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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Who are you?

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User ID: 1432154
Jan 18th 8:21 PM
I'd like to know how all of you are...yes...YOU!!! The whole lot of you on the board, just so I know who I'm arguing with a discussing with. If it's not too much trouble and not too embarassing, post your age, gender, and who you are most like from A Song of Ice and Fire. This will tell the others what kind of person you are inside without giving a HUGE life-story. If you can't/don't want to come up with a character, really an age and sex is fine. Just wanna know who all you fine people I chat with are.
User ID: 1432154
Jan 18th 8:26 PM
Okay, I'll start:

17-years-old (yes, I'm a youngin'), male.

I like to think of myself to be a lot like Jon Snow. I'm about his age and am, by definition, a bastard. I'm outspoken, yet hold a certain respect for those above me, and carry a strong sense of honor within me. My family means much to me and I'm always looking out for the under-dog.
Ser Bolton
User ID: 1139804
Jan 18th 9:44 PM
Hello all, I have been lurking here for what can probably be considered an inappropriately long amount of time, and saw this as a good, well, decent, at least, opportunity to show myself, and (hopefully) contribute something. Or at the very least not detract from anything!

I discovered aGoT at the bookstore about two years ago now, and have never really looked back. My reading stays primarily in the realm of fantasy, with the usual authors; Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks, Elliott, J.V. Jones, Feist, Farland, and, obviously, Martin.

And, as most of you have deduced from my name, I have an affinity for the Boltons. And I expect I'm the only one. Fair enough, as all the Tully's, who seem quite popular, make me rather sick, save only for Edmure. My favorite characters are/were(if deceased) Roose, Jaqen, Syrio, Halfhand, Bronn, Shagga, Edmure, Jory, Rodrik, Luwin, Benjen and Eddard. Hmmm. What an interesting army I've fielded there....

Well, before this gets absurdly long, I'll answer the questions and go merrily on my way. I'm 16 years old, and male.

As for the question of which character I believe myself to be, that's quite interesting...I had never given any thought to it. However, were I forced to choose, I would have to say.... ::spends literally 15 minutes in his chair thinking:: ....Roose Bolton. I lack his penchant for leeches, but otherwise, I see much of myself in his soft-spoken, cool-headed, and severaly odd manner. Though I suppose I don't flay my enemies and wear their skin as clothing. At least....not yet....

Er, anyway, that's my introduction to the board, and now it's done.
User ID: 9600383
Jan 18th 11:46 PM
I haven't been on this board for a very long time, although I have been looking up ASOIAF for quite a while. As a matter of fact, I was, I think, one of the first people to put a message up on the very first ASOIAF board. That was a long time ago.....I think I was fifteen. Well, I'm seventeen now, female, and I picked up a game of Thrones at my grocery store because I liked the picture on the cover.....I usually judge books by their cover....I guess it worked this time!!

I really can't identify myself with any of the characters. I know I'd like to be like Arya, but I'm afraid my enthusiasm for chasing cats and being constantly dirty has fallen short. My fav character is Jon Snow, but I also really like Sandor.

By the way, anybody else live in Vancouver?
Is anybody else Canadian????
Oh, and my name's really Keilen, but I spell it Keelyn so that people can pronounce it and won't think that I'm a guy. From what I hear, it wasn't very affective.
Ser Gary
User ID: 9328513
Jan 19th 8:35 AM
Keelyn, I'm an American, but I've been to Vancouver. It was in 1987. It's a beautiful city. I was staying at the gorgeous Pan Pacific hotel at the time. I remember being amazed at the planes landing on the water nearby, and the Alaskan cruise ships docked right outside.
User ID: 0561484
Jan 19th 9:25 AM
Well, hello there. I just found this forum a few days ago and I too see this as a good place to enter. I'm 26, Hispanic, ans I live in the Midwest. I actually heard about ASoIaF in a Wheel Of Time forum. And it has overtaken my obsession of a WoT. I find the characters haunting and realistic. I am impatiently waiting for ASoS.
User ID: 2742064
Jan 19th 10:58 AM
LOL, Keilen! It's a beautiful name, even if you would have been a guy! Is it Irish? No, I haven't been to Vancouver but some day I am going to make it up there.

I'm scared to say this but I'm... 27. Ahhhh! Too close to 30! I'm in North Carolina but I don't have a damn accent... I'm more recently from Oregon, and I miss it very, very much!

My husband had to pull teeth to get me to read these books, and the funny thing is that I can remember (before I read them) the two of us going all over our county and the next trying to find a library that had ACoK on hand! I was so irritated but then he finally bought it and shortly after I read both. It was cool being able to read them back to back, but it's killing me waiting for SoS.
Most of you probably know Sandor is my favorite (but that wasn't until after CoK). In GoT, Eddard and Dany are my favorites. But there's not too many characters that don't have some aluring qualities about them and the ones I don't like GRRM intended that reader not like them. I love how well rounded these characters are.
User ID: 8890073
Jan 19th 11:16 AM
I am relatively new to this board, and like everyone else, a huge fan of GRRM. Like Ami, I am 27, but I am not dreading the big 30 the way she is.

I live on Houston, but I grew up in Calgary. Canada is a great place, but too DAMN cold. I still have family up there so I go every now and again.

My favorite characters are Tyrion, Jon, and Eddard before he became a foot shorter. I hate Sansa with every fiber in my body. She is EVIL!!!
User ID: 0561484
Jan 19th 11:31 AM
Oh yeah, what character am I most like? Hmmmm...My favorite characters are Jon and Tyrion, but I'd have to say Bran. I was a very sickly child until I outgrew it. Because I couldn't run and play outside, I took up reading. I guess you could say my 3rd eye was born.
User ID: 6960173
Jan 19th 3:01 PM
Good lord, most of you people are new. There's a thread down below titled READERS. We are currently on READERS II (88), and it hasn't been updated in a while. Those two threads will tell you a lot about the people who post here.

Umm, Rhoe, I believe the Ned became a head shorter, and not a foot.

User ID: 8890073
Jan 19th 4:14 PM
Ha Ha!
User ID: 1251404
Jan 19th 9:01 PM
Also, there's a thread below titled
User ID: 1251404
Jan 19th 9:02 PM
Also, there's a thread below titled WHO'S WHO IN THE REAL WORLD that displays recommendations by the readers as to what poster would be mostlike which ASOI&F character. Did my english make sense?

Street Prophet
User ID: 2107894
Jan 20th 0:35 AM
I'm 21, a college student in San Francisco. I'm from New York City, Detroit, Texas, England, all over California. I was born in Ireland. I can't say who I relate to. Physically I'm a big fellow, about 6'4", but I guess you're asking who we relate to with personality. Hmmmmm, I think I've always liked Jory Cassel, but we're only two books into the series. I probably won't show up until book four :)
User ID: 0074284
Jan 20th 7:32 AM
You should know that there is a topic called "The Readers", in which we older boarders presented ourselves. I might as well tell you anew, just in case you do not want to sketch through all those messages on the other topics again.

I am 28, a TV and radio journalist from Cologne, Germany. I do not really rely to any character in the books, so I can't give you anything. When I was a girl, I was a copy of Arya, though - ask my Mum. :-) Do you really want me to describe myself? I think I have to, or there will be nothing new to my old pot in the Readers topic. I am headstrong, tolerant to each consequence, honest, and I can be a kick-ass in a discussion (ask Jeff :-)) Just to give you two good and two bad characteristics that came to my mind immediately. It's hard to describe oneself. I love writing, and I love every breathing creature. My biggest mistake, and my biggest strength. Oh, and I never give up.

Did that come close? Those who know me might judge. :-)
User ID: 1536664
Jan 20th 9:25 AM
Min is Lyanna. Don't let her tell you otherwise.

I'm a 37 year old lawyer, former U.S. Marine. I'd like to think of myself as most like Ned, though I'm perhaps just a _touch_ more flippant than he. And I think I've got a better head on my shoulders as well. :-)

User ID: 9892733
Jan 20th 10:21 AM
Jeff, do you practice Civil or Criminal law?

My name is really Alex, I am 28, a programmer, live in Boston, MA.

I was born in USSR and left the county at the tender age of 19, immigrating here. Graduated from Loyola college with BBA and a good load of theology and philosophy courses. I do not compare myself with any of the characters, but my favorite is Tyrion, of course (and I am way better looking then him). I am married, have a 3 years old son.
User ID: 0074284
Jan 20th 11:12 AM
Well, given the thought that we know literally nothing about Lyanna, I'll give no objection.
Jeff, the biggest difference between Ned and you is that you still _have_ a head.
Or that Ned lacks humour. You don't. :-)
User ID: 8882983
Jan 20th 2:16 PM
I'm 23, I live in North London. I like Daenerys, Jaime, Haagen-Daas (especially Baileys), Toffee Cookie Cheescake (yay!), David Fincher, Johnny Depp, Sara-Michelle Gellar, Depeche Mode, Holst, Beethoven (especially his 9th), Neil Gaiman, Iain Banks, sunny days, a good debate, Meat Feast Pizza at 3am after a club, Dirk Gently's holistic theories of life (the table leg's still not talking, though!), Dave McKean, Bridget Riley, Gaudi, Klimt, Chelsea FC, New Orleans Saints, dry white wine (particularly Chablis and Muscadet), playing unhinged characters in roleplaying games, Glastonbury Festival and Calvin and Hobbes... these are just a few of my favourite things.
User ID: 8890073
Jan 20th 2:31 PM
New Oleans Saints? The NFL football Saints? Why? How? I was always told the English were a little off and now I have my proof!
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