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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Good Movies II

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User ID: 1954724
Jan 3rd 11:19 PM
Damn, I typed up a post, then the computer told me that I couldn't post cuz it was full. My bad.
Here's what I had written:

Niven was Bond. Peter Sellers was an impostor Bond.

Sphinx, you names the Bonds in the order I like best too. As to how we prefer our Bonds, I think it really depends on when we were introduced to them. I was introduced to 007 in the late 70's, hence, I preferred Moore over Connery. I came of age watching Remington Steele, that's why he's my favorite Bond.

Funny thing. Roger Moore is older than Sean Connery.

User ID: 7907793
Jan 5th 1:55 PM
OK, on which of the two are we to post now? I'll just take this one. :-)

As for the Bond discussion: I think Brosnan is perfect. He is as I always imagined Bond. Smooth, swift, with a touch of cynism and so immaculate that you do not know if you want to be delighted or disgusted. :-) Brosnan is perfect for it.

And now for something completely different. :-)
I just saw my "Film of 1999". There always is a Film of the Year for me (and I promise you, in 1998, it was NOT Titanic). The '99 winner is: Fight Club. Jeez, what a film. Wild and quick, with breathtaking pictures (especially the close-ups) and wonderful dialogues. What did you think of it?
User ID: 0867924
Jan 5th 2:03 PM
Sean Connery will always be Bond for me, I think. However, the Bond who came closest to Ian Fleming's character is Timothy Dalton. It's a shame the audiences really weren't ready for a darker, more human Bond. Connery wins out, though, for his sheer presence -- feral, superhuman, and always quick with his dry wit and smooth charm.

My own order:

Connery, Dalton, Brosnan & Moore (even, really -- Brosnan looks right, acts well enough, but Moore was much more charming and amusing), Lazenby (mainly because he was in just one film.)

My fiancee reverses it mostly -- Moore, Brosnan, Dalton, Connery, Lazenby. Hrmph.

Casino Royale was rather amusing. Always liked David Niven.
User ID: 0415304
Jan 5th 2:12 PM
From the first time I saw Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele, I cast him as James Bond. You can imagine how excited I was when he finally became Bond! But when I went to see the was such a letdown! He seemed born to play the part, but somehow, instead of being suave and sexy with a sharp wit, he came across as a little slow, always underestimating the women around him. I think they've managed to update all the characters to fit in with women's role in the 90's, but failed to adjust Bond's behavior for that. I was so sad! I haven't yet seen the latest one, but I'm hoping it's better written than the last one!
User ID: 7907793
Jan 5th 4:12 PM
Did you think so? I didn't see the latest one, either (I will do so Tuesday :-)), but I loved Goldeneye. I thought Toworrow Never Dies was a dissapointment, but Goldeneye was really good.

The new one has to be a winner: I was so glad to hear that the bad guy is NOT a German, for a change. LOL
User ID: 1536664
Jan 5th 4:29 PM
Actually, Ian Fleming himself imagined Bond as David Niven.

My preference by far is Connory. He's the one who really looks like he has a license to kill. The guy hits you, and you know it. He just has an element of lethality that I think the others mostly lacked.
User ID: 0867924
Jan 5th 5:42 PM
He imagined Niven as Bond?

Hrrm. Not Niven-as-shown-in-Casino-Royale, I hope. That was pretty much comedy.

Maybe using the _actor_, who could indeed play some very good roles, but I think Dalton best conformed to the way Bond was presented inthe stories. :)
User ID: 9308123
Jan 5th 6:30 PM
Min, I loved Fight Club, great movie, great plot, ANARCHY!! That and American Beauty are my Films of the year. Kevin Spacey is awesome in American Beauty.
User ID: 1954724
Jan 5th 10:41 PM
Speaking of Spacey, if you guy's haven't seen THE USUAL SUSPECTS, you must. That is the awesomest movie I ever saw. Not because of action, but the plot. It's deep. After seeing the movie, you think back and wonder is it ever happened.

Hmm, you Connery lover's must be oldfolk. Ha ha ha.

I too loved Remington Steele and thought that Brosnan would have been the perfect Bond. He actually got the role in the mid-80's when Remington Steele was winding down, but NBC didn't want him to do it, so the made Steele go another season, even though it was already on the skids. If it wasn't for that, then we would not have to have sat through Dalton as Bond. As it is, I didn't think he was all that bad. He was a bit stiff and to PC, but I would blame the writers more than the actor.

User ID: 1954724
Jan 5th 10:45 PM

I must find the book and read it, because even though I loved the movie, the sub-plot was confusing. We all knew that Hawk was the rightful King, because he was the son of the former king, but who the heck were the brother and sister (hottie Kathleen Beller) that were called Prince and Princess? I don't recall Hawk having younger siblings. As it is, Hawk would have had to have had Targaeryan appetites as he "did" Kathleen Beller at the end of the movie.

User ID: 9216993
Jan 6th 0:26 AM
Min, Fight Club kicked massive amounts of ass IMHO. It's just sad that some people did not know how to take the movie. I think that is why it got blasted by a lot of film critics.

Oh, and I remember hearing on the news about some dumbass kids starting their own fight club. Inevitably, one of the kids got beat into a coma by his friend. I never heard the follow-up story to it, but I hope that he pulled out of it. Jeez, huh?

Dirjj, The Usual Suspects was a fine bit of filmmaking and I recommend it to anyone.

Btw, I saw The Talented Mr. Ripley about a week ago and I hated it. It was directed by Anthony Minghella, the guy who did the English Patient (hated that one too). IMHO, it was boring, incredulous, and had no likable characters. I suppose Ripley is supposed to be the anti-hero, but I never got into him. Of all of the performances, I suppose Jude Law was the best but he didn't do anything to make me feel that he deserves the Golden Globe nomination. Just a terrible movie. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they enjoyed the English Patient. It just wasn't my kind of movie.

Galaxy Quest OTOH, was a hoot. It was a Star Trek parody that was better than most of the Star Trek films. Tim Allen does alright, Sigourney Weaver is good comedic shape, and Tony Shalhoub and Alan Rickman are brilliant. A good, fun, and funny movie.

User ID: 0276214
Jan 6th 0:29 AM
For me its Brosnan, Moore, Lazenby, Dalton, Connery. Wait, dont' shoot me! I have come to really like Sean Connery as an actor. Its just that I grew up on Moore, and since his portrayal was rather the opposite of Connery, I do not particularly enjoy Connery in that role.

I like the humorous Bond. I don't mean to appeal to stereotypes, but Bone is English (not Scotch or Irish or Australian, like three of the other Bonds.)....ok, now you probably think it is inconsistent of me to prefer Brosnan, who is Irish. He does such a good job with the acting though. He says "Shaken not stirred" and "Bond James Bone" in such a way that it sounds melifulous every time and I never want to laugh at the insipidity of it all. Well,also he is cute as all get out (when I was a kid the 40 something Moore was not cute to me, though charming, suave and funny). BTW, I have seen pictures of the young Moore and he was an Adonis...a man to take away the breath of those who like men :-)

Ok, sorry. Guess you are seeing a female reaction to James Bond here. I think its fun. My only complaint is that for some reason I can never follow the plots. I mean, supposedly I am intelligent. Anyone else have this problem?

(Well, I followed the plot of the Lazenby/Rigg one, but other than that, I just remember enjoying the tech effects and the rather pleasant bedroom scenes....the the bedroom scenes were really bad in the last one, I thought.)

Oh, and here is to Desmond Llewellyn, who passed away last month. He was a great addition to my enjoyment of the films, and thus to my enjoyment of life. He will be missed, though John Cleese will be appreciated as "R".

I think I have mentioned that my movie of the year was "The Green Mile" and for me it was one of the top two films of the 90s. (The other being Life is Beautiful.)

I wish I could understand what it is about Fight Club. I did not care for the "surprise" as I saw "The Sixth Sense" a few weeks before and its surprise was much better. I was thinking it must be a "guy thing", but Min....why do you love it? There must be something I am not seeing here.

The last time this happened to me, it was "Barry Lyndon". My girlfriend and I heehawed all the way though the thing, but when I saw it in my 20s, I knew it was actually great.
User ID: 9216993
Jan 6th 0:57 AM
LindaElane, if you loved the movie the Green Mile, then I recommend that you read the book.

For me, I didn't enjoy it as much b/c I read the book first. The book is more fleshed out and the secondary characters (like the other prison guards and the inmates) are handled in better detail. The fact that I was wanting more than what I got detracted from my enjoyment of the film. The end still managed to choke me up, even though I knew what was going to happen. :)
User ID: 8882983
Jan 6th 3:00 PM
As a consolation prize to Sir Galahad for everyone posting on this 'Good Movies II' instead of his, I'll copy his message here:

<<<Sorry, but I hated On Her Majesty's Secret Service.>>>

All right. I think I can forgive you. :) I always wonder about people who apologize before they toss out their countering opinion.

<<Lazenby had none of the subtlety and charm that makes Bond Bond. He's just not... suave enough.>>

Dirj can chat with you on this one. That was my favorite Bond film though. And, I don't feel it's proper to compare Lazenby to any of the other Bond actors, except perhaps Dalton, since the others have been in three or more Bond films. Lazenby got one.

I still think he had the best opening line out of all of them: *Playing the fourth wall * "Well, this certainly never happened to the other fellow." Best romance of substance, too. And, Bond actually got hurt unlike many of the other Bond films where he almost never bled. Especially now.
User ID: 0276214
Jan 6th 3:05 PM
Thanks, Sphinx. Wow, people really do care, just
like the Chevron commercial.

I was beginning to think I was persona non grata
on here since I dared to disagree with Ran, the
creator of these boards.
User ID: 8882983
Jan 6th 3:06 PM
Although my ulterior motive is so I can reply to it: :-)

<<<I always wonder about people who apologize before they toss out their countering opinion.>>>

That depends how sincere the apology is :-)

Re: Fight Club, I think I already said it kicks serious ass. David Fincher is a genius. And all the materialism and identity stuff really got me thinking, too. It's a pretty deep film, as well as visually stunning, well plotted and briliantly acted.

User ID: 1718124
Jan 6th 7:00 PM
Best Bond? Ian Fleming followed by John Gardner. I don't know who this latest fellow is as I've not picked up one of his stories yet. So he's off the list.

Wait a minute, this is for the movies. Ok. Connery, Brosnan, Dalton, Lazenby, and Moore. I just couldn't really believe that this little man (Moore) was Bond. Not after Connery. The films with Moore were also a little campy what with "Jaws" showing up in what, three of them? Of course the "surgery" to make Connery look Japanese was fairly campy too.
User ID: 0276214
Jan 6th 8:51 PM
SPHINX: If you get down on your knees and beg,
maybe I'll take it as sincere. :0

FIGHT CLUB was great and the themes about our
focus on consumerism, gender issues, making
other people's dreams come true, etc . . . were
thought provoking. But, rather than concentrate
more on that, I felt it lost the spine of the story. The ending was so weird that it still
confuses me and I can only hope it was some type
of symbolism.

Brosnan is cool. No doubt about it. Connery
is just cooler. :)
User ID: 8813033
Jan 6th 10:10 PM
Connery's _meaner_. That's what made him the best Bond.
User ID: 8882983
Jan 8th 12:46 PM
Galahad; I had no intentions towards sincerety.:)

I'm just about to read the novel Fight Club, which apparently has a different ending. I'll let you know.
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