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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Baseball

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labor Aug 2nd 2:42 PM

User ID: 7538493
Aug 2nd 9:38 AM
Hey Mike!! No negative comments (or inferences) about Cal! Cal is God!
User ID: 9997253
Aug 2nd 9:53 AM
Rebecca, I apologize profusely if I have offended. Let me clear things up. I
think Cal Ripken Jr. is one of the most amazing baseball players ever.
What I meant with the above statement is that Hightower may be
distinguished because of the standard of excellence he has maintained
over the course of a long career. I feel the same way about Cal. I have no
doubt that he is one of the best ever, but what sticks out in my mind is 'the
streak'. Not how many homers, RBI's, or hits he has garnered, but the fact
that he has been playing great for so many years and hasn't started to slip
in his abilities. Once again, I meant no disrespect to Cal, he is still one of
the best shortstops in the game today. BTW, are you from Baltimore?
User ID: 0227464
Aug 2nd 10:02 AM
Mike, being a Tribe fan, I must take issue with you over Cal. He, like Selmy,
is considerably past his prime. His last few years have been pretty weak,
though he's doing a bit better this year. And you're credibility on this issue
is a little weak as Cal has been playing third base, not shortstop, for the
past couple of years.

User ID: 7538493
Aug 2nd 10:50 AM
Yes, Mike I'm from Baltimore. And Jeff, Back Off! :)

User ID: 9997253
Aug 2nd 10:55 AM
Has he? I heard that he moved to third base a good while back, before the
streak ended, but I imagined that it was only temporary. I really don't keep
up with anyone except the Braves, but I was sure that he was back at
shortstop. If he isn't, then who is turning the DP's for Baltimore. Well, it
doesn't really matter because I don't think they aren't exactly doing so hot
right now, Anyway, back to defending Cal. Yes, it is true, I made more of a
broad generalization of his abilities, but I am sure his stats have not
suffered that much (what is he batting? Around .270 or something). But a
couple of seasons where he isn't playing up to Cal Ripken standards
doesn't take away from the facts of his career. He is close to 3000 hits (I
believe), and he broke one of the most amazing records in the history of
baseball. Besides, I would take Ripken in a down year before I took most
other players. Which is kind of the point that I was making. He managed to
play very well in all those games and he did it with a lot of class. That is
the amazing thing about him. Enough about Ripken, though.
Ya know Jeff, I can't help but mention that there is a good possibility that
the Braves and the Indians will meet in the WS. I hope both of them do
make it, and I hope that both of us are still posting here. It just seems like
an ample opportunity for good 'trash talking'. Well, if the Indians make it
past the Yankees, that is. :)
User ID: 8479113
Aug 2nd 11:09 AM

Could you please have pity on us baseball-ignoramuses and move this
discussion to the "Other Topics" board?
Aug 2nd 11:26 AM
Don't forget Cal's also closing in on 400 HRs. And, as a Mets fan, I would be
remiss if I did not point out that the Braves need to take care of business in
the NL East first, as well. Sorry, labor.
User ID: 0854544
Aug 2nd 2:23 PM
Regardless of his stats, Cal has played with a class that is nearly unheard of
in professional sports. The way he handled the pursuit and breaking of the
consecutive game record is something I will always remember. Also the
way he sat out a game when his numbers were down to take the pressure
off of his manager and help his team was incredible. No I'm not a huge O's
fan, just respect the man (got to see him play on Memorial Day - he hit a

Sorry Labor, won't discuss it anymore on this string but I couldn't help

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User ID: 7538493
Aug 2nd 9:11 PM
LOL!!! I was being tongue in cheek, but it seems I started a war! Sorry Labor (and all the others who don't follow baseball).

Mike--FYI: Mike Bordick is our shortstop now. Has been for the last couple of years, that's when Cal moved permanently to 3rd. Cool thing is Mike didn't take the job until he'd talked to Cal.

Cal's 1 homerun away from 400. He's been having back problems again. I don't know if he's playing today or not. Here in B'more we have to keep up on the Cal stats, cause there's nothing else to do since we suck! I guess there's always next year...

Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 3rd 8:46 AM
Rebecca et al, I'm a long-suffering Red Sox fan. Remember 1918! We had a great team!!! I have been to Camden Yards and consider it the nicest modern ballpark I've ever seen. We sat in the bleachers, but it was like we were right on the field.
User ID: 0854544
Aug 3rd 2:01 PM
Gary, Good luck about Pedro. Better for the M's if he doesn't come back but I don't like to win that way.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 3rd 2:55 PM
Thanks, Kevin. The Sox will probably trade him to the Yankees next season anyway.

Okay, now I'm going to chance incurring Rebecca's wrath -- which is something I've been expert at for the past several months. Here goes: I contend that if the O's sufficiently rested Cal during the past decade or so (as opposed to allowing him free reign to set the consecutive games played record), then they might have won a few more pennants and maybe even a world series or two. The truth is Cal was often too tired to play as effectively as he might have with sufficient rest.

I don't say that to demean him, because I like Cal and thing he's been a fine ball player. I just think this "streak" thing was detrimental to the team as a whole. Rebecca?
User ID: 7538493
Aug 3rd 8:37 PM
Weeeelllll..... Cal for the most part has been a pretty consistant player, but I'd say, Gary, that as especially pertains to the later years, that you are probably correct. As the chance to break Lou Gehrig's record loomed ever nearer, there were times when Cal should have been benched and wasn't for the sake of The Streak. But you can't put all the blame at Cal's feet. Let's put some of it where it really belongs, at Peter Angelos' feet. Having revolving managers doesn't help team morale. The two years Johnson was manager saw us getting closer and closer to the World Series; I was seeing the crescendo close at hand, but nooooooooooo, Angelos wouldn't let Johnson do his job, so Johnson left (or was fired--whatever). Now Angelos thinks he can simply buy a winning team. Well, the joke's on him, isn't it?

Okay, rant off.

BTW anyone want Albert Belle?
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 4th 1:50 PM
Anyone want Belle? Maybe Rahway Prison. That's about it.

Rebecca, I used to be one of the world's greatest baseball fans. Really. Growing up, I would watch or listen to EVERY Red Sox game -- and they totally stunk then. When they were on the west coast, I'd go to sleep with a radio at my ear. The players had names like Malzone, Buddin, Wertz and Monbouquette back then. But I loved those guys. Because it wasn't about winning. Well it was to a certain extent. But it was more about loyalty and team spirit and continuity.

It was nice to know that some of the younger players would probably improve from year to year, or a fine young prospect might arrive from the minor leagues to add some much needed hitting or pitching. Or that the front office might bring someone in via trade who could help the team down the stretch. It was great to just sit around and talk about the possibilities.

I just can't stand this free agent crap! The rich teams can afford to pay these arrogant, pampered, prima donnas kazillions of dollars and there is tremendous disparity and stupidity in this type of "system". There is NO continuity on any of the teams anymore. Here today, gone tomorrow. Greed, power, etc. The low point was the cancellation of the world series because the players were on strike. I haven't watched a complete game since. Honest. And I won't, either. Not unless they completely revamp the way things are done -- and there's virtually no chance that that will happen.
User ID: 7538493
Aug 4th 10:18 PM
Gary, I hear you!! Whatever happened to the farm system? Used to be, if a player wasn't pulling his own, down he went to the minor leagues till he started to improve. Never see that happening anymore. And where are the rookies? Who's going to replace all the aging players when they retire? I used to follow baseball alot more closely, too, but I've definiately gotten disenchanted over the last few years. (Though I'll never pass up an invitation to go down to the Yard).
User ID: 9544623
Aug 5th 8:34 AM
As a life-long Pittsburgh Pirate fan, I must say that all of the rookies are now playing there. Although the team is not especially good, they do give a good effort and it is truly refreshing to see a baseball player give his best every game. They may never make $10 million per year, but their effort is worth the price of admission.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 5th 8:44 AM
Claid, you just said a mouthful. The Pittsburgh organization is one of the few that understands what the game is truly supposed to be about. As a result, they've lost so many talented players, including Barry Bonds. But there's definitely something to be said about going to the park and watching players who are not multi-millionaire prima donnas give their all for the fans and for the love of the game. I think I last witnessed that about 25 years ago!!!

Rebecca, the majors can't spend too much time or energy on their farm system players simply because those players may well jump ship after a few years in the majors. The whole thing's crazy and detrimental to the fans! Ever notice that most of today's fans wear three-piece suits, too? Yeah, they're all corporates sales exec's taking their customers to the ball park. Where are the kids?
User ID: 0854544
Aug 5th 2:01 PM
You want rookies??? Watch the Mariners! They've had 13 different rookie pitches this year.
User ID: 7538493
Aug 5th 8:16 PM
Well, I'm glad they're out there somewhere 'cause they ain't here, that's for sure!! I gripe because the O's used to have a good farm system and we've always done better with a "young" team. Or maybe it was that we had a good balance of talented rookies and older players. Of course the roster used to be alot more stable too. ;)
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 6th 7:26 AM
Rebecca, I remember a young starting staff in Baltimore comprised of Jim Palmer, Dave McNally, Tom Phoebus and Wally Bunker. That wasn't really so long ago, was it? Or am still stuck in the late 60s?
User ID: 7538493
Aug 7th 9:49 PM
Gary, you're stuck in the '60s :)
User ID: 1153984
Aug 8th 0:53 AM
Go Pirates! With a payroll somewhere around 15million, this team can still play .500 ball? My heart was ripped out following the Bonilla/Bonds/VanSlyke years, but at least I can hold up head knowing full well that my team does things the right way. I hope this attitude extends to players like Kendall and Morris. If so, Pittsburgh will again be crowned the City of Champions!
Ser Gary
User ID: 9279843
Aug 8th 4:44 PM
Rebecca, I do believe that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me :)

Victor, I hate to say it, but unfortunately you're wrong. Teams like the Pirates will never win a championship unless the Powers That Be change the way the game is administered. The low-budget, smaller media cities don't have a fighting change -- just another thing that's upsetting about the game. Baseball needs a complete overhaul. If not, most of the fans will abandon the game.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Oct 13th 3:37 PM
I would be remiss if I didn't take a posting to congratulate my beloved Red Sox on their amazing comeback victory over the Indians in the American League playoffs. What an incredible hitting display on Sunday, and what a fantastic and gutsy performance by Pedro Martinez on Monday.

As usual, everyone is writing us off against the Yankees. But hey, in a short series anything is possible, right? Boston in seven games, with Pedro besting that traitor Roger Clemens in both the third and the seventh games. Is anybody jumping on this wagon with me? Anyone? Rebecca?
User ID: 0247944
Oct 14th 9:50 PM
Ser Gary

I'm definitely with ya. Although I am a sucker for hard luck cases. I happen to be a Cubs fan, Rember 1908 we had a really great team then. I've even got a T-shirt from it. Just got it this summer. I really want the Red sox to win it all, cause Nomar is my boy( Next to Sammy of course:) Maybe next year there'll be a Cubs Bo Sox world series. If it ever happens in my lifetime I'm there.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Oct 15th 7:37 AM

If the Cubs and Bosox ever meet in the Series, you and I attend all of those games -- together. Deal?
User ID: 0247944
Oct 15th 8:50 AM
Deal. I'm Definitely There
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