MT : examples of nice translations !

Nothing is less reliable than an automatic translator !
However, we have found deceptive advertising in magazines.

Try to translate the following English sentence
using an Automatic Translator :

'I am a fan of this technology'

You will receive these very bad results
in the following languages :

Ich bin einen Ventilator von dieser Technologie
Soy un ventilador de esta tecnología
Je suis un ventilateur de cette technologie
Sono un ventilatore di questa tecnologia
Ik ben een ventilator van deze technologie
Sou um ventilador desta tecnologia

The Automatic Translator has selected a very bad context!

The correct translations are :

Ich bin einen Fan von dieser Technologie
Soy un fan de esta tecnología
Je suis un fan de cette technologie
Sono un fanatico ammiratore di questa tecnologia
Ik ben een fan van deze technologie
Sou um fan desta tecnologia

As you can notice in this example, the English sentence to translate is very simple. However, the translations provided by the Automatic Translator are very silly... As we have said at the top of our home page, Automatic Translators are dangerous to use because they are unpredictable! Nothing allowed to anticipate such a bad result using Machine Translation Engines!

Don't fail to read the 'Note about automatic translators' at the bottom of this page.

Read also the translation examples below. All sentences were submitted to 4 different automatic translators currently available on the market... You will quickly notice that the results obtained with automatic translation cannot be used...

Remark : these examples are provided only in 2 languages (English and French), You can reproduce automatic translation results by using Transcend (1), Power Translator (2), Systran (3) and Reverso/PROjectMT (4); the 4 automatic translators used in the examples below. All the phrases obtained have been published 'as is'.

Comments about the following translation test :

There are 42 sentences in this test (21 in English and 21 in French). As you will see, there are many remarks to do about automatic translation results (from 'acceptable' to 'totally bad'), but each time there is a remark, it means that the result is not usable and must be revised... There are also correct translations with the following scores :

Transcend (1) performed 1 correct translation out of 42 phrases (2 %) (*).
Power Translator (2) performed 2 correct translations out of 42 phrases (5 %) (*).
Systran (3) performed 5 correct translations out of 42 phrases (12 %) (*).
Reverso/PROjectMT (4) performed 10 correct translations out of 42 phrases (24 %) (*).

(*) In the best case only 24 % of the automatically translated text is correct !!!

Translation test :

Text to translate :
F => GB : Weren't the instructions in the packaging?
GB => F : Est-ce que les instructions n'�taient pas dans l'emballage ?

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Is what the instructions were not in the packing? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Est-ce que les instructions dans l'emballage n'�taient pas? (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Were instructions not in the wrapping ? (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Firent ne les instructions �taient pas dans l'emballage? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Weren't the instructions of assembly in packing? (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Les instructions de construction dans n'empaquetaient-elles pas? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : Instructions were not in the packaging? (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Est-ce qu'�taient les instructions dans l'emballage ? (Bad, but understandable!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : The chairman and managing director wishes this meeting to be held this afternoon
GB => F : Le pr�sident-directeur g�n�ral souhaite que cette r�union se tienne cet apr�s-midi

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : The general president-director wishes that this meeting holds itself this afternoon (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Le pr�sident et le directeur qui g�rent souhaitent que cette r�union soit tenue cet apr�s-midi (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : The president - director general wishes that this meeting holds this afternoon (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Le pr�sident et directeur g�n�ral d�sire ce rencontrant �tre tenu cet apr�s-midi (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : The general president-director wishes that this meeting be held this afternoon (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Le Pr�sident et le directeur de gestion souhaite cette r�union � tenir cette apr�s-midi (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : CEO wishes that this meeting holds this afternoon (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Le pr�sident et le directeur g�n�ral veulent que cette r�union soit tenue cette apr�s-midi (Bad, but understandable!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : Your obstetrician has conformed to this certificate of receipt
GB => F : Votre obst�tricienne s'est conform�e � cette attestation de prise en charge

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Your obst�tricienne itself in accordance with this hold attestation some loads (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Votre obstetrician a �t� conforme � ce certificat de re�u (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Your @@obst�tricienne has conformed to this attestation of plug in cost (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Votre obst�tricien a conform� � ce certificat de re�u (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Your obstetrician conformed to this certificate of assumption of responsibility (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Votre obst�tricien s'est conform� � cette quittance (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : Your *obst�tricienne* conformed to this certificate of coverage (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Votre obst�tricien s'est conform� � ce certificat de re�u (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : All the skilled workers use this high-technology
GB => F : Toutes les ouvri�res qualifi�es utilisent cette technologie de pointe

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : All the qualified ouvri�res use this technology of not at all (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Tous les ouvriers de skilled utilisent cette technologie de pointe (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : All qualified workers use this high-tech technology (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Tous les ouvriers habiles emploient cette technologie avanc�e (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : All the qualified workers use this advanced technology (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Tous les ouvriers habiles utilisent ce high-technology (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : All the skilled workers use this ultramodern technology (Correct)
GB => F : Tous les ouvriers qualifi�s emploient cette technologie haut (Bad, but understandable!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : The significant social benefits will be replaced because of all the wage increases
GB => F : Les prestations sociales importantes seront remplac�es � cause de toutes les augmentations des salaires

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : The important social security benefits will be replaced to due to all the increases of salaries (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Les profits sociaux significatifs seront remplac�s � cause de tout le salaire augmente (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Important social benefits will be replaced because of all increases of salaries (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Les b�n�fices sociaux significatifs seront remplac�s � cause de tous les accroissements de salaire (Acceptable, but not correct!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : The significant welfare payments will be replaced because of all the wage increases (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Les prestations sociales significatives seront substitu�es en raison de toutes les augmentations de salaire (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : Important social allowances will be replaced because of all the increases of salaries (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Les b�n�fices significatifs sociaux seront remplac�s � cause de toutes les augmentations de salaire (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : The person in charge will answer your questions
GB => F : Le responsable r�pondra � vos questions

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : The responsible one will reply to your questions (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : La personne dans la charge r�pondra � vos questions (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : The responsible will reply to your questions (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : La personne dans la charge r�pondra vos questions (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : The person in charge will answer your questions (Correct)
GB => F : La r�ponse responsable de volont� de personne vos questions (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : The responsible will answer your questions (Correct)
GB => F : La personne responsable r�pondra � vos questions (Correct)


Text to translate :
F => GB : The manager wishes to set up a commercial demonstration of these cleaning products
GB => F : La g�rante d�sire organiser une d�monstration commerciale de ces produits d'entretien

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : The manager desirees to organize a commercial demonstration of these maintenance products (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Le directeur souhaite �tablir une d�monstration commerciale de ces produits qui nettoient (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : The @@g�rante desires to organize a commercial demonstration of these products of maintenance (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Le responsable d�sire �tablir en haut une d�monstration commerciale de ces produits de nettoyage (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Managing wishes to organize a commercial demonstration of these upkeeping products (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Le gestionnaire souhaite installer une d�monstration commerciale de ces produits de nettoyage (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : The manager wishes to organize a commercial demonstration of these cleaning products (Correct)
GB => F : Le manager veut fonder une d�monstration commerciale de ces produits de nettoyage (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : This person is not on duty today
GB => F : Cette personne n'est pas de permanence aujourd'hui

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : This person is not any today permanence (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette personne n'est pas de service aujourd'hui (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : This nobody is permanence today (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette personne n'est pas sur le devoir aujourd'hui (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : This person is not permanence today (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette personne n'est pas en service aujourd'hui (Bad, wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : This person is not of durability today (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette personne n'est pas en service aujourd'hui (Bad, wrong context selected!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : This new company will go public thanks to a favourable state of the economy
GB => F : Cette nouvelle soci�t� se fera coter en Bourse gr�ce � une conjoncture �conomique favorable

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : This new corporation will do itself coter in Bourse thanks to a favorable economical conjoncture (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette nouvelle soci�t� ira public gr�ce � un �tat favorable de l'�conomie (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : This new company will be made quote in stock market thanks to a favorable economic conjuncture (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Cette nouvelle entreprise ira le public gr�ce � un �tat favorable de l'�conomie (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : This new company will be made dimension out of Stock Exchange thanks to a favorable economic economic situation (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cette nouvelle compagnie �mettra des actions publiques gr�ce � un �tat favorable de l'�conomie (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : This new company{*society*} will be quoted{*esteemed*} in stock exchange due to a favorable economic situation (Ambiguous, how to use such a result!)
GB => F : Cette nouvelle soci�t� rendra public des remerciements � un �tat favorable de l'�conomie (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : We haven't received the bearer cheque
GB => F : Nous n'avons pas re�u le ch�que au porteur

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : We did not receive the check to the carrier (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Nous n'avons pas re�u le cheque de porteur (Acceptable, but not correct!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : We have not received the check to the porter (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Nous n'avons pas re�u le ch�que de porteur (Acceptable, but not correct!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : We did not receive the bearer check (Correct)
GB => F : Nous n'avons pas re�u le ch�que de porteur (Acceptable, but not correct!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : We did not receive the check to bearer (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Nous n'avons pas re�u le ch�que au porteur (Correct)


Text to translate :
F => GB : Your representative has agreed to make out a detailed quotation for these goods
GB => F : Votre d�l�gu� a accept� d'�tablir un devis d�taill� pour ces marchandises

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Your delegate accepted to establish a d�taill� estimate for these merchandises (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Votre repr�sentant a consenti � faire hors une citation d�taill�e pour ces articles (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Your delegate has accepted to establish a precise estimate for these goods (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Votre repr�sentant a consenti faire dehors une citation d�taill�e pour ces biens (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Your delegate agreed to establish an estimate detailed for these goods (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Votre repr�sentant a accept� de faire dehors une citation d�taill�e pour ces marchandises (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : Your delegate agreed to establish an estimate detailed{*retailed*} for these goods (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Votre repr�sentant a consenti � discerner une citation d�taill�e pour ces marchandises (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : The board of directors has postponed the general meeting of shareholders further to some unexpected incidents
GB => F : Le conseil d'administration a ajourn� l'assembl�e g�n�rale des actionnaires suite � quelques incidents inattendus

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : The board of directors has ajourn� assembled it general of the actionnaires after some unexpected incidents (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Le conseil d'administration a remis la r�union g�n�rale d'actionnaires �galement � quelques incidents impr�vus (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : The board of directors has adjourned the general shareholder meeting following some unexpected incidents (Correct)
GB => F : Le conseil d'administration a report� la r�union g�n�rale d'actionnaires davantage � certains incidents inattendus (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : The board of directors deferred the general meeting of the shareholders following some unexpected incidents (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Le conseil d'administration a remis la r�union � plus tard des actionnaires g�n�rale plus loin � quelques incidents inattendus (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : The board of directors adjourned the general assembly of the shareholders further to some unexpected incidents (Correct)
GB => F : Le conseil d'administration a remis l'assembl�e g�n�rale d'actionnaires en addition � quelques incidents inattendus (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : Thanks to the stock turnover, our corporate has increased its performances
GB => F : Gr�ce � la rotation des stocks, notre entreprise a augment� ses performances

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Thanks to the rotation of stocks, our enterprise increased its performances (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Gr�ce au roulement de stock, notre de corporation a augment� ses ex�cutions (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Thanks to the rotation of stocks, our enterprise has increased its performances (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Gr�ce � le renversement de r�serve, nos corporative a augment� ses performances (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Thanks to the inventory turnover, our company increased its performances (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Gr�ce � la rotation courante, notre de corporation a augment� ses ex�cutions (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : Due to the rotation of stocks, our company increased its performances (Correct)
GB => F : Gr�ce au chiffre d'affaires de r�serve{*valeur*}, notre d'entreprise a augment� son fonctionnement (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : Don't you feel like eating an avocado pear?
GB => F : Est-ce que tu n'as pas envie de manger un avocat ?

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Is what you do not have envies to eat a lawyer? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Est-ce que vous n'avez pas envie de manger une poire d'avocat? (Acceptable, but not correct!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Do you have not envy to eat an attorney ? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Est-ce que ne vous sentez pas comme manger une poire d'avocat? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Don't you want to eat a lawyer? (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Ne vous sentez-vous pas comme manger une poire d'avocat? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : You have no appetite a lawyer? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Vous n'avez pas envie de manger une poire d'avocat ? (Acceptable, but not correct!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : This conscientious pupil has applied himself to learn his homework
GB => F : Cet �l�ve consciencieux s'est appliqu� � apprendre sa le�on

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : This conscientious student applied to learn his lesson (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Cet �l�ve consciencieux est appliqu� s'apprendre ses devoirs (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : This conscientious pupil has concentrated on learn its lesson (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Cet �l�ve consciencieux a appliqu� lui-m�me apprendre son devoirs (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : This conscientious pupil endeavoured to learn his lesson (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Cette pupille consciencieuse s'est appliqu�e pour apprendre son travail (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : This conscientious pupil applied to learn his lesson (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Cet �l�ve consciencieux s'est appliqu� pour apprendre ses devoirs (Acceptable, but not correct!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : I follow a truck with my car
GB => F : Je suis un camion avec ma voiture

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : I am a truck with my car (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je suis un camion avec ma voiture (Correct)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : I am a truck with my car (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je suis un camion avec ma voiture (Correct)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : I am a truck with my car (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je suis un camion avec ma voiture (Correct)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : I am a lorry with my car (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je suis un camion avec ma voiture (Correct)


Text to translate :
F => GB : I will not need much lead in this alloy
GB => F : Je n'aurai pas besoin de beaucoup de plomb dans cet alliage

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : I will not have need by far of lead in this alloy (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je n'aurai pas besoin du beaucoup de plomb dans cet alliage (Bad, but understandable!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : I will need a lot lead in this alloy (Totally bad, opposite of what was meant!)
GB => F : Je ne requerrai pas conduirai pas beaucoup dans cet alliage (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : I will not need much lead in this alloy (Correct)
GB => F : Je n'aurai pas besoin de beaucoup de fil de sortie en cet alliage (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : I shall not need a lot of lead{*shot*} in this miscellany (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Je n'aurai pas besoin beaucoup principal dans cet alliage (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : My neighbor has forgotten to give me back the matches
GB => F : Ma voisine a oubli� de me rendre les allumettes

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : My voisine forgot to return the matches for me (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Mon voisin a oubli� de donner me soutient les allumettes (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : My neighbor has forgotten to render me matches (Bad, but understandable!)
GB => F : Mon voisin a oubli� me donner le dos les allumettes (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : My neighbor forgot to return the matches to me (Correct)
GB => F : Mon voisin a oubli� de me donner en arri�re les allumettes (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : My neighbour forgot to make me matches (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Mon voisin a oubli� de me donner en arri�re les parties (Totally bad!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : These guns have a superb butt
GB => F : Ces revolvers ont une crosse superbe

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : These guns have a superb crosse (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Ces fusils ont un bout superbe (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : These revolvers have a superb crook (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Ces fusils ont un bout superbe (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : These revolvers have a superb stick (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Ces pistolets ont un bout superbe (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : These revolvers have a magnificent butt (Correct)
GB => F : Ces armes � feu ont un bout superbe (Wrong context selected!)


Text to translate :
F => GB : Has the top management refused to take part in this seminar?
GB => F : Est-ce que les cadres sup�rieurs ont refus� de prendre part � ce s�minaire ?

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : Is what the superior frameworks refused to take part in this seminary? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Est-ce que les cadres sup�rieurs ont refus� de prendre la partie dans ce s�minaire? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : Did top management refuse to take share to this seminary ? (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Est-ce que le cadres sup�rieurs a refus� prendre la partie dans ce s�minaire? (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : Did the senior executive refuse to take part in this seminar? (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Les cadres sup�rieurs ont-ils refus� de participer � cette conf�rence? (Wrong context selected!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : The senior managers refused to take part in this seminar? (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Les cadres sup�rieurs ont-ils refus� de participer � ce s�minaire ? (Correct)


Text to translate :
F => GB : During the fall, a tremendous number of leaves fall down in my garden
GB => F : Pendant l'automne, �norm�ment de feuilles tombent dans mon jardin

(Translated using Automatic Translator 1 : Transcend)
F => GB : During the fall, enormously of leaves fall in my garden (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Pendant la chute, un num�ro fantastique de part tombe dans mon jardin (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 2 : Power Translator)
F => GB : During the autumn, enormously leaves fall in my garden (Acceptable, but not correct!)
GB => F : Pendant la chute, un nombre terrible de cong�s tombe dans mon jardin (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 3 : Systran)
F => GB : During the autumn, enormously from sheets fall into my garden (Totally bad!)
GB => F : Pendant la chute, un nombre �norme de feuilles tombent vers le bas dans mon jardin (Totally bad!)

(Translated using Automatic Translator 4 : Reverso/PROjectMT)
F => GB : During the autumn, a great deal of sheets fall in my garden (Wrong context selected!)
GB => F : Pendant la chute{*automne*}, un num�ro{*nombre*} �norme de feuilles{*cong�s*} tombe dans mon jardin (Ambiguous, how to use such a result!)


Note about automatic translators :
Reading all these examples, you have noticed that the automatic translation results are unpredictable and are very bad in general... Then, if the quality of an automatically translated text is so poor, you will have to thoroughly revise and post edit it in order to obtain a good translation (how to do that if you don't have a good knowledge of the target language...) !
Then, automatic translators will help you to produce texts that won't be understood by your addressees...
Can you imagine how incomprehensible will be an automatically translated text of 1 page for example? There will be mistranslations everywhere! You will be no further on than you were before...


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