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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / How Many Books in All?

User ID: 8005213
Oct 28th 10:02 AM
People often complain about the length of the 'Wheel of Time' series by Jordan. It doesn't bother me for one reason...once it's over, it's over. Sure, he can write sequels, but it won't really be the same thing. Therefore I don't mind buying a new book every two to four years. It's like a serial soap opera. The only problem I have with it is the story is not nearly as interesting anymore.

The same goes for Martin. If he wants to write four books or six books or however much it is now all the more power to him. As long as he keeps the story interesting he can write as many books as possible.

I don't like reading single books because I hate giving up the characters when I'm done reading them. You should have seen me when I found out Richard Adams wrote a sequel to 'Watership Down'! I was ecstatic!
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Oct 28th 12:11 PM
Audrey, I feel the same way you do about the number of books -- with the major proviso that the story remains alive. Unfortunately, WOT has put a bad taste in a lot of our mouths when it comes to an "open-ended" series.

And Audrey, why didn't you tell me earlier you liked Sansa. I've been going to war against the Arya people pretty much by my lonesome.
User ID: 0826264
Oct 28th 7:22 PM
Why go to war against the Arya people? I like both Arya and Sansa...why shouldn't I? The latter seems to be improving page by page. I have to admit at this point I like Arya more though. I hatehatehate Theon and I hope that he is dead. And after Renly pulled the "Kinslayer" joke (or laughed when someone else pulled it), then met an appropriate end, I laughed and laughed and laughed and *HIM*....

You are probably thinking I'm a psychopath. I'm not.

I've never read WOT. It seems to me that Robert Jordan can't shut up. And he does kill trees, there is no doubt about it. I am seriously considering making an Anti-RJ page (which will obviously be very unfair) which will support other less known fantasy and science fiction authors. How many sf/f writers have the sort of following that Jordan has?

Not many. Tad Williams has a few fans (count me in) and a wonderful page, but MS&T RPing is nonexistant (not that that's bad, I'm just giving an example here).

I've written too much, and strayed from the real topic... Sorry.
User ID: 9259363
Oct 31st 4:15 AM
I just hope Martin doesn't do what Eddings did, does anyone else notice the similarities between the "Garion" books and the "Sparhawk" books it would have been nice if he had came up with a new story or added more onto the first rather than just writing the same story again with different characters. I think four to six books would be a nice length for aSoIaF, but as Audrey said as long as the books stay interesting he should write as many as possible.
User ID: 0206274
Nov 1st 0:57 AM
I also agree,�If a story is great, than let the writer take his time to make the second book just as good.�We all remember what happened to the great Dragoncharm when Edwards whipped up Dragonstorm and Dragonflame.�I just want books worthy of being placed on my bookcase. ;)
User ID: 0826264
Nov 1st 6:17 PM
I was looking throught he bookstore Sunday when I overheard two people talking about Eddings' books. One was asking the other what they were about.

"Well," the guy said, "there are a few series. In the first one there are some main characters, and they kill a god."

The other asked what happened in the next series.

"You remember the main characters? Its them again, and they kill a god."

The third?

"The same characters go on a quest and ultimately kill a god."

I was trying not to laugh. There was a time when I would have picked up Eddings' books simply because they were fantasy, the way that I would have picked up Jordan's. Thank God I've not. ; )

If I've made any errors referring to the plot of Eddings' books, just remember that I've written what I overheard. <g>
User ID: 0053014
Nov 3rd 10:24 PM
No, errors were not made in your assesment of Eddings books. The same can be compared to the series of Forgotten Realms and DragonLance but with these type of books it can be said that those are amateur fantasy i.e basically copying in one way or another Tolkien's world. A more flagrant series of books copying Tolkien is the Iron Towers series (author seared from my mind) where step by step, Tolkien is copied. Even a favorite author of mine, Donaldson, basically repeats the same story in his second chronicles, though the similarities to Tolkien are less than most.
Besides the fact that Jordan is Martin (its the beards I tell you, THE BEARDS), WOT was great until I had to wait 2+ yrs for Path of Daggers to be released and then the entire novel spanned FOUR DAYS (or so it seemed) and NOTHING was accomplished other than the fact that the next book will (hopefully) be out soon. Besides Rand needs a smack...he's way too sensitive to be that powerful.
The MORE books the merrier. I finished C.S.Lewis' Narnia series with a loathing when I was nine. I could have lived forever in his works. Alas all must come to an end (at least to our human linear thinking).
Speaking of 'younger reader fantasy' any comments on books read while below the age of reason? Ok not reason but puberty :) In fact thats a pretty cool topic...think I'll start one :)

By the way Mr. Martin actually wrote back to me to tell me that he is not Jorden...ok I lie...he did write back though (probably a form letter...i.e. Thanks for the praise)
User ID: 9454293
Dec 15th 0:36 AM
Prehaps Mr jordan would benefit from the experience of Johnny Cash? If your in a creative rut and you've become a slave of your own unwieldy plot, try speed!
Street Prophet
User ID: 1934244
Dec 15th 1:27 AM
Really? There's a sequel to Watership Down? Cool. By the way, I find the same thing occuring with the Shanara series. Those books by Terry Brooks? I really liked the first one, but as I kept reading them, I realized I couldn't remember what happened in what book. That was because they were all the same! They were all cookie-board cut-outs of the previous book. Pretty sad actually.