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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / On A Personal Note IV

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User ID: 9433023
Dec 14th 6:04 PM
The topic about off-topic talk. Society, jobs, long-distance relationships and all our petty and not-so-petty problems we like to discuss.
Can you believe it's fourth already? We are maniacs. :-)
User ID: 9433023
Dec 14th 6:08 PM
Kay, you said sex is overestimated in our society. I have made the experience that people who say that only say it because they don't _have_ sex. Ok, I'm kidding. :-) What, not funny? Sorry, then. ;-)

Kristin: There is one important point for a job interview: Be yourself. Really. Ok, behave, but never make yourself something else than you are. Only two things can result from that: 1st, the interviewer realizes it. Ooops. 2nd, he doesn't, and gives you the job. Will you continue more than 80% of your time playing a role?

So, just be yourself. As far as I know you, you are a competent, enthusiastic, intelligent person. So if you just are yourself, everything will be fine. Good luck!

And to you, too, Watcher and Swithin. My thoughts are with you. You will make the best of it, I just know it.
User ID: 7733333
Dec 14th 9:29 PM
My condolences on your sojourn in the dungeon. My sister also hit a tree sometime back, and was punished with a fine of most outrageous proportions. It is a strange world we live in when one is incarcerated for damaging a tree. Thank heaven you were ok in the accident.

Watcher, sounds great. Are the engineer's with PhDs capable teachers or are they merely capable engineers. The question is more important than it seems since its my first year teaching Calculus in the valley and I would love to send some students your way if you have not only qualified professors, but professors who can teach. Also, could you tell me why NAU is not as good (if you think its not as good)? If you think that would be boring to the board, my email is [email protected], or you can just post it here since there are four of us Zonies and perhaps more besides who would like to know of a good engineering school.

KayArne, I did like your observations on toilets.
User ID: 0227464
Dec 15th 8:19 AM
Good advice for Kristin, Min. We interview lots of prospective lawyers for my firm every year and, assuming the person has the requisite basic qualifications, hire on personality. I admit that not every firm does it that way, but we just hire people that we _like_. So, be yourself.

Kay-Arne said that sex was overestimated in our society? Funny, the girls I've been with always say the same thing....
User ID: 9544623
Dec 15th 10:00 AM
I don't know, Kay-Arne. I really don't think my life revolves around a toilet. There have been times when a toilet is not available.......

A couple thoughts on engineers and professors.

I graduated with an engineering degree from Pepsi State University (used to be Penn State, till they sold out) and have found the professors very intelligent and capable of teaching the basic requirements necessary to begin your engineering career. They must teach a minimum of classes, so you actually get the prof and not a grad student. Yet these professors are not very capable engineers. They deal with theory and exacts where the "real world" is filled with opinions and egos of some very interesting people that you must deal with on a daily basis. I wish it were as simple as the sterile environment in college, but it's not.

On the other hand, before you begin you engineering classes you must take the calculus, physics, chemistry, etc. which are mostly taught by grad students hiding from their country's governments in perpetual study. It's tough to understand what some of them are saying.
User ID: 1766884
Dec 15th 12:54 PM
My interview advice: Relax.

If you are all twanged out, your personallity doesn't stand a chance of showing. Also if you are relaxed, you show that you are able to handle pressure situations.
Bill Hall
User ID: 0777594
Dec 16th 1:27 AM
Kristin, don't forget to interview *them* about the job. You may not want it, regardless of promised benefits. And showing interest in the actual nature of the work can only impress them favorably.

Regarding research U's: I'm glad to hear that Arizona State engineering hasn't succumbed. I believe they are also one of the few schools to take the qualifying of science teachers out of the hands of the Education Dept. Penn State, on the other hand, is swimming in engineering faculty, and the number who "buy off" from teaching duties to pursue Govt grants is large. I think they sport more "centers for..." than MIT.

I do have an interest in improving education from the ground up. I have taught a bit (at UCLA and Harvey Mudd), and have myriad friends currently in academia. Over four decades I have observed the decline in both the entering class preparation and the attention given them by senior faculty. Those of you who passed through the system recently can't appreciate how much you've been shortchanged, for all your classmates were, too.

I think the changes have to start on several fronts together: with the training of the new K-12 teachers and elevation of their status in the community; with redirection of research funding out of the reach of college administrators and faux professors; and with a system that rewards good teaching equally with good research. We need to tilt the table so things will roll our way. Or many of those we count on to operate the machinery of society in the future won't even be able to read the manuals.

'Nuff said.

User ID: 0478154
Dec 16th 5:38 AM
Bill, the machine is rotten, the manuals outdated. Let us re-write them instead of reading them. Education is key to that as well, but its education of self.
Bill Hall
User ID: 0777594
Dec 16th 11:08 AM
Self-education is increasingly necessary and, thanks to the Net, increasingly possible. A lot of the people contributing to this board are already doing that. But we are an exceptionally motivated minority. We need most people to have a basic, operational understanding of the social and physical processes that they deal with, processes that are changing even as we speak. Blind justice is one thing; confused and ignorant jurors, judges, and politicians are another.

By all means, invent better social machinery and write better manuals. But don't expect most children to teach themselves the right things. There are so many more intersting things to do.
Swithin in Athens
User ID: 1202654
Dec 19th 6:44 AM
OK, I know public interest has died down, but...

SHE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, oh, I guess I can't be with her for more than two weeks at a time...


I say let the world end, at least I'll be here in Athens, not wet and alone in Seattle.

Surprisingly, right now I'm happy. I guess I'm being unfair to the world, but to think we can pick up where we left off, and then have to leave off again when we're just starting... Entropy is a cruel master, Nostalgia a f*ck up drinking partner. Come to think of it, it's funny Neil Gaiman didn't find a D word for nostalgia. He'd fit perfectly in Sandman.

BTW, have I ever told you guys how much I love you? If only I could have all my friends and sparring partners in the same place at the same time...
Ser Gary
User ID: 9279843
Dec 19th 3:17 PM
Swithin, I'm happy for you buddy.
User ID: 1446254
Dec 20th 1:03 AM
swithin, public interest has not died at all. I can only speak for myself, but I am always glad to hear of you, and about how your relationship to Christina develops. Of course she loves you. You are worth it, don't forget that. Ebjoy the time you both have, and do not think of the time you'll have to separate again. Few loves are meant for eternity, though we always want to think that _this_ one does. The moment is precious, and even more in a relationship like yours. Seize it, and get every joy and pleasure out of it that you can get. I wish you a wonderful time with her, she seems to be a wonderful woman.

Thank you for the compliment. I feel the same. I am having a party with my friends at new years eve, and I found myself wishing that all of you, or some of you at least, could be there, too. I said it once on this topic: If ever I win in a lottery, I will buy you all tickets to Germany. Too bad I am not playing in a lottery, but still - I would. :-)
the Athenian
User ID: 1202654
Dec 22nd 11:09 AM
Thanks Min ;) We're trying... We're talking through the problems of this being my first serious relationship, and her being 10 years older than me... She turns 28 Jan 2nd, and we're gonna party like it's nineteen ninety... oh wait, damn.
I still can't believe I've found the most beautiful lady in Athens, and that she likes to be with me. She's worried (rightly so) that I'm attracted to the thought of a relationship with her so much that I've forgotten if it's truly Christina that I want. This made me think, and she's right, I *am* attracted to the idea. How could I not be??? But the novelty is wearing off, and I feel even more need to keep her wise comments, her old soul, her bright eyes, and all of those things which make her so [after 2 minutes thought there is no word] in my life. I believe more than ever that with each other we can make some more sense out of the world, that with each other's help we'll be Ok, that I feel beauty so much more strongly when she's nearby. I know these things now, I want to be with her. I want just her.


There is no answer. There is no way now for me to make it so, I have to admit that I have no control over what happens now, except to tell her how I feel. The only other time I've felt this way is when my father died, and not being able to change things killed me then. I can't face going back to Seattle. Moments and vignettes are well and good, I need them and I feel so does she, but I finally want something more...

I saw her again yesterday. I can still smell her shampoo and the soft wipes she carries in her bag. I'm turning into something I'm not, I'm falling into this. I can't wait to kiss her again, or just lounge, or talk about life. I want to inhale all those moments as one, and not exhale. I'm not used to this weakness. She makes me weak, and she gives me strength... Damn you Catullus, you bastard!!! You were right all along, you pathetic fool...

I feel if I continue I'll make an even bigger fool of myself.
User ID: 0227464
Dec 22nd 12:42 PM
Hey, if you don't make a fool of yourself it can't be love. Of course, frequent readers of this Board may say that I've made a fool out of myself on plenty of occasions without the excuse of love.

User ID: 0087674
Dec 24th 0:06 AM
love is just a word
User ID: 9433023
Dec 24th 7:13 AM
Have a very Merry Christmas, my friends out there. I will be thinking of you.
Ser Gary
User ID: 9279843
Dec 24th 11:24 AM
Merry Christmas, Min.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

I will be thinking of all of you, too. While eating my blackberries, of course.
User ID: 0826264
Dec 24th 8:23 PM
Cheer up, Shagga. Think about MUSIC (I love the damn stuff)...!

Yeah, Merry Christmas all. I hope for your sakes that you don't have as much homework as I do. :(

Darnit, I should stop complaining.

Pass the blackberries around, Ser Gary (if you don't mind). <g>

User ID: 9433023
Dec 25th 7:01 AM
Please don't talk of homework, Malice. I worked until midnight on Thursday, I have things to prepare for Monday, and on Monday, I will work 14 hours at least... :-(

And especially for you, My Lord: A bowl of sugar-frosted blackberries with cream. :-)
User ID: 9802413
Dec 27th 0:02 AM
this is gonna be kinda late but

a merry christmas to all and to all a good night

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