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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Clash of Kings III / barbaric ways of killing people

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User ID: 0436494
May 12th 1:53 PM
what is the most barbaric way anyone has ever read about (in this kind of fiction ) of people getting killed?
Son of Hot Pie!!!
User ID: 0276214
May 12th 2:09 PM
God, you're sick. :)

User ID: 0436494
May 12th 2:24 PM
god damn you, ran!!!!!
User ID: 1536664
May 16th 12:26 PM
Sparhawk, were you deleted again? If so, why not just stop posting stuff that you know will get deleted? It serves no point and you otherwise make some pretty good comments.

My nominees are as follows:

1) I read a great alternate history/fantasy by Harry Harrison called "The Hammer and the Cross", about the Viking invasion of England in the latter half of the 9th century. In there, one of the English kings captured by the Vikings is killed via a technique called something like "Cutting the blood eagle". It involved cutting through each of the ribs where they connect to the backbone, then pulling the whole thing out, lungs and all. I haven't done a very good job of describing it because it was so gross I didn't commit it to memory. Perhaps one of our Scandivanian posters can expand on this one a bit. As I remember, there actually was such a technique, and one English king was killed by it during this period in the RL. Harrison just had a different king. Edmund instead of Ella, or something like that.

2) In the very same book, a different English King is killed by cutting into his abdomen, pulling out one end of his large intestine, and tying it to a pole. He was then forced to walk around the pole as his intestines unwound. Ouch.

3) In a rather trashy series called "The Lost Regiment", a union regiment from the U.S. Civil War is zapped to a world ruled by 9 foot tall, man-eating creatures who follow a Mongol military system. The Hordes (as they are called) collect tribute in the form of humans from various groups of humans who also have been mysteriously transplanted to this world. Anyway, the Hordes celebrate something called the "Moon Feast" with each new moon. The climactic event of a moon feast is opening the skull of a live human, and slowly eating the brain of the person who is still alive when the process is begun.. Some of the hordes will poke the open brain to watch the reaction of the poor victim.

Ack. Just grossed myself out enough that I think I'll skip lunch today.

User ID: 0436494
May 16th 2:05 PM
you read my mind as regards the 'blood eagle' thing, jeff.
it has to be my all-time nasty way of killing someone. they do it a bit in that middle age german tale 'Der Neiblung' -'The Ring-Saga', in English,it think it is. its where tolkein got the idea for The Lord of the Rings. iwas gonna see if anyone put anything worse up 'fore i put that up.

User ID: 0436494
May 16th 2:07 PM

you on you norseman - delete me!!!!
User ID: 1536664
May 16th 2:12 PM
I think Ran's engaged, so he definitely does "get some". Probably more than me, because I'm married. :-))

User ID: 0867924
May 16th 2:19 PM
Quite happily engaged, indeed. I'm not the sort to kiss and tell (or anything else and tell) but I am saddened to have to inform you, sparhawk, that you're way off the mark. ;) T

Linda, my fiance�, suggests that you might be projecting your problems, judging from the over-excitement of your post. She speculates that your age prevents you from legally getting any in most of the civilized world. Heh.

I'm not sure I'm a norseman, either, BTW. American, you know. ;) She, on the other hand, is indeed quite deliciously Swedish if I say so myself.
User ID: 9906923
May 16th 2:38 PM
Quater horseing is always a nasty way to go in my opinion.

If you want to read a good description of the blood eagle read Rhinegold by Stephan Grundy. Its got a nasty and very desrciptive one in there.
User ID: 0798784
May 16th 6:23 PM
"1614 W. Davies _Trav._ etc. B iij b, Their ganshing is after this manner: He sitteth
vpon a wall, being five fadomes high..right vnder the place where he sits, is a strong
Iron hooke fastned, being very sharpe; then is he thrust off the wall vpon this hooke
with some part of his body, and there he hangeth sometimes two or three daies
before he dieth."

"1718 Ozell tr. _Tournefort's Voy._ I. 72 The Gaunch is a sort of Estrapade, usually
set up at the City-gates. The Executioner lifts up the Criminal by means of a pully, and
then letting go the rope, down falls the wretch among a parcel of great iron
User ID: 0276214
May 16th 8:15 PM
ewwww.....gross. But....interesting.

Lets see, I was traumatized by an Japanese cartoon movie as a child. It was about this girl, they cut off all her hair (hey, that horrifies 10 year olds). Then they killed her mother before her eyes and then her mother turned into a bird and flew away, which meant she did not go to heaven and could never be seen again, to my child mind. Then she and her brother were in a shipwreck when their slave ship crashed, and they got in separate boats and drifted away from each other forever. They finally killed the girl in a slave labor camp.

Imho, Japanese cartoons understand deep things about violence. I described the action, but I guess you had to see it at 10 to get the full impact.

Other than that, all the action in Seven was the grossest stuff in the world, in terms of objective details. I shall totally refrain from discusing it, but sloth was definitely the worst, imho.

Oh, oops.....I just reread the first post. Its "the most barbaric this kind of fiction". Well, I am not sure if GRRMs 13 year old rape victim died, but I am not looking forward to rereading that passage. I'm busily trying to blot out the details from my brain.

I know about that Viking thing, but I thought William Wallace died much more grossly. I assume his story is in one of these type books somewhere. If people knew what they were roasting...its probably the most horrible.

All this from a woman who cried harder over "My Best Friend's Wedding" than anything else in fiction in her adult life....ah well.
User ID: 8813033
May 16th 8:51 PM
Wallace was just disemboweled, then quartered. A pretty common rite, really. I think it wasn't taken off the books in England as the punishment for treason until the 18th century.

Seven was a waste of film, IMHO. So someone manage to make a disgusting, repulsive movie. Whoopie.
User ID: 7399413
May 16th 9:43 PM
Get a life guys. Not a great topic.
User ID: 8813033
May 16th 10:14 PM
Sure it's not a great topic. But let's face it, we've beaten all the great topics to death many times over. So now we discuss "not so great" topics.

Got a better idea for a topic, Rughead? I'll give one a shot and restart "The Others" thread with something.
User ID: 8813033
May 16th 10:29 PM
I put it under "Crazy Theories" instead. And its not as good as this thread, but its all I could think of on short notice.
User ID: 0701364
May 17th 0:10 AM
Wasn't there something about bamboo? A person was tied a few feet above bamboo stalks. The bamboo grow pretty fast so the person had to watch the bamboo grow under him. Eventually, the bamboo'd go through the person's feet...eww.
User ID: 9377263
May 17th 1:32 AM
LindaElane, What 13yr old rape victim of GRRM are you talking about, i dont recall one, but refresh my memory if you will.
User ID: 0436494
May 17th 5:30 AM

Hot Pie
User ID: 1363014
May 17th 6:44 PM
I dont remember where i read this but it was some thing like a man hate each arm and leg tied to a different orse. they would each horse run i a different direction and ripe the person apart. Dont know many things but i do know i wouldnt want to go that way.

P.S. i think this topic is great and should have more like them

blood-thristy HOT PIE!!!!!
User ID: 8813033
May 17th 7:09 PM
That's basically "quartering". Being "drawn and quartered" meant being dragged around behind a horse, then pulled apart by a horse tied to each limb.
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