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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / On A Personal Note III

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User ID: 9433023
Nov 26th 5:18 PM
The topic for off-topic talk.
Just talk.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 26th 5:22 PM
cgob, I took no offense. No comfort, but no offense nevertheless. I am glad I inspired you to a story. Inspiring seems to be my destiny.

Nothing new from my Shaggydog. They are still searching for the cause of the desease. It might be a virus, they suspect a certain one, but he is vaccinated against it.
He had a culmination of some sort in his stomach, and they operated him yesterday night to cut it out there. It completely disfunctioned all internal systems. He is feeded by infusions right now. Stable, but unchanging. I slept with my telephone next to my bed, and I will do so again tonight.
Linda, Claidham, I am grateful for the prayers.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 26th 8:09 PM
Cgob, tis ok then. I thought your story true and I thought the moral was in the ending...somethimg about how you can eat meat in spite of your attachment to Bess. Anyway, I can now see your creative intentions. Dpn't worry...I actually like you. I have reddish hair :-)...I know, a stereotype, but belive me, even if I flame, I may like the person I flame.

I invite people to skip the rest of this long post if they are not cat lovers as it is personal details about my beloved cat.

Min, your story gave me the courage to visit my beloved pet today. For just over a year I have wept whenever I allowed myself to think of my kitty. (Well, I tried very hard, and succeeded, not to think about him at work). He was the most loving cat you have ever known, I got him at six weeks of age. I had always longed for a cat, our complex allows no dogs. He would curl up and sleep with me every night, play with me on each walk through the house, happily pouncing on my toes, then sit in my lap, purring and licking whenever I was on the sofa. He was a very bright cat though, and he got quite bored when I was at work. He was very lonely. I considered getting a second cat, but before doing it, I made a call to some "pet sitters". To my horror, I discovered a pet sitter is not someone who takes a pet into their home while you are away for a very high fee (I had falsely heard that), but someone who visits for just a few minutes each day. Thus, I could keep my cat, and never leave town again, or I could find a good home for him. Imprisoning him in my home was not an option, he hated that....he loved to go and play outside and was making cat friends in the neighborhood even at 3 months old. Imprisoning him in a kennel was not an option either...I am a teacher and I go away for four weeks in the summer. Finally, I found a home for him, my trainer's daughter wanted a kitten. Brad, my trainer, assured me that they would love it and that it could go outside. So I gave it away. The tragic thing, for me, was that when I went to see it and meet Brad's daughter, the new owner, I found she was very much in favor of the advice of American vets that cats could not go outside, and that they did not need a second cat for a companion, though you could purchase one if you wished. It horrible! The cat knew what outdoors was, he had been free once. Also, this girl worked from 8 to my beloved kitty was alone for 10 hours rather than 8 (the father worked longer hours). I thought it must be so lonely and bored. I knew I had the option to commit a crime, kidnapping it, or leave it. I left it. I thought that if I stayed away he would forget me and adjust to the sad life of an indoor cat that most cats in America are forced to endure.

Ok, momentary pause for American indoor cat owners. I know that not all cats dislike that life. Just, the point is, mine did.

I drove up there today. I was even going to cat nap him if I needed to. The news was part bad and part good. She really seems to love the cat a lot. There are three people in the house so it has more company than it had with me. He is old enough that he sleeps through the day now, so lonliness is not such a great problem while others are at work. The cat did not remember me, which was just as I intended and I was not surprised. The bad is that she has not neutered him. Neutering at 15 months is traumatic, but she swore it is scheduled for this weekend and I believe her. She said it had been delayed because he got in a cat fight and had to clear up an infection from scratches. It seems he does get to go out for a walk at least once a day, a fact which made my heart ever so glad. The best part was where she said that he comes back when she calls him in from his walk. He had every opportunity to run I have come to peace that my cat really wanted to stay there. I cannot tell you what a relief it is not to weep everytime I think of him. Thanks for inspiring me to just go and see him. I needed something to give me the courage and with the hour or so I wept over your pet and mine last night, I knew I had to see him and steal him if he was not happy. Thankfuly, he was.
User ID: 1989294
Nov 27th 0:26 AM
Min, I am sad for you. I know the nostalgia. I say to my dog almost every day 'where I go, you go. Where you go, I go.' She seems to like that, she can sense it's true. I know that in the next few years we'll part, even though neither of us would choose it. If I knew of some secret to ease the pain, trust me, I would not hold it to myself. All that I can believe is that while she's alive, I have my duty to her. She's my little sister, after all. When she's gone, I'll know that I haven't slighted her, or hurt her, and that I've done all that I could to keep my promises to her. She deserves the pain I'll feel once she's gone. It's not easy for me, but that's how it's best for her, and that is what is most important. I'll feel no guilt or shame beyond that which I've felt already, only trial. When that is passed, when I think of her I'll only remember the happiness we shared. My words probably don't make anything easier for you, but I believe them to be true, and I believe that you've had the same relationship with Bobby. A good one. Hold on to that.
haaruk Nov 27th 9:29 AM
Min, your pain is our pain. We open our hearts to you and Shaggydog. A place inside each of us where he can be safe, rest and heal.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 27th 11:16 AM
Yes. I feel safe. I feel that all your strength supports him. I can really feel that. I do not know if he would still live without that. Yet, he does.

Or at least I think he does. I cannot reach the hospital during the weekend, but they told me they'd call if he died, and no call yet. I give a start whenever the phone rings, though, and try to reach the hospital altough I know no one will answer the phone now. But I have to try.

I know that, if he survives, your prayers and support were part of what made him survive. And even if he does not, I will never forget your words.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 27th 11:19 AM
Kinda, I am so glad your kitty is happy. And I am glad you found the courage to visit him.

I love animals, and I said that Bobby is a part of our family, my little brother, but I never was one of those humans who humanize their pets. I grew up in the country, and I always felt that I best show my love and respect for the beasts when I treated them as they were. Cats need freedom, as dogs need their pack. Well, I suppose a life purely in a flat might be better for a cat than staying in an asylum-cage each day, so I cannot blame people for getting a cat and holding it at home. I just would not.
I am really happy that your cat adapted to the new life, and seems to be loved and appreciated.
User ID: 0833354
Nov 27th 4:06 PM
No offense Ran, but Freyja's Realms are the most tortuously difficult set of web pages I've ever tried to navigate through. Can't you try and simplify them a little.
Ser Gary
User ID: 9279843
Nov 27th 4:11 PM
Min, I just read your posts. I am so sorry about Shaggydog. Please know that I am thinking of you both, and praying for the best.

User ID: 9433023
Nov 28th 6:38 AM
I know, Gary. I know.
Nothing new yet.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 28th 11:57 AM
The hspital called. Bobby died an hour ago.
Ser Gary
User ID: 9279843
Nov 28th 1:12 PM
My thoughts are with you, Min. I am so very sorry. My shoulder is strong. Please hang in there. I'll write you tomorrow.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 28th 1:36 PM
I'm so very sorry Min. He put up a brave fight. I am sure he knew how you loved him.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 28th 3:43 PM
Oh Linda. I hope he did. I just wish I could have been there when he died. Dying must be such a lonely thing to do.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 28th 5:31 PM
He did know, have faith in that. He knew you and your love as you knew him and his love. If you were ill and he could not be there, you would still know he loved you. You know that dogs know things, so know that he knew of your love until the end.
User ID: 8075153
Nov 28th 5:43 PM

My condolences. I now how it is when a cherished dog is lost.


Not mine. They're my fiancees. For my part, I like it, but she keeps muttering about re-doing the whole thing someday. She did them a couple of years ago and has quite a lot more skill with HTML since then.

Not that I expect it'll ever get updated. She has too much other work to do.
User ID: 0053014
Nov 28th 5:58 PM
min-my condolences
User ID: 0478154
Nov 29th 1:08 AM
I'm sorry Min.
Swithin Nov 29th 1:39 AM
So am I.
haaruk Nov 29th 11:14 AM
I'm sorry Min.
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