Examples of nice translations made by automatic translators available on the market...

We have tested the main automatic translation products, and this page is dedicated to the 'terrific' results we obtained. We are very eager to share them with you. Tests have been made from English into French because most automatic translators available use English as basis language into/from other languages. At the time of our tests, we haven't found for example an automatic translator working in French/Spanish. We have used what was obvious.

Some people (sales people in general) claim that automatic translation is particularly useful when used in technical contexts... This is totally wrong, read this :

Here follow 3 technical sentences in English that have been automatically translated into French

After changing battery, just follow the above instruction.
Apr�s avoir chang� la pile, juste suivez l'instruction pr�cit�e.

Comment: this translation is grammatically incorrect, the French is very bad, but the sentence is understandable.

Use a thin object to press S2.
Utilisez un objet mince pour en appuyer sur S2.

Comment: this translation is grammatically incorrect and the French is totally bad and unclear.

Release the hold and start the second by one press on S1 at the appropriate time.
Publiez l'influence et commencez la seconde par une presse sur S1 au temps de l'appropriate.

Comment: nearly all words belong to the wrong context (the English word 'appropriate' was not even translated), the sentence is not understandable at all.

As you can see, the arguments used by salesmen are marketing hype... Don't be na�ve, in the examples here above, there are no complicated technical words and the original sentences are not complex !

Now, let's see some general examples...

This event has aroused a national craze further to its political repercussion.
Ce �v�nement a �veill� une manie nationale � sa r�percussion politique plus loin.

Comment: this translation means nothing... Totally useless!

The court hasn't given a verdict within the framework of this mysterious case.
Le court n'a pas donn� de verdict dans la structure de ce cas myst�rieux.

Comment: this translation means nothing... Totally useless!

This diet has been established according to your daily eating habits.
Cette alimentation a �t� �tablie d'apr�s vos mangeant habitudes journali�res.

Comment: this translation means nothing... Totally useless!

We are very sorry, but the examples we picked up are not difficulties or ambiguities... So, in case of really complex sentences the result must be awful!

Automatic Translation is all but serious, read these real examples and have fun :

French: Je suis all� prendre le train
English: I went capture any train...
Comment: How do you capture a train, with a butterfly net ? If you write such a sentence to an English pen pal, he will have a good laugh !

French: Il fait vraiment beau !
English: He does indeed beauteous !
Comment: Here is the right translation : the weather is really nice !

English: The print device has encountered a problem.
French: Les tirage truc a rencontrer une probl�me
Comment: Fun, fun, fun ! If you are not a French speaker, you are missing something very funny... This is 'word for word' translation and it is totally bad !

All the examples here above were really submitted to different automatic translation programs and the results have been published exactly as we read them. There has been no modification.

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