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Responses To Webmaster Frank's Pages



We get letters! Lots and lots of letters, bouquets and brickbats! Some people would rather be write than wrong! Send you ideas, questions, links, comments and suggestions to me and I will read them all and reply to as many as possible. The best ones will be printed here, space permitting. Just click the Ask button on the top menu.

From Tom

Date/Time of Posting = Jul 03 2000 / 22:00:40 name = Tom replyemail = [email protected] comments = Frank, I noticed your dislike to Mcafee and have found a very good anti-virus software at InocculateIt Personal Edition, and it is free! I have been using it for quite some time with no problems. Also, I noticed that you have had to reformat your HD due to Mcafee and have another suggestion to that end, PowerQuest has an excellent backup software at thier website: if you have more than 1 HD you can copy the current image to another HD and or restore an image to a formatted HD after a crash and burn. I am still learning to creat backups more often but mainly after I purchased it I put my system into Pristene condition from a fresh install and then I backed up that image to a HD afterwards I burned that image to a CD. I can now restore my system in about 30 minutes. By the way I love your website, Lot's of useful info on Free Isp's which I neededd after WORLDSPY sold out everyone to JUNO!! Thanx and Best Wishes, Tom
[email protected]

Webmasterfrank Answers

Thanx for your comments Tom. The reason I don't like McAfee is because they are selling products that are supposed to improve computers and they only mess them up. Must be Dilbert's company! If any readers know of other such problems with either software or hardware they are welcome to write and tell me about it! I will publish as many of such letters as I can on my website! InnoculateIt indeed is an excellent program and I use it also. Not only is it free but you can return each month for an update. By the way, another way to protect your computer from viruses is not to use Outlook Express. It is possible to set the computer so that when you click onto an e-mail address, Hotmail will open up instead and you can then send the message via Hotmail. You must sign up with Hotmail to do this but it is entirely free. You can also set Hotmail to receive your pop mail. And the best free ISP that I have found so far is Freewwweb. You will find it by clicking ISPs on the top menu and looking in the list. Freewwweb has no banners! I do not know how they can afford to do this as they used to charge money for this same service.

Bader's Dilemma

Date/Time of Posting = Jul 15 2000 / 05:30:08 name = bader replyemail = [email protected] comments = hi first of all YOUr page look very profficional page. I have one question my question is how can I access my computer files in the internet. thanks yours bader

Frank's Reply

Hi Bader! It appears to me that what you want to do is to place your files on the internet and then be able to access them. This can easily be done for free by using XDRIVE. They will provide you with as much as 100MB of computer space, which is quite a lot--believe me, and you will then have to download a program that will put an icon on your desktop. You will then be able to drag your files into the icon which would place them on XDRIVE's computer. You will then be able to access these files either from your own computer or using a public computer or someone else's computer at any time. This saves the cost of using floppies or other types of disks. This system works best with DSL but is usable with dial-up service.

Thanx for your compliments and I hope to hear from you again soon!

Have a nice day!

Tom Again

Hi Frank, Hope this finds you well! Another one that sold out to JUNO!!!!!got a message page when i signed on today that they have partnered with Juno( same thing that WorldSpy did) Have you heard of any others that do not have banners??? Thanx And Best Wishes, Tom mailto:[email protected]

Frank's Reply

Hi Tom! I checked the Freewwweb site and saw that you are correct. It appears that Juno has taken over Freewwweb. I have been using Freewwweb for some time but lately their service has gone downhill. It appears that there is no profit in the free ISP business and this accounts for their instability, they are constantly either going out of business or taking each other over. You are right about Juno, their service is lousey. I think they deliberately give poor service in order to get people to sign up for their paid service out of disgust! Some scam! Lately I have been forced to use FreeInternet which is fairly reliable but they do have an annoying banner and they have a habit of cutting off unceremoniously which can be very annoying and it then takes some time to get them started up again. Also they usually show a brief video that sometimes crashes my computer! Right now I have decided to try iFreedom which seems to be a pretty good service. They have a banner but it only comes on once every 20 minutes. You can then either click the banner or click it off. This too is annoying but nothing in life is truly free, there is always a price to pay! The link for iFreedom can be found at my website, just click "ISPs" on the top menu. You may also want to browse "" which also lists free ISPs, with and without banners.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Have a nice day! Frank,

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