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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Rants, Raves, Mayhem

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User ID: 0867924
May 15th 2:23 PM
Self-explainatory. This board is reserved to generally pointless arguments and insults, and various twisted examples of scatalogical verse-play. Enter at your own risk.
User ID: 0867924
May 15th 2:25 PM
Son of Hot Pie posted:


Not a problem. I'm just having fun, too.

If you don't like your job, maybe it's time to find other means of generating income. If you want some books for some ideas let me know and

REMEMBER (I'm the son of Hot Pie from book four . . . wanna know why? No? Well, I'll tell you anyway)


sparhawk posted:

haaruk, first sign of war and you wet your pants, you spineless windbag.

sparhawk posted:

oh, by the way, those last insults were a bit of an improvement. who's a clever boy! keep up the good work - someday you might actually offend someone!

Son of Hot Pie!!!
User ID: 0276214
May 15th 2:59 PM
Yeah, baby! Be as nonsensical as possible. Drink beer until your brain cells are all gone. Power
to the people, etc., etc., HA!

User ID: 0436494
May 16th 8:26 AM
guinness - the beverage of the gods.
User ID: 0707654
May 16th 8:17 PM
Dionysus-the god of beverages.
User ID: 0276214
May 16th 10:02 PM
Ah, there you go. I had my first real Guiness last March. The horrid stuff they serve in the states does not even count. Nothing like a glass of the cool stuff at Tig Ric's for the Friday caeli. Fourteen local musicians Yeah, I was there....another world. A better world in many ways.

I'll send a large check to any Irishman (or woman, or anyone else) who can tell me the words to that "Shay ma hayle" song. :-)
( my Irish spelling is I can do...)

Err...Dionysus is a pale imitation :-)
User ID: 0436494
May 17th 5:23 AM
bejaysus, begorrah! sure you wouldn't be sayin' that you only had your first pint of stout last march. ah, ye poor crathur.
i'm off now for a ceili at the crossroads with the local cailini and me pet leprauchan.
better make sure the banshee doesen't get me!!
but a worse world in many ways, sure, where would we be without a couple of yanks comin' in and bringin' us poor people some money.
that reminds me, tha gas for me lamp has run out - better go off across the fields to get some more.
User ID: 0707654
May 18th 2:07 AM
I was refering to the god I was unaware that there was a beer named Dionysus
User ID: 0276214
May 18th 3:49 AM
Sparhawk are you honestly Irish or an Irish sympathizer?

I would not have believed you except you claim to know the plural of caeli....and your referece to the gas..........we fed it when I was in Ireland to be sure.....look, if you are Irish, [email protected] have much to discuss with you. Truly..An Caval Duv....the black horse
User ID: 0436494
May 18th 4:27 AM
its not the plural of ceili. 'cailini' is plural for girls.
Son of Hot Pie!!!
User ID: 0276214
May 20th 4:10 AM
Hey, I just wanted to say that that CHAPMAN guy from Catelyn II . . . is a complete and total wuss . . . he probably couldn't even crack and egg with both of his hands!!!

Okay, time for bed and dreaming of this fact:

THE SEED IS STRONG!!!! *thrusting my pelvis back and forth* *HOO AHH . . . oh yeahhh!!!*
User ID: 8882983
May 21st 3:53 PM
Guinness - Beverage of those whose tastebuds have been killed by too much Guinness. Give me a nice real ale anyday - Theakston's Old Peculier, Masham Black Sheep, Bateman XXXB... Ahh...
User ID: 0436494
Jun 1st 8:25 AM
also stella artois - the drink of the discerning football hooligan - and i mean REAL football, not that padded version of rugby for pussies that's played over in the states.
User ID: 0074284
Jun 1st 8:50 AM
Labatt Ice. Miller's.
And, of course, German bears you poor guys will never taste - except you come visiting me in Germany, that is.
User ID: 1822634
Jun 1st 9:24 AM
Stella artois is extremely tasty from Belgium, and Spatan is very nice as far as REAL football - just look at the physical specimens to compare which sport is pussy and which is true battle...try coming across the middle and having a 220 pound guy, who can run a 4.3 - 40 try and take your head off at full speed...
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Jun 1st 9:25 AM
I might surprise you yet.
User ID: 0436494
Jun 1st 9:58 AM
american footbal doesen't rate as a sport. just a load of padded pussies smacking in to each other, and falling acrobatically. it reminds me of WWF wrestling. try playing rugby, you pussies. that's why america is shit at rugby, because johnny football hero and his mates are scared to play a physical contact game where they're not padded up to the eyeballs. added to that, rugby has much more skill.
the only guy with any skill in american football, is the quarterback.
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Jun 1st 10:26 AM
With all due respect, it sounds to me like you don't fully understand the game of American football. The necessary skills vary depending on which position one is inclined to play. Actually, the best "skill" athletes on the team are usually running backs and wide receivers. The quarterback needs to be smart as well as talented. More often than not, bad decisions and turnovers will kill his team.

I agree that rugby is a tough sport played by a lot of diehards. I have some friends who play and love it. However, for whatever reason, it is nowhere near as popular as football over here and as a result we are eons behind the rest of the world in terms of being competitive. But your post hardly diminishes my love of American football. Still friends? :)
User ID: 0436494
Jun 1st 10:39 AM
i accept your veiwpoint, but will add that rugby is an infinitely better game.
User ID: 1822634
Jun 1st 11:08 AM
Funny, I have never seen someone in Rugby look like Jevan Kearse...Rugby is for faegs, men bending over "scrumming" to catch their breath as one guy runs down the field and others follow like is all contact all the time, not just one guy running the ball and other guys lollygagging beside him - in Rugby, the guy with the ball gets hit, then he stands around and lets some other guy get hit until he catches his breath, then he may do it again...

Football, you have every guy on the field trying to kill each other every play...ever get close to a football game and see the lines collide each play as people punch, spit, and basically maul each other every down? Pads you say? Pads add weight and allow them to hit harder...

Here is how I best do not call knights in plate mail pussies because they wear armor do you??? No, they wear it because if they didn't they would be do not see an armorless guy running into battle cause he would be killed...if Football did not have pads people would die (and have died even with pads)...Rugby does not have pads, not because it is tougher, but because pads are not needed, because it is not as tough. If people were being paralyzed left and right or killed you can bet the sport would have to add pads in order to keep competition going...thus Rugby is the pussy sport.

Also, in Rugby, all are relatively the same size, and all of your contact comes from ahead to to the left and right football, you can be blindsided by a 320 pound guy and get domolished...In Rugby, there are no missles - a guy doesn't run 20 yards in a full sprint to blind side you as you are TRYING TO CATCH A BALL IN THE AIR, and knocks your head off...try telling Jack Tatum he is a pussy - or the guy from New England who now sits in a wheel chair because Tatum paralyzed him with a hit.

Oh, and stop watching the European American Football League - that is not "professional" football, it is a joke.

Football wins!
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