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General Authority
For Investment


Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy
Chairman and CEO

Total GNP of the country is 85 billion dollars US, Annual rate of GDP growth is of 6.5%, Annual inflation rate of 4% of GDP, Budget deficit of 1% of GDP, Foreign currency reserves are at 20 billion dollars US, enough to cover the imports of the country for 15 months, The exchange rate between the Egyptian pound and the USD is 3.41 LE for 1 USD. The unemployment rate is 9% of the registered work force.

                                                       Curriculum Vitae

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Name :

Dr. Ibrahim Fawzi

Title :

President of  G.A.F.I.

Address :

8 Adly Street, Cairo, Egypt

Age :

57 years

Nationality :


Marital Status_:


Degrees :

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Cairo university, Egypt
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering,
University College, London, England

Email :

[email protected]

Telephone :

(202) 390-0597

Fax :

(202) 395-3322

Present post

August 1997: President of the General Authority for Investment & Free Zones (G.A.F.I.)


1969 - 1974: Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo University

1975 - 1977: Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
                     University College, London

1980: Professor, Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo University

1988: Chairman, Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Cairo University

1993 - 1995: Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources

1996: Executive President of the General Authority for Investment


1. Consultant to many companies in Egypt and abroad

2. Deputy Minister and member of the Executive Committee for Technology Adaptation
    Program between Cairo University and MIT in Boston

3. Member of the Board of Directors Holding Company for Engineering Industries in Egypt

4. Member of the Board of Directors of the Joint Arab Investment Company between Egypt      and the United Arab Emirates