, ncp ......................  5.00   2.50   1.50    1.00  
006 *The Complete Securities Recorder System, 40 pgs, ncp ...................................... 5.00   2.50   1.50    1.00
050 *WhoIesale Printing Directory, including Office Supply Directory, by Royal, ncp.... 10.00   5.00   3.50   1.50
200 *Money-Making Solar Energy Products, 8x11, set of 10 (#201 thru #210) ............ 20.00  10.00  8.00   5.00
201 *Five Ways To Live in a Solar Home-Free!, cp ........................................................  3.00   1.50    1.15    .75   
202 *The Amazing 25 cent Solar Water Heater, cp .......................................................  3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
203 *The Incredible $25.00 Solar-Heated Pool System, cp ............................................. 3.00   1.50   1.15    .75  
204 *How To Build A Self-Heating Geo-Thermal Greenhouse, cp .................................  3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
205 *The Solar Survival Kit, cp ....................................................................................... 3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
206 *Enjoy A Cookout Anywhere With The Sun-B-Que, cp ........................................... 3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
207 *The Enlightening Solar Energy Experiment Kit, cp  ................................................. 3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
208 *The Confidential Solar Wealth Report, cp...............................................................  3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
209 *Sjmple Solar Secrets That Slash Home Heating Costs, cp ..................................... 3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
210 *Raise Chilling Temperatures 60 Degrees With Solar Mini-Tent, cp .........................  3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
261 *Hong Kong Trade Directory, contact info of mfrs & suppliers, 64 pgs, ncp .......... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
317 *How To Make Money Writing and Selling Simple Information, J. Barnes ............... 15.00   7.50   6.50   5.00
360 *Free Advertising For Mail Order Dealers, How To Get Yours, 8x11, 64 pgs ........ 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
365 *$50,000 A Year From Mail Order Ads, 8x11, 80 pgs, Lee Howard, ncp .............. 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
366 *How To Make Your Fortune With Books, Bates & Michaels, Premier, ncp .............15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
407 *Beginner's Guide To Starting A Mail Order Business, 5x7, 10 pgs, ncp ..................3.00   1.50    1.15    .75
420 *Wholesale Book Sources & Moneymaking Bookselling Ideas, Lee Howard, ncp... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
421 *Krazy *Cards  asst of 25 different humorous sayings,  frameable, 5x8, ncp ......... 7.50   3.50   3.00   2.00
433 *Last Chance Guide To Financial Success, 8x11, 50 pgs, Stewart, ncp ................15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
437 *How To Get Rich In Mail Order, 8x11, photo illstd, 350 pgs, Melvin Powers, cp....... 20.00 10.00  9.00   8.00
438 *105 Ways To Make Money At Home, 64 pgs, Jack Aboff, $3.98 cp  ........................  3.00   1.50   1.20    .85
439 *USA Coin Guide, Jack Aboff, $3.98 cp ..................................................................... 3.00   1.50   1.20    .85
445 *Dealers Dropship Directory, publishers who dropship, New Edition, 32 pgs, ncp  15.00   7.50    3.50   1.75
617 *Al Stern's Mail Order Dealer's Questions & Answers, 8x11, 48 pgs, ncp .............. 12.00   6.00   3.75   2.50
624 *999 Successful Little Known Businesses, 5x8, 256 pgs, W. Carruthers, ncp ......... 9.99   4.99   3.90   2.50
629 *American Drop-Shippers Directory, 8x11, new 21st edition, ncp...........................  15.00   7.50   2.50   1.75
712 Voices In Dissent, 381 pgs, Arthur Ekirch, cp ..........................................................   2.45   1.22     .75     .50
718 Chariots Of The Gods? 189 pgs, hrdcvr, Erich Von Daniken, cp ................................5.95    2.97   2.00  1.50
719 Pocket Size Shopper's Calculator, ncp.......................................................................  1.00     .50     .25     .10
904 *How To Cash In Big With Refunds & Coupons, 8x11, 31 pgs, Diana Playle, ncp......   8.00   4.00   3.00   2.00
906 *Mail Order Dealers Advertising Rate Manual, Owen Bates,96 pgs, New ............... 15.00   7.50    5.50   3.00
920 *The Hamburger Cookbook, 8x11, 48 pgs, ncp ..........................................................  5.95    2.97   2.20   1.50
958 *Mofley Making Formulas of Chemical Magic, ncp ....................................................... 3.00   1.50      .75     .25  
1170 *Anyone Can Win Sweepstakes, 8x11, 32 pgs, R. Pelson, ncp ...............................  8.00   4.00   3.00    2.00
1171 *Secrets of Attracting Good Luck, 8x11, 32 pgs, Dr. V.A. Grantz, ncp...................... 8.00    4.00   3.00    2.00
1172 *How To Be A Contestant On Big-Money TV Game Shows, J. Dean, ncp ................  8.00   4.00   3.00    2.00
1173 *How You Can Trace Your Family Roots, 8x11, 32 pgs, R. Playle,ncp ....................... 8.00   4.00   3.00    2.00
1174 *Successful Slots Systems, R. Playle, ncp ................................................................. 8.00   4.00    3.00   2.00
1175 *Successful Sweepstakes Secrets, W. Sunners, ncp............................................... 8.00   4.00   3.00    2.00
1203 *How To Prepare Your Own Mail Order Catalog Without Merchandise For Pennies, Bates
           and Michaels. REVISED edition of this classic text. A must for mail order sellers .... 19.95   9.97  8.00   6.00
1231 *Anyone Can Win Bingo, 8x11, 28 pgs, R. Pelson, ncp .............................................  8.00   4.00  3.00   2.00
1312 *lllusion Print, 8x11, suitable for framing-Vanity .......................................................... 1.50     .75   .55    .30
1313 *lllusion Print, 8x11, suitable for framing-Gossip ......................................................... 1.50     .75   .55    .30
1314 *IIIusion Print, 8x11, suitable for framing-Society ........................................................ 1.50     .75    .55    .30
1315 *IIIusion Print, 8x11, suitable for framing-Man In The Moon .......................................... 1.50    .75    .55    .30
1318 *IIIusion Prints, 8x1 1 ,suitable for framing-All Four Pictures (#1312 thru #1315) ........ 5.00   2.50   1.50   1.00
1319 *1 001 Things You Can Get Free, 5x7, 64 pgs, $3.98 cp ............................................. 3.00   1.50   1.20     .85
1405 *USA Wholesale Sources Directory,64 pgs, 8x11, ncp ............................................. 15.00   7.50   4.50   3.00
1408 *Insiders Professional Mail Order Clip Art Handbook, 8x11, 48 pgs, ncp ..................  15.00   7.50   5.50   3.50  
1415 *How To Compile, Maintain and Sell Name Lists, 8x11, ncp ........................................ 15.00   7.50   5.50  3.50
1451 *How To Build Your Own Million Dollar Multi-Level Marketing Empire, ncp ................... 7.95    3.97   2.95   1.95
1538 *Million Dollar Sales Letters, For Your Own Use And Profit, Newly Revised, ncp ......  6.00    3.00   2.00   1.00
1539 *Spare Time Profits For Women, 8x11, A. Arbor,ncp ................................................... 6.00    3.00   2.00   1.00
1541 *Sewing Machine Profits, 8x11, R. Payne, ncp ...........................................................  6.00    3.00   2.00   1.00
1542 *Typewriter Profits, 8x11, L. Wright, ncp ...................................................................... 6.00    3.00   2.00   1.00
1545 *Ad Response-Inquiry Forms, 40 forms per pad............................................................3.00   1.50    1.25   1.00
1548 *All-In-One record Book, ncp ......................................................................................   4.00    2.00    1.75   1.50
1550 *Publishers of Mail Order Trade Journals, computer print-out,(same as #3709), ncp .. 3.00   1.50   1.20   .90                                                                                                                      
1551 *The Joy of Mail Order, 8x11, 24 pgs, Tasker, ncp ........................................................  3.00   1.50    1.25   .80
1599 *Campus-Free College Degrees, M. Thorsen, 8x1 1, 255 pgs, cp, includes bonus....... 19.95   9.97   7.50   4.00
1604 *How To Turn Your Newspapers Into $$ Cash $$, 8x1 1, 32 pgs, North, ncp ...............12.00   6.00   3.75   2.50
1607 *Dropship Order Forms, pad of 40 forms, ncp ...............................................................  4.00   2.00   1.75   1.50
1608 *Advertising Record Sheet, Keep up with results of your advertising, pad of 40, ncp ... 4.00   2.00   1.75   1.50
1617 *Etiquelle For All Occasions, A Guide To Correct Behavior in Social,Business,Homelife . 2.00   1.00     .50     .25  
1627 *How To Win Recipe & Cooking Contests, 8x11, 32 pgs, Grenier, ncp ............................. 8.00   4.00   3.00   2.00
1630 *How To Protect Your Home From Burglary & Fire, illstd, 55 pgs, Hobson, ncp ................ 4.95   2.47   1.50   1.00
1631 *Alarm Kit - pkg of 5 stickers, envelope and instructions, ncp ......................................... 3.00   1.50    1.25    .75
1632 *Alarm Stickers - bundles of 100 (specify for inside or outside the window), ncp. ........30.00  15.00 12.00  9.00
1668 *Closeout Merchandise Moneymaking Manual, Bxll, 32 pgs, J. R. Crawford, ncp............. 8.00   4.00    3.00   2.00
1671 *How To Build Gun Cabinets, 8x11, 43 pgs, illstd, C. W. Brazille,ncp................................. 5.00   2.50   2.00   1.25
1674 *How To Write Profitable Classified Ads, 19 pgs, ncp ...................................................... 3.00   1.50    1.25    .75
1704 *Selling To Catalog Houses, 8x11, 48 pgs, PlayIe, ncp.................................................... 12.00    6.00    4.50   3.00
1710 *MaiI Order Basic Library, 10 top publications for beginners and experts alike:
      50 Wholesale Printing And Suppliers Directory ..................................................................... 10.00    
      317 How To Make Money Writing and Selling Simple Information ........................................... 15.00   
      360 Free Advertising For Mail Order Dealers ......................................................................... 15.00
      366 How To Make Your Fortune With Books -- The bookseller's bibile ................................... 15.00
      445 Book Dealers Drop Ship Directory ................................................................................... 15.00
      617 Al Stern's M.O. Dealer's Questions And Answers .......................................................... 12.00
      906 Mail Order Dealer's Advertising Rate Manual, Brand New Ed ........................................ . 15.00
    1743 How To Write And Design Money-Making Response Advertisements ............................12.00
    1744 The Success How-To's of Money-Making Direct Mail ..................................................... 12.00
    1745 How You Can Write Winning Sales Letters  .................................................................... 14.95
     1710 *MaiI Order Basic Library -- Special Group Price from promotional circular.... 99.00  49.95 44.50  33.75
1712 *How To Write A Good Advertisement, V. Schwab, cp ................................................... 20.00  10.00  9.00   8.00
1723 *How To Publish Your Own Book Successfully, 8x1 1, Lee Howard, ncp, Rev Ed., ncp .15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
1728 *Taiwan Trade Directory, 8x11, 60 pgs, ncp .................................................................... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
1729 *Secrets Of Super Mileage Carburetors, 8x11, 45 pgs, publ. by Premier, cp.................... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.50
1741 *59 Response/Profit Tips, Tricks, & Techniques To Help You Achieve Major Mail Order
           Success, 8x11, 32 pgs, ncp, (Vol 1  "Mail Order Success" Series) by Galen Stilson....... 12.00   6.00  4.75   4.00
1742 *How To Make The Successful Transition From Small-Time to Big-Time Mail Order On a
           Limited Budget, 8x11, 32 pgs,(Vol 2  "Mail Order Success" Series)by Galen Stilson........ 12.00   6.00  4.75   4.00
1743 *How To Write And Design Money-Making Response Advertisements, 8x11, 32 pgs, ncp,
           (Vol 3 in the "Mail Order Success" Series) by Galen Stilson ..............................................12.00   6.00  4.75   4.00
1744 *The Success How-To's of Money-Making Direct Mail, 8x11, 32 pgs, ncp, (Vol 4 in the "Mail
           Order Success" Series) by Galen Stilson.......................................................................... 12.00   6.00  4.75   4.00
1745 *How You Can Write Winning Sales Letters, ncp, (Vol 5 in the "Mail Order Success" Series,)
     including bonus sample letters portfolio, by Galen Stilson .....................................................  14.95    7.47   5.75   4.75
1747 * All Five Books in the "Mail Order Success" series (from combination circular)............. ...    50      25      24    20.75
1756 *79 Ways To Make Money With A Camera, 5x7, 34 pgs, J. L. McVey, ncp .........................  4.00    2.00   1.50    1.00
1786 *World Buyers Guide To Unusual And Innovative Products, 48 pgs, illstd,ncp ................... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
1788 *The Truth About Chain Letters, Squier, 48 pgs, 8x11, ncp ................................................ 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
1790 *How To Become A Business Tycoon, Paradice, 8x11, ncp ................................................15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
1791 *Philippine Trade Directory, 48 pgs, 8x11, ncp..................................................................... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
3000 *Self~Hypnosis Cass. Tapes, see circular. Specify "Tape # __ "when ordering. Price ea . 10.00   5.00   3.50   2.50
3004 *Four Tape Combo, any four tapes going to one address-Specify Tape #s.......................  30.00  15.00 10.50  7.50
3008 *Eight Tape Combo, any eight tapes going to one address-Specify Tape #s .................... ...58      29    20.30   14.50
3300 *Business Manuals, #3307-3322, 5 or more pgs, specify manual # when ordering, ncp ..... 5.00   2.50   2.00   1.50
3340 *Four Manual Combo, any four manuals in the 3300 Series ................................................ 15.00   7.50   6.50   5.00
3341 *All 16 Manuals in the 3300 Series ........................................................................................    60     30    24     18
3400 *Business Reports, #3401-3425, 2-5 pgs, specify report # when ordering. Price ea ...........3.00   1.50    1.20    .90
3540 *Seven Report Combo, any seven reports in the 3500 Series............................................ 15.00   7.50   6.50   5.00
3541 *All 11 Reports in the 3500 Series .....................................................................................  22.00   11.00  9.79   7.25
3600 *Mail Order Bus. Reports, #3601-3621, 2-5 pgs, specify report # when ordering. price ea..2.00   1.00    .80     .60  
3640 *Ten Report Combo, any ten reports in the 3600 Series .................................................... 15.00   7.50   6.50   5.00
3641 *AlI 21 Reports in the 3600 Series ...................................................................................   31.50  15.75  12.60  9.45
3700 *MaiI Order Bus. reports, #3701-3709, specify report # when ordering. Price ea.  .............3.00   1.50    1.20    .90
3740 *Seven Report Combo, any seven reports in the 3700 Series ........................................... 15.00   7.50    6.50   5.00
3741 *All 9 Reports in the 3700 Series .......................................................................................  18.00   9.00   8.00   6.50
3952 *AlI 82 Reports and Manuals. Purchase of full 82 reports above includes reproduction
          rights with certificate of authorization to resell reprint rights ($232 if sold separately) ...   199  99.50  68.72  51.54
3953 *All 82 Reports and Manuals (text only) on 3.5" disk  and FREE printed set of all 82 .........  400  200    175     125
            reportswith reproduction rights & authorization certificate to resell reprint rights (IBM / Mac)          
3975 *All 25 Reports in the Business Success Series, plus reproductions rights & certificate ..   69   34.50  27  19
            of authorization to sell reprint rights.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
3976 *AlI 25 Reports in the Business Success Series (text only) on 3.5" disk  and .....................   140   70    54   40
          FREE printed set of all 25 reports with reproduction rights and certificate of authorization
          to resell reprint rights (IBM / Mac)                                                                                                         

4011 *Making Money For Yourself, Russ von Hoelscher & Sterne, 310 pgs, 6x9 ppbk, ncp ...... 14.95   7.47   6.00   4.00
4012 *Stay Home And Make Money, Russ von Hoelscher, 274 pgs, 6x9 ppbk, ncp  ...................14.95   7.47   6.00   4.00          
4014 *How You Can Make A Fortune Selling Information By Mail, Hoelscher, 225 pgs, ncp ........14.95   7.47   6.00   4.00
4015 *Real Estate Wealth Building Opportunities, Russ von Hoelscher, 310 pgs,  ncp...............  14.95   7.47   6.00   4.00
4025 *Successful Achievement, Dr Sidney Bremer, 5 vol hdcvr set w/matching case,
             1492 pg, ncp ................................................................................................................... 29.95 14.97 13.00  10.00
4030 *Warning: A Salaried Job May Be Hazardous To Your Wealth, R. Mann, 127 pgs,  .............15.00   7.50   5.00   3.00
4032 *The New Social Security Guide, 112 pgs, 6x9, Fred Evicci, ncp ......................................... 7.95   3.97   3.00   2.25
4036 *How To Avoid Getting Mugged by Mr. Badwrench, by Sal Fariello, 5x8, 224 pgs, ncp ....... 9.95   4.97   4.25   3.25  
4039 * Free Things For Kids To Write Away For, Jack Aboff, 64 pgs, $3.98 cp ............................. 3.00   1.50   12.0    .85
4042 *How to Publish Your Own Mail Order Paper, Bev Harris, ncp...............................................12.00   6    4.50   3.00
4043 *Home-Based Businesses, 250 Ways to Earn Your Fortune, J. Rue,208 pgs, 8x11, ncp...... 15    7.50   5.50   4.00
4044 *Free Stuff from Uncle Sam, 64 pgs, Jack Aboff, $3.98 cp..................................................... 3   1.50   1.20      .85
4047 *The Magic Of Credit, George Chelekis, 380 pgs, 8x11, ncp ................................................... 19.99   9.97  7   4
4050 *How To Make Money Reporting Local Bargain Information, Earle, 84 pgs, 8x11, cp ..............15   7.50   5.50   3.00
4051 *The Action Guide To Gov't Auctions & Real Estate,(Spanish vers.),270 pgs, 8x11, ncp     ...12.95   6.47   4   2.00
4052 *The Official Guide To Gov't Auctions & Real Estate,(Abridged), 235 pgs, 8x11, ncp ........... 14.95  7.47 5.50 3.50
4054 *Closeout Sources Directory, Lee Howard, 64 pgs, 8x11, ncp .......................................... 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
4055 *Orient Trade Directory, 8x11, 64 pgs, ncp ........................................................................ 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
4058 *Confiscated Treasures Seized by Uncle Sam, 64 pgs, Jack Aboff, $3.98 cp......................3.00  1.50   1.20    .85
4059 *lnsider's Secrets To Free Travel, Adam Starchild, 8x11, 64 pgs, ncp................................ 15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
4060 *How To Travel For Free In a New, Luxury MotorHome, Jay Lindsay, 8x11, 32 pgs, ncp ....12.00   6.00  4.50   3.00
4061 *900 Know-How: How to Succeed With Your Own 900#  Business, 6x9, 174 pgs, cp ..... 19.95   9.97  8.75   7.00
4062 *Mexico Trade Directory, 64 pgs, 8x11, ncp ........................................................................15.00   7.50   5.50   3.00
4063 *Trade Directories Combo-Any 4 from combo circular
            (#261,1728,1786,1791, 4055, 4062)................................................................................ 45.00  22.50 18.50 12.00
     Any 5 directories from combo circular (#261,1728,1786, 1791, 4055, 4062) ........................ 55.00 27.50 23.00 15.00
     Any 6 directories from combo circular (#261,1728,1786, 1791, 4055, 4062) .........................65.00 32.50 27.50 18.00
4119 *How I Won 2,000 Sweepstakes Prize Contests, Danch, 8x11, ncp...................................   8.00   4.00  3.00  2.00
4122 *Successful Casino Systems, 8x11, ncp.............................................................................. 8.00   4.00  3.00  2.00
4125 *Anyone Can Win Money At Greyhound Racing, Long, 8x11, ncp ......................................  8.00   4.00  3.00  2.00
4126 *Lucky Win Numbers and Dreams, 8x11, ncp ....................................................................... 8.00   4.00  3.00  2.00
4400 *Making Money With Classified Ads, Melvin Powers, 8x11, 240 pgs, cp .............................. 20.00 10.00  9.00  8.00
4401 *Top Profits With Multi-Level Marketing, Adam Starchild , 8x11, 64 pgs, ncp ........................ 15.00  7.50   5.50  3.00
4402 *Money..Making 900 Numbers, Ginsburg & Mastin, 6x9, 336 pgs, cp ................................... 19.95  9.97  8.75   7.00
4403 *The Basic Guide To Selling Arts & Crafts,James Dillehay, 6x9, 224 pgs, cp........................ 14.95   7.47  6.00  4.50
4404 *The Money Raiser's Directory of Bank Credit Card Programs, 8x11, ncp ........................... 19.95   9.97  8.75  7.00
4405 * Free Stuff For Sports Fans, Jack Aboff, 64 pgs, $3.98 cp..................................................  3.00   1.50  1.20    .85
4406 *Get Rich Quick Schemes Exposed, Adam Starchild, 8x11, 64 pgs, ncp ............................. 15.00   7.50  5.50  3.00
4410 *The Free Money Book, Steve Lockman, 162 pgs, 5 x 7, ncp ............................................... 10.00   5.00  3.50  1.50
4411 *The North American Guide To Unclaimed Riches, Steve Lockman, 183 pgs, 5 x 7, ncp ...... 10.00   5.00  3.50  1.50
4412 *Home Employment & Income Opportunity Directory, Jay Lindsay, 8 x 11, 48 pgs, ncp ........  15.00  7.50  5.50  4.00
4413 *How to Achieve Quality of Life & Care in a Nursing Home, E Yeh, 6x9, 246 pgs, cp .......... 14.95  7.47  5.50  4.00
4414 *SmalI..Time Operator, Bernard Kamoroff, 8x11, 205 pgs, cp............................................... 16.95  8.47  6.50  4.00

 Special Note:  Titles with an (*) are expected to be in continuous supply,
"cp" means cover price on book, "ncp" means no cover price on book.

Catalog numbers 1830 thru 2132 have attractive covers in color, with large easy-to-read type. Books are perfect bound and most measure 5 1/2x 8 1/2.  Dealers Discounts for books in this series: Bronze 50%, Silver 55%, Gold 60%.
                                                                      Business, Study & Reference

Catalog #                                                       Title                                                             Retail  Bronze Silver Gold                                                                                                                                                       
1830     Conversation Made Easy, Elliot Russell ............................................................................. 5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1831     The Exam Secret, Dennis B. Jackson................................................................................ 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1835     Increase Your Learning Power, G. Dudley ........................................................................ 5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1837     Practical Guide To Better Concentration, Powers.............................................................. 5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1839     7 Days To Faster Reading, W. S. Schaill ............................................................................ 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1840     Songwriters Rhyming Dictionary, Whitfield.......................................................................10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
1842     Student's Guide To Better Grades, Rickard ....................................................................... 3.00   1.50   1.35   1.20  
1844     Your Will & What To Do About It, KIm ................................................................................. 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80                                                                             
1853 Calligraphy For Fun & Profit, Leptich & Evans........................................................................ 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
                                                                          Cookery & Herbs
1880 Culpeper's Herbal Remedies, Dr. Nicholas Culpeper.............................................................. 5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1883 Healing Power Of Herbs, May Bethel ....................................................................................5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1892 Vegetable Gardening For Beginners, H. Wiberg .................................................................... 2.00   1.00     .90     .80
1893 Vegetables For Today's Gardens, R. M. Carleton................................................................... 2.00   1.00     .90     .80
1894 Vegetarian Cookery, Janet Walker ........................................................................................10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
1921 Help Yourself to Better Sight, Margaret Corbett ................................................................... 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1923 How You Can Stop Smoking Permanently,  Ernest Caldwell ...............................................  5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1925 Mind Over Platter, Peter G. Lindne, MD ................................................................................. 5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1928 Reflexology, Dr. Maybelle Segal ........................................................................................... 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1929 You Can Learn To Relax, Dr. S. Gutwirth ...............................................................................5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1907 Winning at Gin, Chester Wander & Cy Rice .................................................. ........................3.00   1.50   1.35   1.20
1941 Blackstones Modern Card Tricks, Harry Blackstone............................................................. 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1942 Blackstones Secrets of Magic, Harry Blackstone................................................................. 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1943 Coin Collecting For Beginners, Hobson & Reinfield................................................................ 7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1945 400 Fascinating Magic Tricks You Can Do,Thurston........................................................... 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
1947 How I Turn Junk Into Fun And Profit, Sari ..............................................................................5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
1949 How To Write A Hit Song & Sell It, Tommy Boyce ................................................................ 10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
1973 Joke Teller's Hnadbook, Bob Orben ......................................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1974 Jokes For All Occassions, Al Schock ...................................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1975 2000 New Laughs For Speakers, B. Orben ..........................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1975 2500 Jokes To Start'em Laughing, B. Orben ...........................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1987 Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis, Bernard Hollander, MD ............................................................7.00   3.50   3.15  2.80
1989 New Self-Hypnosis, Paul Adams ..........................................................................................10.00   5.00  4.50  4.00
1990 Pratical GuideTo Self-Hypnosis, Melvin Powers ...................................................................10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
                                                      Mariage, Sex & Parenthood                                  
2012 Ability To Love, Dr. Allan Fromme........................................................................................... 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
2015 How To Raise An Emotionally Healthy, Happy, Child, Albert Ellis.......................................... 10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
2150 The New Sexuality................................................................................................................. 6.00   3.00   2.70   2.40
2020 Concentration-A Guide To Mental Mastery, Sadhu................................................................ 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
2021 Handwriting Analysis Made Easy, Marie.............................................................................. 10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
2022 Handwriting Tells, Nadva Olyanova  ......................................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
2023 How To Understand Your Dreams, G. A. Dudley .................................................................. 7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
2028 Meditation, Mouni Sadhu ......................................................................................................10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
2064 What Your Handwriting Reveals, Albert E. Hughes ................................................................4.00   2.00   1.80  1.60
                                                                           Self-Help & Inspirational
2071 Daily Power For Joyful Living, Dr.Donald Curtis......................................................................7.00   3.50   3.15   2.80
2073 Dynamic Thinking, Melvin Powers  .........................................................................................5.00   2.50   2.25   2.00
2074 Exuberence, Dr. Paul Kurtz.................................................................................................... 3.00   1.50   1.35   1.20
2076 Grow Rich While You Sleep, B. Sweetland ......................................................................... 10.00  5.00   4.50   4.00
2082 How To Attract Good Luck, A.Z. Carr................................................................................... 10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
2084 How To Develop A Winning Personality, M Panzer................................................................10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
2085 How to Develop An Exceptional Memory, Young&Gibson ....................................................10.00   5.00  4.50   4.00
2086 How to Overcome Your Fears, M. P. Leahy, MD  ...................................................................3.00   1.50    1.35  1.20
2089 I Can, Ben Sweetland ..........................................................................................................10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
2090 I Will, Ben Sweetland     ......................................................................................................  10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00
2092 Magic in Your Mind, U.S. Andersen  .................................................................................... 10.00   5.00   4.50   4.00                 
2094 Magic Power Of Your Mind, Walter M. Germain ................................................................... 10.00   5.00   4.50  4.00
2098 Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz, MD ............................................................................. 10.00   5.00  4.50  4.00  
2100 Secret Of Secrets, U.S. Andersen ....................................................................................... 10.00   5.00  4.50  4.00
2103 Success-Cybernetics, U.S. Andersen..................................................................................  7.00  3.50   3.15   2.80
2105 Think And Grow Rich, Napolean Hill  ....................................................................................10.00   5.00   4.50  4.00
2106 Three Magic Words, U.S. Andersen ................................................................................... 12.00   6.00   5.40   4.80
2132 Racquetball For Women, Hudson and others ....................................................................... 3.00    1.50   1.35   1.20  

New Titles Available Now!
8001 Waring's War, John W. Creighton, fiction  359 pages!                                                            14.95    8.00   7.00   6.73
8002 The Original "Do-It-Yourself" Guide to Wardrobe Planning by Barbara J. Kenzik              14.95  12.00 11.00 10.00

We are constantly adding "new" titles, if you have any titles that you would like
for us to add, don't hesitate to ask. New Author inquires are welcome also.
                                                       All New Million Dollar Circulars
Your tool to greater sales and profits! A complete set of 60 "camera-ready" full-page circulars, flyers, & ads on white bond paper. Ready for you to paste up your company name & address in the "order from" space. We supply our dealers with their company name & address professionally typesetted in various sizes for this purpose. After affixing your name/address, take these circulars/flyers to your local printer to be reproduced in the quantities you need.They can be copied on a copier, or inexpensively offset printed in larger quantities. You can have them reduced and printed 2-up on a page and utilize two-sided copying/printing to cut costs.They can be used in direct mail pieces, mailed along with your  catalogs and other promotional materials. They also double as a dealer recruiting tool. It has a hard hitting sales message in front, and encourages your customers to join your book dealership network and sell books for you. You can post them is supermarkets, or malls. They can produce massive sales when used as a full-page ads in magazines & newspapers. Consistently these ads have produced millions of dollars in sales over the years! You can also have the publication reduce the ad size to 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 page if you wish. In the collection  we also include "camera-ready" 1", 2", 3", & 6" display ads.

Non-Imprinted, you can affix your address label          Professionally Imprinted with you company name/address  
or apply name/address by rubber stamp                             info on cover. VISA/MC logos added to cover by request
Newprint                 Quantity                  White Bond                  Newprint                      Quantity              White Bond
    n/a                                1 - 9                       $   2.00  each                    ---                                       ---                             ---       
    n/a                                  10                            17.00                              ---                                       ---                             ---
$100.00                           100                          130.00                        $  730.00                                1000                     $1030

                                                            Individual Circulars/Flyers
These  are quantity prices for any circular you would rather                   White                     Quantity                  Colors
have us supply for you. Orders of 100 or more will be printed                $ 10.00                        100                       $ 13.00
with your company name & address in the "order from" space                  21.00                        500                          26.00                              
on request at no additional charge. Send your camera-ready copy           30.00                      1000                          36.00
if you have a unique logo or emblem. Standard paper colors are              
yellow, blue, green ivory, pink, buff, and gold. All circulars are on           
20lb bond.

Customized Circulars/Flyers 500 - 1000 copies or more shipped FREE by UPS Ground
to the 48 Continental states.