This is a mirror of the now defunct eesite ASOIAF webboard.

The discussions for G.R.R. Martin's awesome series "A Song of Ice and Fire" are now being held at: Current ASoIaF Webboard

You cannot post new messages to this board. Go to the Current ASoIaF Webboard for the most current discussions.

A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / The Game forum is up

User ID: 0289604
Mar 15th 7:00 PM
Well, as you can all see, The Game forum is up. Also, you'll notice that most of you cannot start new topics. This will change once the actual gaming world is joined.

I am currently using the topic 'In the Beginning' to inform you of my plans. Please do not post in it. I will have an alternate topic, 'Rules Queries', in which you can freely ask questions of me or each other.

The game should start in about a week. Enjoy!