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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / SOS manuscript on eBay

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Green Gerg
User ID: 0081374
May 30th 4:24 PM
Just heard this from George:

<<By the way, I may put a manuscript of A STORM OF SWORDS up on ebay this next month. I'm waiting to see if I have an extra, when all my reading copies get back...>>

Would be VERRRRRY interesting, no?
User ID: 0798784
May 30th 4:30 PM
Yes, indeed. I wonder how much _that_ would cost, though. BTW, apropos "advanced reader's copies" - I propose that we open the "spoiler corner" somewhere, perhaps on the secret board, for those who read them to inform those of us who are dying to get spoiled... With the previous conditions, of course, i.e. the absolute ban on dissemination and no discussion anywhere except in that "spoiler corner". What do you think?
User ID: 0867924
May 30th 4:40 PM
I don't expect the _A Storm of Swords_ MS -- no doubt split in two as he did with ACoK, IIRC -- will got for as much as the four chapters he auctioned last time. There's only a month for the book, if the UK keeps to their July shipping date.

My suspicion would put it (or the halves) at in the $200 range each as an upper end, or maybe $300 -- much more than the ACoK MSes got, which I believe were in the $50-$70 range when they sold, because of the increasing fanbase and thus demand.

As GRRM has said to ... I don't recall who, Paul or Gerg, he'll be lucky if he himself gets an ARC. I've a feeling that the chances are extremely slim for anyone on this group to get an ARC, given the short lead time (again, presuming the UK gets it out in July as they seem intended to.)

On the other hand, should someone get their hands on an ARC, and is willing to spill spoilers to the diehards, opening things up to make room would be good.
User ID: 9308123
May 30th 5:23 PM
I am so set to try and purchase the manuscript if it indeed does go on Ebay. Anyone else want in =P?
User ID: 0875014
May 30th 7:11 PM
I would be interested of course....depends on how much I can sell my wife and kids for....
Paul Halucha
User ID: 9921013
May 30th 9:50 PM
Yeah Ran, it was in an email to me that he said he would be lucky to get an ARC for his own collection. I was hoping I could buy one from him. I just bought an inscribed copy of "A Game of Thrones" from GRRM - I gave him some ideas for an inscription - will copy the group on what he wrote. In terms of the manuscript auction: I would be very interested in bidding on the manuscript and will certainly watch the bidding with interest. What detracts from the value IMHO is that the "manuscript" is really only a printed copy of the book. I would be much more likely to spend $ on a copy which had been marked up by GRRM. Anyone know even if it is a bound copy - i.e. a galley? Oh well we will see. Paul
User ID: 9308123
May 30th 11:34 PM
Paul, would you be interested in a group effort sort of deal?
Ser Benjen
User ID: 2122084
May 31st 6:51 AM
Thanks for the heads up Greg!

Honestly Ran, I bet the MS could go for a pretty high dollar amount. If three chapters (and it was three when offered) can go for for $1025, why wouldn't half the book go for that much, if not more?

Whether it does or not, you know I'm down for the group effort. It may help to establish something like that early though, to keep the price low. Early bidding could jack the price way up (like another auction I remember so well). ;)
User ID: 8813033
May 31st 8:22 AM
I'll bow out of the group effort this time. I can afford it, but it would be hard to distinguish myself from a crack addict if I couldn't wait a single stinking month for the book. Plus, I want the pleasure of cracking open a brand new hardcover of ASOS and reading the story for the first time. Well, except for the spoiler chapters....;-)
User ID: 0867924
May 31st 8:42 AM
As I said, Ser Benjen, it's time. The chapters were a very early look. The larger MS is not. The _A Clash of Kings_ MS went pretty cheapily -- $60-$70 range, and while I expect the _A Storm of Swords_ MS to fetch more, I don't expect it to come close to $1,000.

But I might be wrong. ;)
Ser Benjen
User ID: 2122084
May 31st 8:53 AM
There definitly is something about cracking a new HB. And it_is_only a month.....

Seriously, The hard thing for me is that I don't want the book spoiled for me. It takes away from the reading experience. That means once someone gets it and starts posting about it, I'm outta here, until I finish SoS. That won't be until late July or even early August if I can control myself. I don't know if I can stay away from here that long.

Pretty sad isn't it.

I guess I'll just go hang w/ the crack addicts ;)
User ID: 0798784
May 31st 8:56 AM
Ser Benjen, IIRC with the preview chapters we all controlled ourselves enough to prevent dessimenation of spoilers anyway. Don't see why it should be different with MS.

If the group effort is organized along the lines of the last one, I'll certainly be in.
Ser Benjen
User ID: 2122084
May 31st 8:59 AM
Oh I don't think the MS group will spoil it. That went very well last time, and I'd love to do it again.

The lucky few who get ARCs or those lucky enough to live in the UK will have no such restriction, however.
User ID: 0130044
May 31st 9:19 AM
If it does go on ebay, I'll definately contribute to a group effort as before. That was quite nerve racking, but exciting at the same time.
User ID: 8590713
May 31st 9:34 AM
A MS looks like a regular HB? How disappointing! Here I had a vision of thumbing through a stack of printouts, single-spaced, spelling mistakes and all, maybe a hint of GRRM deodorant...

Mhh, how's that for being addicted. Maybe time for a twelve step program. For now I'll stick to a delay of gratification strategy.

User ID: 0541004
May 31st 10:57 AM
How's the logistics going to be worked out for a whole MS, if you plan to make a group effort again?
Ser Benjen
User ID: 2122084
May 31st 11:00 AM
I guess the first step is finding the person responsible for bidding and hopefully winning the MS. Then it's really up to them about how they want to handle payment and distribution.

I really liked the way Greg did the last one.
User ID: 1822634
May 31st 11:08 AM
Can you explain how that works? someone wins the manuscript on Ebay, then you divide up the total cost of the bid, then once paid the person who wins it makes copies for everyone and we pay that person too?
User ID: 0541004
May 31st 11:11 AM
Well, payment is no bigger problem than the last time, IMHO, but copying and distribution could be a bitch...
User ID: 0541004
May 31st 11:12 AM

Yep, that's more or less how it works. Green Gerg was responsible for the bidding, and Fourthman for the copying/distribution, IIRC.
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