Biolumanetics Page 3


In order to maintain a healthy state, life-forms possess an endless drive towards coherence at all levels. Today, due to extensive research in the area of Pyscho-neuro-immunology, it is generally accepted that there is an intimate connection between the mind and the body.

Consider a brief outline of the history of mind/body medicine.

At each stage of this historical development, the mind has demonstrated an ability to extend itself and interface with a whole series of different biological interfaces. This in turn has demonstrated that the mind/body complex has been found to work at a number of different biological levels.




The Psycho-Biological Model


In struggling to explain the nature of the biological information being gathered from the photographs, I was forced to review recent evidence in the fields of neurobiology. The fact that information is obtained at a level beyond our normal biological awareness led me to consider the model above as a starting point for an extensive explanation of the phenomenon.

The embodied mind represents a level of the mind/body complex outside our conscious awareness. A large body of experimental evidence has been amassed demonstrating levels of unconscious activity that have enormous impacts on our daily lives.

The division between what your conscious self sees, hears and smells as you go about your daily life and what your body and brain (the Embodied Mind) unconsciously register as "out there" and deals with, are not always the same.

Today, this area of research between the conscious and the embodied mind has begun to be probed deeply by psychologists and neuro-scientists, who are uncovering evidence of subtle unconscious perceptions and abilities which science had only been dimly aware of till recently. A leading researcher in this area expressed it this way:

"The notion that information processing is largely unconscious or not available to awareness is so clear as to be self evident." Researchers researching word recognition found that the mind recognizes a word within the first 150 milliseconds of seeing it. But, nothing shows up in the awareness for another 100 milliseconds or so, if it shows up at all. Awareness is a limited capacity system. We have no idea how one searches memory or how one gets sentences out of one’s mouth. It’s hard enough to handle the needs we keep track of, in awareness. "Figuratively speaking 99.9% of cognition maybe unconscious. We’d be in terrible shape if everything were conscious." (Donchin)

This model, however, does not explain the observations that are made using Bioliminal Image Photography. It does not explain how the introduction of a therapeutic agent (information from a drug, remedy, or an encounter with another individual) into the bio-energetic field of an individual can influence the outcome of a photograph. My sense of what is occurring in the Bioliminal Image Photograph, is that it represents the best probable outcome arising from the interaction between the Lifeform and the information of the therapeutic agent

If this is the case, then we need to address and extend the neuro-biological model, to this additional aspect in the animated process of the Lifeform.


In extending the above model, we need to understand that life is seen as an energetic matrix of information. The matrix controls the formation and organization of the cells that creates the three dimensional form of organic Lifeforms. Such a matrix creates a ceaseless dialogue that arises between the self and an infinite number of external informational sources that interface and construct our reality.

This self is biologically composed at a series of different levels, as represented above, but another level I call the Bioliminal Self must be included in this model to adequately explain my observations concerning Bioliminal Image photographs.

This Bioliminal Self, I believe, can compute and process information at a level beyond the cognitive unconscious.

I suspect that at this profound level of computation the organism is presented with an infinite series of probable realities, and ceaselessly anticipates optimum outcomes, which are transferred as information to the Embodied and Conscious Mind’s response systems.

This process might be compared to an Astronaut on a space flight. The astronaut represents the Conscious Mind. The spacecraft represents the Embodied Mind. Mission Control Center represents the Bioliminal Mind.


These relationships can be seen as real life dramas. When the life support systems (Embodied Mind) was failing on board the Apollo 13 spacecraft the nation’s attention was directed towards this potential tragedy. The dramatic actions of the Mission Control Center (Bioliminal Mind) and the Astronaut (Conscious Mind) working together to find a solution that assured the survival of the Astronauts (Conscious Mind) is one example of the communication linkage.

A more recent event was the battle to save the Russian manned Space Station. A human error by one of the crewmembers (disconnecting the wrong cables) placed the Space Station in jeopardy. A course of actions by the Conscious Mind (Astronaut) can create a hazardous situation for the Embodied Mind (Space Station), which threatens survival. When an event such as this occurs it requires communications between the Bioliminal Mind (Mission Control Center) and the Conscious Mind (Astronaut) working together to create a solution that permits the healthy functioning of the Embodied Mind (Space Station).

The information between these levels of controls are being constantly monitored and evaluated for the best possible outcome.

My observations since 1983 have led me to conclude that the information captured by this process may involve " a probability wave of consciousness that is anticipating future outcomes beyond our threshold of awareness."

This theory would extend our concept of self, beyond the model of the Embodied Mind, since it represents information captured at the level of disembodied consciousness.

Diagram of the Bioliminal Mind

After years of arduous observations, I have decided the best model is to assume that the Lifeform is comprised of a complex multi-hierarchical self-organizing system. Such a system implicitly tries to establish the best state of coherence and stability within the anticipated constraints of the ceaseless flow of information that is considered our environment.

The anticipated influence of information that flows between the Conscious and Embodied Minds can be evaluated using Bioliminal Image Photography. The degree of clarity or lack of clarity of the cell light emissions seen in the Bioliminal Image Photograph provide an indication as to the effects of information that is passing between the various levels of the Lifeform.


The next phase of my investigations into the phenomena of cell light emissions, demanded that I start focussing on the health needs of individuals. The process of gathering information began with my imaging the effects of prescription and over the counter medications on the cell light emissions of a subject. After this we expanded our study into imaging the effects of supplements and herbal preparations. A major break through came about when we began to measure the combined effects of all materials the subject ingested in 24 hours excluding foods and beverages. Major improvements in some of the subjects’ health occurred when materials that caused fragmentation or lower quality of light emissions were removed from the materials that they ingested every 24 hours.

Some medical practitioners became intrigued with the process and asked that I use the Bioliminal Image Photography process with their patients who were not responding to treatment. I began seeing patients with either life threatening or depleting conditions. Both the physician and the patients encouraged me to find materials that improved the cell light emissions of the suffering patient. The result of such encouragement was the creation of a group of Lumanetic Materials.

The Lumanetic Materials came from many sources. My standard procedure was diluting these materials in a chelating fluid until there was only the energy signature of the materials in the chelating fluid. The fluid could then be taken as a sublingual drop. Later the more common preparations were put into topical creams. The creams were applied to specific points on the body. The application points were determined using acupuncture charts. A second development was an inert material frequency pad that was placed on specific points on the body. Points were determined using acupuncture points.

Further investigations found that most therapeutic interventions ranging from orthodox medical drugs, subtle effects of homeopathic preparations, acupuncture, oriental medicine and herbal preparations all reacted well to the diagnostic guidelines obtained from photographing individuals with the different therapeutic models.

The Bioliminal Image Photography also worked well when evaluating the mechanical effects of Osteopathic and Chiropractic adjustments.

One of the significant advantages of Bioliminal Image Photography is that you can chart and assess the rate of progress that occurs with each patient during treatment. In some ways it can be likened to a form of Visual Kinesiology.

The procedure we follow is that a base image is taken of the subject at each visit. Comparing changes in image clarity and cell light emissions of the base photos provides a visual guide to the rate of change.

The following case studies demonstrate the value of this diagnostic methodology and its global applications to various models of therapeutic intervention.

Click here to view case studies in Biolumanetics