Jonathan Paul Loomis

December 7, 1998

Principles of Effective Instruction

Dr. Steindam

Assessment Plan Project

This is an assessment plan project is designed for the Constitution Seminar that was the subject of my lesson plan project. In this particular case I have designed the assessment as if the unit was three weeks long.

The assessment will be divided into four parts. The first is the student work. The second will be weekly quizzes. The third is a final test, and the fourth is extra credit.

Student work would come in a variety of forms. The most important is their participation in the group role playing activity. Those students who contribute to their groups will receive full credit. Their grades will not be based on their groups output, but rather on what they put into the project. Personal work such as summaries of films, or worksheets will also be included in this section. Student work will total about 40% of the unit grade.

Weekly quizzes will be given at the end of each week in order to give the students an idea of what were the most important concepts covered during that particular week. They will count very little towards the final grade because their primary purpose is to encourage the students to study the material gradually over time rather than cram only at the end of the unit. Weekly quizzes will total about 10% of the unit grade.

A final exam will be given at the end of the unit. The exam will be divided into sections. There might be sections of True-False, Multiple Choice, Matching, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer. These sections would focus on basic facts: the who's and why's of the unit's material. The second section of the exam would be an essay in which the students would have to relate the historical material covered in the unit to some current issue. In the essay they would demonstrate that they have a conceptual understanding of the historical material and can use it when formulating answers to current problems. This section would account for approximately 40% of the unit grade. Please refer to my first Assessment Plan Project for a great example of this section.

The final section would be extra credit. Extra credit in my class would come in a variety of ways. Students who can answer current events questions at the beginning of each class can earn extra credit. Students who watch movies related to the subject outside of class and write about them can earn credit. Students who do extra projects can earn extra credit. All extra credit work is assessed based on the amount of time and work a student puts into it. Extra credit can not raise a student's grade more than a few points as it is only extra and not required. Extra credit is a judgment call for the teacher.

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