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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / WHY WAS IT PUSHED IN THE U,K.

User ID: 0896204
Jul 25th 8:49 PM
User ID: 9586293
Jul 26th 3:37 PM
The British publishers liked what they read.
User ID: 0896204
Jul 26th 3:56 PM
No, No. Pushed back! I got an E-mail from Amazon saying "hey, another month, bud." What happened? I E-mailed George and he said THEY were wrong and he didn't know of any push. Yeah, right, Martin. Have another Butterfinger. I'm fed up, tired, and I want Storm of Swords now. I hearby offer to anyone who has it $2,000. It's on! I NEED THIS BOOK or, for the love of Christ Almighty sitting on his throne of blood and skulls, I will die! $2000 smack-a-roos, baby? Who wants it?
User ID: 9586293
Jul 26th 4:40 PM
Well IIRC GRRM did say in an email that Voyager, the publishers, did send him a copy of the book on July 21st. So it seems Voyager have printed the book but they aren't publishing it for another month. I don't know why they are holding off. At the moment the Eddings book is doing very well and that is also published by Voyager. Perhaps they don't want to have 2 big books competing. But I shouldn't speculate.
User ID: 0867924
Jul 26th 5:25 PM
Actually, GRRM even states that he thinks it will only be one or two weeks more (from the 21st date) before the book is out. So . . .

It's very hard to say. There's a lot of conflicting reports ATM.