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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / SPOILER POLICY - PLEASE READ!

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User ID: 0541004
Jul 19th 10:02 AM
On request, in Ran's absence, I've put up some makeshift guidelines for what constitutes the spoiler policy on this board, now when aSoS looms so closely.


1) Any and all information GRRM has seen fit to disclose about aSoS on the net, is seen as fair game. I.e., you can discuss it on the non-protected 'Storm of Swords' topic. This includes the revealing of the new PoV in GRRM's Amazon interview!

2) Any information put up on the SoSpakeMartin-file is fair game - including some rather minor spoilers for aSoS.

3) Any information straight out of aSoS will be considered spoilers, and should be put in the 'A Storm of Swords II' topic _after_ the official release of the book.

This includes information from the four chapters that some 40-50 people bought on ebay, and information that GRRM has told people are OK to give via e-mail, but not put up on the net.

Innocuous tidbits will not be considered spoilers (like Linda's contests) but I strongly advice any and all who have read aSoS already to err on the side of caution.

4) Various reviews on aSoS (ottokar's among them) are presently discussed on the 'Storm of Swords II' topic, and these will be treated as spoilers that are OK to discuss in that topic presently.

5) Note that a spoiler policy does not mean that you are 100% protected against spoilers.

We (I and Emily, the moderators) cannot predict when someone comes up with the bright idea of telling people who sent the dagger after Bran outside 'A Storm of Swords II'.
Nor will we be glued to the computer 24 hours a day, so some spoilers might be up for hours before
it is removed.

I'm not saying this to chase people away, but those who _absolutely_ does not want to be spoiled, should be aware that hanging around here incurs a certain risk for being just that, whatever I and Emily do.

6) This policy is not set in stone for eternity.
Things might happen that I or Emily have not foreseen, forcing us to change the policy.
Hence, it is important that you LOOK FOR CHANGES REGULARLY, so as not to get surprises you could have done without.
Updates will be given in the same subtopic that this message resides in, i.e. in the 'Announcements' thread.
User ID: 1536664
Jul 19th 12:22 PM
*********SPOILER ALERT*********

It was that man-hater Emily who sent the dagger after Bran. But like most women, she couldn't plan the thing worth a damn.

********End of Spoiler************

Please, I really want to have one of my messages deleted by Emily so I can scream censorship. I figure this might do it.
User ID: 0074284
Jul 20th 5:17 PM
Jeff, you men think in such cute and simple ways...
Emily, he really DOES think you will do him the favor and delete this! *huggles Jeffy*
User ID: 2192024
Jul 21st 7:37 AM
*Shakes head sadly* I know, Min, I tries so hard to give men the benefit of the doubt and believe that they're capable of rational thought, but then Jeff comes along...

And I just want to make it absolutely clear - since *adopts smug mode* I've actually read the thing - that Bran's attempted murderer is NOT Emily Carter! *Gasp*
User ID: 0074284
Jul 21st 2:39 PM
You're NOT? But... but... it seemed all so obvious! You hate kids, after all! ;-)))
User ID: 1536664
Jul 21st 3:01 PM
O, you simple minded females. Perhaps I just asked to be deleted because I knew that was the surest way to ensure that Emily would not delete the post.

User ID: 9391453
Jul 21st 11:14 PM
User ID: 0074284
Jul 22nd 6:33 AM
Jeffy, Emily does not _need_ to delete you. It's a far bigger punishment when anyone is able to read you posts... question just is: Punishment for whom? *wanders off thinking real hard*
User ID: 9391453
Jul 23rd 0:44 AM
User ID: 9328513
Jul 23rd 6:15 AM
Spoilers suck.
User ID: 0541004
Jul 31st 9:34 AM
A small note on 3):

Since the aSoS Prologue is now available on the net, it is now OK to discuss it in the 'A Storm of Swords II' topic, and that one only.

The policy for the other three bid chapters remains the same - no discussion before after the official release.
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Jul 31st 9:47 AM
You are truly a born leader, Kay Arne :)
User ID: 0541004
Jul 31st 12:25 PM
Make that 'Natural Born Leader'. :P
User ID: 0867924
Aug 2nd 9:47 AM
Just to post this hear as well, I've decided that August 8th is the "official release date" mentioned in point #3 in KAH's first post. Yes, official release date is actually August 1st, but only those who've gotten advanced copies or could walk to a U.K. bookstoreto get it (and maybe not even then).

Since the vast majority of readers should be getting the book within the week, I figure the 8th gives most everyone a fair shot at being on an equal footing when it comes to spoiler postings (whether joining in or resisting them -- much easier to decide to skip spoilers if you know that the book is right next to you, begging to be read ;).

User ID: 0867924
Aug 2nd 9:57 AM
And to repeat the next bit, it'd be 12:00 AM GMT, August 8th. That is, IIRC, 7:00 PM EST, August 7th.

I don't know if this really matters hugely, but if folk are that raring to go, there you are. ;)
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Aug 2nd 10:07 AM
Guidelines are always good in instances like this.
User ID: 8820133
Aug 7th 3:28 PM
So, what's the official guideline, now?

Personally, I don't see a huge problem in discussing the book on ASoS II, presupposed that discussions are marked as SPOILERS in the topicname. Who doesn't want to read spoilers should simply not read these topics.

Waiting until the weekend seems a bit excessive to me considering that most people will have finished it already earlier. I guess a mailing list is a possibility, but a) many of these discussions would've to be repeated on the messageboard anyway and b) I prefer this messageboard to an email list.

Thus, what's the matter, Ran?
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Aug 7th 3:32 PM
One problem might be the frustration some might feel by ending up so far behind the mainstream conversation. Through no fault of their own, too. Simply because their book was delivered a week or a few weeks after others received the book. I think Ran's idea was to try to put everyone on fairly even footing. Right, Ran? Ran? Ran?
User ID: 0867924
Aug 7th 3:39 PM

There's already been one serious case of spoilers cropping up -- even a person who _had_ the book was seriously spoiled.

In their exuberance to discuss the books, folk are getting a little scattershot. Hence, the attempt to try to put people on an even footing, as Ser Gary puts it. It may be an inconvinence for those who don't like mailing lists, but it would be a kindness.

As it is, I've already been lenient in allowing properly marked spoiler threads to continue. But another badly marked one, or serious spoilers slipped into a thread on SoS II that was created pre-book publication, and I _will_ close the SoS II board for a couple of days.

Drastic, I know, but if people fail in courtesy or in common sense, or just plain turn out to be falliable and make unwitting mistakes that spoil others, then there is no other course as I see it.

(Of coure, it's only an hour and a half until the official deadline ... but we've begun to see that perhaps it'd be best if that got pushed several more days to try and even things out. We'll see -- if there are no problems as things stand now, everything will go smoothly and there'll be no cause for complaint.)
User ID: 9308123
Aug 7th 3:43 PM
Ok Guys the mailing list has been started, and ive explained to the people on the spoiler section that discussion will stop for a few days. Rania started the list and its available to anyone who wants to join.
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