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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / T-Shirts

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User ID: 1404584
Sep 10th 9:19 PM
{Note from Revanshe: I was requested to slightly modify this message. Do to Eesite's poor editing capabilities, this was the only way to do it!!)

Jun 24th 12:36 PM
Mr. Martin asked us to forward this along to the message board -- he didn't want to do it
himself as he'd fear that discussions would stop. ;)

To quote (with brief editing):

Anyway, Parris (my SO) has just finished a print run of her new Seven Kingdoms t-shirts.
These are new designs, using the Moria Peters art. She's done two shirts, Stark and
Targaryen. The Stark shirts are grey, with the shield and words in white and grey. The
Targaryen shirts are black, with the dragon in red breathing yellow flames. Both shirts
have the art on the front, and a brief history of the House on the back.

They are, needless to say, fully authorized by The Author.

Anyway, if anyone wants one, the prices are:

$18 for Medium, Large, or X-Large
$22 for 2X or 3X

$3 domestic shipping
$9 overseas shipping

Orders and checks should be sent to Parris, 102 San Salvador, Santa Fe,
N.M. 87501. (Sorry, the shirts are not available in Small.)

If the sales warrant, Parris plans to follow these up with Lannister and Baratheon shirts.
Moria Peters is already working on the art. I'm trying to talk her into adding a Greyjoy,

(P.S. Linda and I have seen copies of Moria Peters' Stark and Targaryen images. Both
are extremely cool, especially the Targaryen three-headed dragon.)

This letter'll be on the SoSpakeMartin collection as well, for future reference.
User ID: 1404584
Sep 10th 9:38 PM
{Again, its me,Revanshe- decided to post this message here also, as its important!)

[email protected]

User ID: 0701364
Sep 10th 5:48 AM
Just one request and one piece of info -

first - please just use "Parris" when sending mail and money - George gets carried
away and slips occasionally, but I haven't used my full name ever on the Web. In fact,
except for legal stuff I haven't used it over 25 years. If there's anyway the sysop
could refuse the earlier reference to my full legal namer and substitute "Parris
McBride" instead, I would appreciate it.

Second - the t-shirt sales have been very encouraging - and I am beginning to sell out
of some sizes. Since we printed the first run, we have modified the designs and
process some, and therefore the new shirts will not be quite so complex. As it is,
these shirts are underpriced considering the work that goes into printing. If anyone
wants the first editions of the shirts, I encourage them to send in their orders ASAP.

I got just got home from WorldCon and there's several orders from fans who found out
about them on the Web - thanks for the orders, and thanks for the trust in sending my
your money without ever seeing the real product. We're both still recuperating from
the trip, but I should have the current batch of orders in the mail by the beginning of
next week.

Our wonderful artist - Moria Peters - has been working on the newest designs - for
Houses Baratheon and Lannister. We saw the sketches the night before we left -
Moria will be coming over next week with what we hope is the final art for both
designs. Production of the new shirts is scheduled for early October. Yes, I will
probably offer a special order all 4 designs price if you want the set. I will also take
orders for these two designs before production if anyone is interested in getting
them hot off the press.

Some folks have worried about ordering outside the US - most Postal Services have
international money orders. I also take paper currency from the UK and Eire since I will
be traveling to both countries in the next year. I will trade for Yowies if you live in
Australia or New Zealand as well!!!

George will be returing to the Seven Kingdoms on Monday - and it looks like it will be
a wild ride!
User ID: 9099093
Sep 13th 12:29 PM
Doubly interesting. One it sounds like my shirts are on the way. And it also sounds like GRRM is coming to Britain and Ireland next year. Anyone got any details?
[email protected]
User ID: 0701364
Sep 13th 11:18 PM
Padraig -

Yes, I've got your order sitting here on the workbench, and it will be in the mail by wednesday.

George and I are planning on attending the British Fantasy Convention, and then George goes on to Germany for their national SF convention, and I'll be heading to Eire to visit with dear friends, go to my favorite sacred sites and stay up all night at the local pub listening to great music and sharing a few stories... I don't have the exact dates of either convention to hand - the laundry towers over everything right now - but IIRC we're headed to Britain in early September, just after the Chicago WorldCon. I'll try to get a rough idea of details of this trip - but be warned that the schedule of any working writer changes on whim and workload, as well as personal health and family concerns.

User ID: 1195644
Sep 14th 11:03 AM
Thanks for the info Parris, and thanks for stopping by.
User ID: 2372774
Sep 15th 12:57 PM
Wow, thanks for the reply Parris. Hope you have a good time when you visit Eire.
User ID: 9788223
Sep 15th 10:19 PM
shipped out seven orders for t-shirts today - Padraig, yours was one of the orders. If you get a chance, send me your email addy - mine's '[email protected]' - and if I can I'll put your contact information in my address book. Perhaps when I come over next year, we can met for a drink or something.

I don't get much of a chance to visit the fan sites. I also try to avoid direct discussions of the series - since I'm George's First Reader, I need to keep my mind relatively clear of what other folks think should be happening or what will happen in the next page, chapter, book. (so no, I haven't looked and the stupid and inaccurate plot spoilers 'revealed' by a low-level HarperCollinsUK employee)

I do enjoy the moments I can look at the fan sites, there's so many people doing wonderful work on the Web to express their pleasures and passions, and to see so many folks invested as readers in George's series is a great delight. I mean, I've known he was a great writer 25 years ago, and if took this long for others to catch on, well, at least they are now catching on!

This is one of my favorite fan sites - and that includes the Pratchett site - and it's just nice to talk to you folks.

User ID: 8562343
Sep 16th 1:37 PM
Parris, my email address is [email protected]

My post will be getting a great reception over the next few days. So thanks for the T-Shirts in advance.

When I think of all the authors out there I think I am extremely lucky to have started reading George R. R. Martin's work. I doubt I could have stumbled on a better.

And hey if you do come to Ireland why not give me a call? An occasion worthy of wearing my aSoIaF t-shirts. <Smile>
[email protected]
User ID: 9788223
Oct 26th 1:23 AM
The new designs are almost ready!

Moria has finished the work on the b&w art for the new shirts - Houses Baratheon and Lannister. They are stunning, and I can't wait to get to the silkscreener and start printing.

We are planning on printing the new designs the first week of November. I will be offering a special price for both shirts, with a time limited offer. I'll post all that information here first, probably in another week.

I'm creating an image file of the two designs and will be happy to send them to anyone interested. Send email to "[email protected]" Put "A Song of Ice and Fire T-shirts" in the subject line. should have the files ready in another day or two.

As far as the first two shirts go, the fan response has been wonderful. I'm out of House Stark and Targaryen in Medium, and sizes 2X & 3X are running low. So if you are planning on getting some shirts as gifts for the Midwinter Holy Days, better get that order in soon!

Winter is Coming! We got six inches of snow one night last week. It melted off the next day, but it is a warning that the gentle days of autumn and gold cottonwood leaves glowing in the long slow light are drawing to an end.


Rhaegar Nov 8th 12:12 PM
What shirt sizes do you have left
[email protected]
User ID: 0638514
Nov 23rd 12:23 PM
Rhaegar -

I'm all out of Mediums in both designs. Still have Large thru 3X in both designs. It took longer than I anticipated to get the new computer set up and running, so I am behind in the production of the newest designs. My artist has carpal tunnel, and has been told she can't work for at least two weeks. She still needs to to the final color work on the designs, so hold on, it will be December 5th before we can print the Baratheon and Lannister shirtts. In another couple of days, I'll finally have those images in file format to send as attachments, and will start getting the current orders inthe mail.

I will be making a special offer if you order all four designs, but that has to wait until I know our printing dates!

three inches of snow here in Santa Fe yesterday...
User ID: 1975904
Nov 24th 7:49 AM
Thanks, i will order the targaryen shirt sometime in the next three weeks(need to get paid first)
User ID: 0707654
Feb 24th 2:35 PM
What ever happened to...T-shirts. Weren't there supposed to be a new batch?
User ID: 0547294
Mar 4th 4:25 PM
don't know, i never ordered, but just got the cash, but don't know what they have left(i want targaryen)
User ID: 8555343
Mar 7th 11:28 PM
I've just cleared some days on the schedule to go up to Denver to print the new designs - Lannister and Baratheon - as well as re-print the original designs. I do have Stark and Targaryen in stock right now, but am out of a few sizes.

Expect the new designs by the end of the month.

User ID: 0115944
Mar 8th 9:04 AM
Parris, when all the designs are ready I would be interested in viewing a few of them. Please send a pic along to my email address:

[email protected]

Thanks so much!!

User ID: 1132714
Mar 11th 1:28 AM
Aaron - I know this may sound strange, but I have no scanner to use to send anyone these images. I can send you a flyer with the pictures and ordering information.

I gave George the original Moria Peters art for all four Houses as his Yule gift. They are now hanging in the living room, and we haven't got tired of looking at them yet. Now, let's hope we can afford to buy one of those Jeff Jones pieces from the limited editions!

I'll be going up to Denver in about ten days - I came down with walking pnuemonia last week and the doctor doesn't want me working with chemicals and fabrics until my lungs are clear.

I'll send updates on the production as possible!
User ID: 1634094
Apr 9th 5:46 AM
I think I would like to order al four T-shirts but can you say how much that will cost? I would like I if you could sent me the flyer...Don't you know anyone who does have a scanner? Or maybe the library...And do u still take UK money for mayment? Mmmmmkay...
Clay (Board NewB)
User ID: 2316924
Apr 12th 7:13 PM
Is there an order form on the web to send with the check? XLs of Stark and Targaryen still available? They take Visa?

Any help would be appreciated.

EMAIL: [email protected]

Just saw this thread today, but have been stalking the boards here for many months in my free time. Nice work with them y'all.
User ID: 9481773
Apr 13th 4:35 PM
I'm not sure what the current status of those t-shirts are. Since Parris gives her e-mail address above that might be an avenue worth exploring. In the past there was no need for a order form and I don't think they take Visa. But I wouldn't take any of this at my word.

And welcome Clay.
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