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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Bad Movies

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User ID: 0227464
Nov 4th 5:26 PM
Why not?

1) Plan 9 from Outer Space. ok, I really like this movie but its absolutely terrible.
2) Seven. Just a huge downer. What's the point?
3) Footloose. Gag.
4) Grease. Double gag.
5) Where the Buffalo Roam. You've never heard of it and, trust me, you never want to see it.
User ID: 0283314
Nov 4th 5:50 PM
I thought Seven was pretty cool, but yeah, depressing. ;)

I won't try to list worst movies and such. But a bad one ... I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I recently saw the first Austin Powers film (for the first time, no less.)

I like Mike Myers quite a bit -- I thought Wayne's World was full of good bits and I even liked So I Married an Axe Murderer, which I found rather charming. But this one . . .

. . . the timing seemed off on almost every gag. A lot of things fell flat for me. While I could see the makings of a great idea there, it just didn't click. A couple of the jokes were great (as an old fan of McGoohan's The Prisoner, the "Who does #2 work for?!" joke struck me as the best of the lot.)

Ahh well. ;)

Obscure bad movie -- Salute of the Juggers, a post-apocalyptic bloodsport movie starring Rutger Hauer and Delroy Lindo (I boggled to see him listed.)

Medieval bad movie -- Ladyhawke. Would have been all right if it wasn't for the terrible, terrible score. Modern scores with lots of synth just don't mix with medievalia. Hrm, Rutger Hauer again . . .

I'll probably figure out some other ones if I think about it. ;)
User ID: 1766884
Nov 4th 6:02 PM
Worst movie ever... So bad I will never admit to spending the money to see it in a theatre... Highlander 2.
User ID: 0018434
Nov 4th 6:17 PM
There are so many I would need a full year to finish.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 4th 9:26 PM
Jeff, Completely agree about Seven.

Loved Ladyhawke. Mentally took out the synthesizer and imagined the music being played on "real" instruments.

Worst obscure movie I ever say was "Nightfall". Truly the worst.

I left Austin Powers 1 cause I found it generally not funny, liked the prisoner joke, like Mike Myers in general, so total agreement there.

Really overrated movies? My best example is probably "Reds". Not good, but nominated for academy award because it was PC at the time.

Richard Chamberlain did two Indiana Jones imitation movies. The first was bad, the second was incredibly, unbelievably bad.

I continue to be upset about When Harry Met Sally and I have never seen it. The very idea that certain things are so difficult they have to be faked it incomprehensible to me.

I hated the Disney "Hunchback of Notre Dame" as PC garbage. Pocohontas was pretty ridiculous too.

User ID: 9565813
Nov 4th 11:25 PM
Never, never see "Stealing Beauty" with Liv Tyler or "Stone Age." My friends convinced me to watch it because Stone Age supposedly was funny. That's the key word, supposedly. All it was about was a guy tripping out and bagging girls. I didn't even see the rest of the movie. Trust me.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 4th 11:27 PM that the "Stealing Beauty" movie about Heloise and Abelard? With the castrating scene? My friends and I really liked it. Of course, it was 10 years ago, so it may be a different movie....
User ID: 9809413
Nov 5th 1:13 AM
Joe versus the Volcano. Horrible. No redeeming qualities at all. I am still baffled that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan were in this movie.
User ID: 1251404
Nov 5th 4:27 AM
Bad Taste - just the scene with the spoon in the head is bad enough (made by the guy doing Lord of the Rings no less).
Robot Jox
Screamers(?? the one where the machines cut through the sand)
Pirhana - classic though
Jaws 4 - ugh
Warlock II
Wayne's World II - it was just so un-necessary
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Babysitter's Club
Heaps of others that I can't think of right now.

Loved Seven and Austin Powers. Sin baby YEAH!
User ID: 0283314
Nov 5th 4:40 AM
Stealing Beauty is Bernardo Bertolucci's film with Liv Tyler, set in ... uhm, Italy. Can't recall where.

Also had Joseph Fiennes. I don't know ... lovely, luscious landscapes. But, as with all Bertolucci's, frighteningly pretentious and often lacking in much narrative power. ;)
User ID: 9544623
Nov 5th 7:35 AM
I've seen lots of bad movies and absolutely loved the experience. If you get MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) where you are, you know why.
User ID: 0227464
Nov 5th 8:42 AM
Claidhaim, a man after my own heart! "The Killer Shrews" "Attack of the Giant Leeches" "The Angry Red Planet". They just don't get any better.
User ID: 0053014
Nov 5th 12:20 PM
ok not a movie but its so bad that I can't help but watch it when I can....drum roll.....WALKER,TEXAS RANGER---TA DA

(for non-american tv viewers-chuck norris's attempt at a weekly action show. Unbelievably horrible..Absolutely Horrible. So horrible that you watch it to see if it can get worse and it does. Still trying to figure out if its a really bizarre attempt at comedy)

Horrible movies-Neverending Story, SPEED,SPEED 2, Scream 2, I know (and still)know what you did last Summer,DUNE (ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!!-loved the books though)Salem's Lot, God the list could go on and on. Anything with Keanu Reeves except River's Edge and maybe Devil's advocate. Pretty much the same with anything with Sandra Bullock in it. Mars attacks
User ID: 9209903
Nov 5th 12:34 PM
I think about a few European films (from the local International Film Festival), but the titles would probably not mean squat to you (besides, I forgot them :P).

There was this one Italian film, which _might_ , just might, mind you, have been decent if it had been shortened with one hour.

As it was, I was so bored that I pondered leaving (something I generally _never_ do - if I've paid hard cash for it, I'm going to sit it out, no matter the pain and agony).

And worst of all, when it was all over, the one thing that lingered with me, was this - 'How many elephants _can_ you get in a Fiat, anyway?' It was asked two times, once at the very end, but never answered. The goddam thing still irks me.
User ID: 9544623
Nov 5th 12:38 PM
The first "MST3K" I saw was "Escape from Atlantis" starring Kathy Ireland before she got voice lessons. Ohhhhhh how they tortured the poor girl due to her screetching voice. I don't think I stopped laughing for the two hours it was on.
User ID: 1704034
Nov 6th 2:40 PM
Face/Off is the worst movie ever made. It's only redeeming vaule is that I now know the worst move ever made without a shadow of doubt. I really despise this film.

Some really bad movies I enjoy watching:
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death - a must see B movie
Amazon Women from the Moon
Jail Bait - One of Ed Woods worst.
Kill, Kill, Faster Pussycat - it took me two times to watch this. It was painful.

Claidhaim - that was her _real_ voice!! I thought she was in a room full of helium. hahahahahaha
User ID: 0053014
Nov 6th 5:36 PM
I have to agree that Face/Off might possibly be the worst movie I have ever seen.
User ID: 9084913
Nov 7th 5:01 AM
One for all you Aussies out their....The most horric movie ever made, is not no doubt Whoop Whoop.�If their is anyone who likes this movie, do not tell me. If you have not seen the movie, hire it, watch it and agree with me.�Their is no movie worse than this.�A movie based on "Life is like a bowl of cherries" could not be worse than it, if it stared Al Gore.��Do I make my point?
User ID: 9084913
Nov 7th 5:12 AM
Oh, I forgot about the remake of "The king and I"��First Knight and Merlin were fairly bad. But really, is their a movie that plays like it's noval counter-part?��and probably 90% of all Gangster movies.�not to forget ID4.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 7th 6:37 AM
I recently saw one of the worst movies ever. Don't know the proper english title, but translated from german, it would be "the haunted castle". With Catherine Zeta Jones. It came out this year. Boy, was _that_ bad! Yak. The constructed plot... everything was predictable in advance! All these ridiculous children's ghosts, whispering "Eleanor, find us!" I kept on giggling through the whole film...
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